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Posts posted by Alex

  1. About slammer thoughit isnt a gravitational spin its a motorised one thats how it comes to a halt after 3 spins

    Indeed it is motorised, but if power was lost to the motors, then gravity would take over. At worst you'd be stuck at 90 degrees, but never inverted. Now if a motor was to jam, then that could be a different story, unlikely though.
  2. Slammer would never become stuck with riders inverted. It's physically impossible, little thing called gravity. If Zodiac's motors failed at full spin then the rotating motion would slow to an eventual stop, and the pneumatic piston that angles the ride would become jammed in whichever position it was in when power was lost.

  3. Chaz, that's all well and good, but there is more to businesses than crude money making, something that seems to be increasingly overlooked across the board, not just with theme parks.

    sure, it could be better however, they have no real NEED to make the theming outstanding

    That's one of the main problems with the industry over here. Tussauds have a monopoly; they can get away with doing sweet FA, because people don't know any better. Theming can totally make or break a park. Take Chessington for example, without the theming (which admittedly it is now loosing, thanks Tussauds) it is just a park full of fairly mediocre rides. The theming makes it what it is. It generates a buzz, an atmosphere, something Thorpe is dreadfully lacking in.The atmosphere, the excitement created would without a doubt enhance a guest's day, giving them a better view of the park, and making them more likely to return and recommend it to friends. Remember, word of mouth is bar far the most powerful form advertising.These repeat visits and recommendations would have a positive effect on Tussauds' profit margins, which as you say is their primary goal.

    why spend it if you dont have to?

    By spending more money on theming, an effect like the above would be seen. This could draw customers away from rival parks which in turn creates competition, the rival park will want those customers back. Therefore, they up standards too, the only way to keep a industry moving is to continually up standards, to innovate as a business in an attempt to stick your nose out in front, otherwise the industry will end up slumping.Or, in short, got to spend money to make money!
  4. Fastrack is a terrible idea regardless of how my money it makes. It encourages a hierarchical atmosphere and the idea that because Person A has more money than Person B, then they shouldn't have to queue as long.Everyone should have to queue the same amount of time, but instead Tussauds should focus their efforts on making the queuing experiance more enjoyable and part of the day, instead of trying to squeeze every last penny out of guests while they are on the premises.It isn't like Tussauds are straped for cash anyway, they just don't like spending it where they don't have to.

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