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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Heh, beats doing work...Photo's taken on my phone, because my camera is all the way over there *points* My resonably tidy desk...Posted ImageItems on desk include... three speakers from my 5.1 set (:unsure:), 19"monitor, mouse, keyboard, christmas hats, DVD-RWs, wallet, chocolate, screwdriver, old mouse, UK-EU plug socket converter, blue highlighter, external HDD, CD-RW, mouse recharger thingy, fan, mp3 player hub, razor, donkey note holder, dead batterys, pliers, crocodile bottle opener, light, phone. And some other stuff.Near desk... PC MPU, window, cool lean-y spinn-y chair. Ikea FTW!Have a closer look...Posted ImageAnd here, for your viewing pleasure, is a video of my sound-activated cathode doing it's sound-activated thing. This is my old light setup though, as you can see above I now have 2 x Red & Blue and 1 x Blue as opposed to the 1 x Blue shown below, but I'm sure you can live without another video. Filmed on my phone, so yeh, it's crap again, and for some reason... it's upside down *shrugs*Edit: YouTube's A Bastard, So Click HereYuh, I'm bored.

  2. Ok this one might sound cheesy, but I actually just love helping people, I thrive on giving advice to people and I genuinally just want to help them. It makes me feel good tbh.


    Woo, ditto, add that to my list of things I occasionally do!And giving presents, me likes that too, though it's not really a hobby. Heh.Oh, and music, did I allready say that though? Meh XD
  3. Dont make fun of Phill, I'm getting a mac.

    Erm, I wasn't...And yer, my 'hobbies' arn't really hobbies, they're more things I might do occasionally if I can be bothered. Used to have hobbies, too much effort nowadays really. Heh.
  4. Something tells me Phill's gonna turn this into a Mac whoring topic! :DErm, yeah, computer hardware and stuff are ok I guess, frustrating but meh. Like music, films, photography (when I can be bothered) all the usual stuff really.Yuh, I'm boring.

  5. Like the second idea, not so much the first though. I don't think enough young kids that will want to go on treasure hunts visit Thorpe every day if the summer to warrant the extra cost. Not only staffing, but costumes, licenses and what not, would probably all add up.Summer BBQ's on the other hand could definitely be a winner, especially with the late nights. Personally, I don't see the demand for the second smaller pool, so that could be sanded over to create one large sandy area, and one sandy/pool area (with the slides). Stick in a little tunnel going under the path to connect the two, large catering outlet on the far side of the sand only beach, tables and chairs, bar, BBQ, sorted! =D

  6. There are loads of rides that could fit in Zodiac's place, but not half of the ones you listed.Just going by the stats I could find, a Huss Jump2 would fit, but more clearance would be needed around the ride than I think is currently available.

  7. Indeed, as the others said, excellent piece of music, and unlike a certain other park we may know, Phill can loop!Although, it is rather clear somebody has far to much time of their hands -_-But yeah, very good, well dones =]

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