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Posts posted by Alex

  1. Now now, let's not be hasty :mellow:

    Hmmm now I'm confuesed do you mean you recycled things from your first 2 pics and made it into something in the second?

    No, don't look at the first set of pics, for arguements sake they don't even exist! :blink:Edit: Another doughnut for whoever can guess what brand larger bottle I am currently using to store a pencil! Clue - It's to the right of the right hand speaker.
  2. Check my all new tidy desk, now with a useable surface, yay!Posted ImagePosted ImageA doughnut related prize goes to whoever can guess what I've recycled to use as a note holder! Clue - it's directly to the right of my monitor.

  3. Blah, you're all just stoopid, especially that Mark Nine fellow :mellow:Coffee and Tea for the winn0rs really!Sophisticated moi, I'm sure you'll all warm to them some day (heh, see what I did there, warm, Tea, Coffee - oh, never mind)! :mellow:

  4. Would you believe I'm a pacifist?


    "A person who believes that anything goes, including murder, just so long as it isn't them who does the killing. Pacifists will snitch to police, set people up, steal, lie, cheat, screw your boyfriend/girlfriend, and instigate fights between non-pacifists."God I love Urban Dictionary!
  5. Just seen Desperate Housewives... episode 15 and OMG, you won't want to miss it!All the less exciting episodes are building up to an *amazing* 15th one, so get some torrents and see it now damn it, not in a month and a half on C4! :mellow:

  6. Yeah, but they actually shoot far more footage than they use, and take fairly frequent breaks in the shooting, so he could easily have recieved a microphone then.No, I'm not a 'sound techy', I just have common sense.

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