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Posts posted by Alex

  1. - A member of staff whilst waiting for Colossus gates to close told me that in 2010 Thorpe Park are taking Air from Alton Towers, and that it was going underground (?).

    Something tells me they *might* have been bulls**tting...

    seemed to spend most of the day on the phone!

    Don't we know it...Plus, you said you were going to be positive, but FFS!-------------------------------I also went on the 11th. Don't do trip reports, but heh, I was just ill and miserable all day. Nice to see peoples though.
  2. I went to TP today (10th feb. 07) and it was rubbish but they are building a new roller coaster and the staff would not tell me anything,I would have to wait and see but it will go underground like Oblivion at Alton Towers.


    I somewhat doubt that, seeing as if they dig too far down at Thorpe there's a fairly good chance they'll hit water, or things will start to collapse...Apart from that, good trip report, all be it a little hard to read! =]
  3. If there wasn't no school. Am sure Tussands wouldn't extist, or even the home you are living in right now.

    There's no arguing that school serves a purpose, dosen't mean you can't hate it though.

    Which one of you cheeky Admins added Hate em all to the list :DNow everyone is voting it! lol


    Woops, that'd be me, I'm going power mad I tells ya!
  4. Eurgh, Stats, just Maths but somehow more irrelevant.What are you doing for your coursework? I'm sure I have my old bit lying around somewhere on my PC... =PActually, not sure how much of it I did on PC. I was right proud of that too, had some snazzy stuff in it! >_>

  5. Aw, poor yous, and I thought I was having a bad day...I'm sure you weren't pissing peoples off, probably quite the contrary, but just thinking too much about what you said in retrospect... I do it all the time, find a nice movie or something perhaps, take your mind off things =]Also, with your Geography entry, make sure you mention it ASAP, there isn't normally a charge, but some exam boards have been changing how things work (max is about ?20 for an entry change I think). If you get in quick enough, they may not have been sent off yet.Tomorrow's a new day :D

  6. Well done, you all learnt some naughty words.In other news, my IT Techs are bloomin weird as well. They have a spooky dark air conditioned room (since heat killed the system last year) and there's one fat bloke that wears a scarf all year round. He only ever leaves the room for food. We also have a very angry old bloke and a younger guy who is alright. They seem to spend thier days prowling the school PCs for peple that are in anything other than a MS Word doc.Three sodding technicians, and our network is still crud!

  7. Personally, don't dislike football, but do despise when it's all people can find to talk about. That and the stupid amounts on money these (mostly) brain dead idiots get paid to kick a bit of leather around for 90 minutes each week, it's just utterly ridiculos.I mean, Beckham, ?500k a WEEK, a friggin' week! Most people wouldn't earn that in a lifetime, and when you have people like doctors and surgeons that are saving lives on a daily basis, you'd think the pay packets should be switched.Sure, a footballer might get up to run around a bit in the morning, and go to the gym once a day or whatever, but it's hardly taxing! A doctor on the other hand has spent 4 years + in University to gain his/her qualifications, but gets paid a fraction of what a footballer does in a year.

    My physics teacher is obssesed with reading FC and we say reading suck just to annoy him

    Not too far from the truth tbh :unsure:
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