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Posts posted by Alex

  1. So why is the avergae age here so young? I know of plenty of people over 20 and even 30 who love theme parks...

    We havn't been around that long in our current form really, so I guess that plays a part. People also tend to just stick to whatever forum they are already on too, and while there are loads of older enthusiasts, it's more the 'kids' that are into parks really.Also, TPM does tend to attract people when they are kicked off other forums, and those people tend to be young.Combo of things I guess, would type more, but my hands ache!
  2. I wholeheartedly apologise on behalf of myself and Sebastian for the inconvenience caused to Thorpe Park Mania's members and their affiliates. I assure them that appropriate action has been taken to prevent a recurrence of such events.Your patience is appreciated at this time.Alex Corp?.

  3. Errm your not facing the ground on every swing your sometimes facing upwards. It goes "facing down, facing up, facing down, facing up" and so one until the ride ends.

    The good thing about rush is your garanteed to be facing the floor every other swing.

    Read people's posts before replying please.
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