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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Reminds me of the guy on the Smiler Shop TV channel "Tell them...the-the-the smwoi...The Smiler sent you."
  2. Hey, that's what I said in the Blackpool meet thread! Using my tactics, eh? I should hopefully be a yes for this It will feel so good to escape, have a (lovely) change of scenery and be back at my favourite UK park And of course, be reunited with my Alpini bar selling, trolley dolly son!
  3. I said "Giant guinea pigs!" actually Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  4. Mer

    This Or That

    Cycling, definitely! Thong or French knickers? ... What? It's a refreshing change from the usual questions, nothing wrong with that! Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  5. Bananter... Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  6. Mer

    This Or That

    In the words of ol' Ben Woodward: "CHEESE!" Mike or Myk?
  7. Mer

    The Banning Game

    Was this because Ryan was flinging his spoon around or?? I remember the topic of drunken Twister coming up...oh god, I didn't face plant my banana split did I?! Anyway, Matt Creek - you are banned for your hilarious method of drinking wine! EDIT: Oh bugger! JoshC you're banned for ruining my Matt-Creek-wine-drinking-method-ban!
  8. SSSSH Alex! Time for moar selfies... Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  9. Ope Well I know I was there! But...y'know...tis a bit of a blur!
  10. Mer

    This Or That

    Strawberry jam! Classic Banana Split or Bananaberry Sundae Split?
  11. Mer

    The Banning Game

    Banned for being rude to Ryan.
  12. True (with regards to putting a smiley etc). It still seems a bit of an overreaction though; to assume a member - particularly a new one and after their first meet - would really be that rude, rather than question if there's any banter etc. But yes, moving on... Chessie meets always do brilliantly and this was no exception I eagerly await the various photos and videos that were captured throughout the day, and my own collection shall be appearing soon! Jack made a vlog that day and it is now on his YouTube, worth watching! I'll let him link it though EDIT 1: I posted this originally in reply to JoshC, then Phill had posted so I edited it to be back on topic and positive...and now I've been alerted that Alpengeist has quoted a post I made here! Bare with! EDIT 2: S'all good, but Alpengeist's reply makes no sense
  13. Mer

    The Banning Game

    Banned for taking too long to find It's A Small World on their phone whilst on Bubbleworks!
  14. Hmmmmm... *strokes invisible beard thoughtfully*
  15. Ok someone's gonna have to explain all this to those of us who were sat at the other end of the table I feel we've missed out!
  16. Mer

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having that avatar! It looks like a fish and ET's love child.
  17. YES. This sounds amazing and has put a huge (and much needed!) smile on my face! Did I ever mention how much I love all the wonderful members here who drive and are lovely enough to give lifts? Shotgun a space in a car I'll buy the driver a drink at the bar too (on top of petrol money)! Seriously though, I am down as a yes, regardless of how I get there; I've been wanting to return to Blackpool for years and this whole weekend sounds too good to miss! Besides, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a selfie with Brucie at Madame Tussauds
  18. You know what this means, Mark? You'll be reunited with Meryl! You've not got any taller since last year's meet have you?! Also, just incase my last post was lost amongst all the onesie chatter (hehe): What does everyone think?
  19. You're all filthy and covered in lice!

  20. I shall PM you later, it'll be easier for me to discuss it that way But some brief info here... Firstly: I'm positive you have to be 18 to work on the rides! Like many theme park jobs, it's minimum wage (if not, then only a tiny bit more), long hours and challenging at times with those pesky customers It is also great for gaining experience and confidence in customer service, can be a good laugh and good fun, and a good way to meet new people etc Oh and within a few months, you'll probably be trained on all the rides, the whole process in general is quicker than places like Thorpe, Chessie etc Something very important anyone who is thinking of working there should know: there is no set closing time. So you have no idea what time you'll be finishing, not until about an hour or so before, give or take. They basically wait until the pier is empty enough, then shut the token kiosks, and rides close a short while after that. Unfortunately, they told me nothing of this at my interview or induction day - had I known this, well things may well have been different! So yeah, that is something you'd really need to consider, especially if you had to travel to work - on the summer particularly, they sometimes stay open until after midnight!
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