Sunday 18th May 2008REVIEWI arrived at the park at 9.15 approx (Therefore getting 45 minutes of ERT) during the E.R.T period I headed straight for the Monorail, getting on park immediately with the annual pass. I headed straight for Spinball Whozzer which had a queue of about 15 minutes. After getting of Spinball there was about 10 minutes of Early Ride Time left so I headed to Mutiny Bay, it was great to see that they've put a lot of effort into the theming, it was great fun hitting the targets because when you do a pirate skull fires water at the people on the other side of your boat. It was also great soaking some people walking through the (stupidly long) queue line.By the time I got off Battle G the park had opened to everyone so the chance of getting on Air, Nemmie and Rita with no queue was about zero (especially considering that the park was already packed!) But I didn't ming queuing a little while for Rita so we headed over to UG Land anyway, however as we entered UG Land a staff member walked up to me saying "We're afraid Rita will be opening a little late today". A decided they were taking the mick as thye Skyride had been testing until the moment it was supposed to open, then it was closed and Rita had been testing for ages then stopped for about half-an-hour and decided to test again, it didn't open till around 1ish.Anyway thank god I didn't queue for Rita and headed over to Charlie (turned out to be a good decisions as queues were around 30 minutes for the rest of the day whilst I was walk-On). Charlie is a much better ride than I remember real fun and I forgot how brilliant the elevator tbit is smile.gif ). After that my dad and I headed back over to UG Land to see if Rita was open yet (This was about 10.30, we didn't know it wouldn't re-open till 1) whilst my Mum and Sister headed to Cred Street to go on Driving School and Gallopers Carousel. After I found out Rita wasw closed, it was Corkie, one of 2 rides on it that day!After going on Corkie (Which had a queue of 15 minutes) I went with my dad to meet them at Cred Street, Driving School hadn't opened until around the time we got onto Corkscrew (10.45) so they were still queuing for Gallopers, well a carousel's better than nothing so I went for a little ride on that!We then went to look at the queue time board near HexWelcome to Alton Towers Resort, Alton Towers offers a smoking free park experience so please only smoke in designated smoking areas thank you. Rides will close at 5.30PM today (Which means a 30 minute extension as outside the park it said 9AM-5PM) queue times to followAir 40 Minutes angry.gifOblivion 70 Minutes (WHAT!? angry.gif)Nemesis 0 Minutes cool.gifSo it was over too Nemmie and I'll tell you now that wasn't a 0 minute queue. The extension was open and the queue time was around 45 minutes. Queued up and as always enjoyed Nemmie although I wouildn't queue in the extension again! Next it was Ripsaw and the first time I've ever actually used the proper queue for it as usually they open a gate because it's so quiet! After about 10 minutes of wait I got on Ripsaw with my dad. Love the red water, great touch, I got absolutely soaked, wetter than I did on The Flume or The Rapids!Next was lunch at around 12, didn't want to wait for ther busy lunch times. I was rather dissapointed with the options. Anyway next was The Flume and a 30 minute queue, good to see they've got the duck back working though smile.gif . Then Heave Ho and Marauders Mayhem, Mayhem was brilliant and well themed but Heave Ho looked like one of Thorpe's flats! Followed by The Rapids (10 minute line) good to see both waterfalls running for once! Then RMT which had it's extension full and about a 30 minute wait. (Which I used to take some photos!Next was a walk through Haunted Hollow to Duel which had a 10 minute queue going just outside the entrance. I took in everybodys Duel tips but still came out with a terrible 4500 (But still a personal best). Shame to see hardly anythings working and so many periods where it's just black with lights.Next was back over to Forbidden Valley and Blade once with no queue then Air which had a 40 minute queue which mneant my dad didn't want to go on (He'll only queue that long for Nemmie) so I used the single rider line, the queue was just as long and it broke down just when I reached the front, making it an hour wait.We were rushing now, an hour to go and we needed to get on Hex, Beastie, Oblivion (X2), Submission, Enterprise, UG Swinger and Corkie again. First we headed to UG Land and rode UG Swinger walk-on and Corkie again, 5 mins (Corkie was my sisters first upsidedown ride- barring Enterprise). Then onto X-Sector for Submission and Enterprise (both Walk-On). This left 45 Minutes to do the rest, The Beastie had now been ruled out as it was too far away.Next I went on Blivvy twice, I didn't look down, I looked straight at Enterprise it was so much better than normal (Thanks whoever it was who gave that advice in another topic). This left 10 minutes ruling out Hex. Rita had a 20 minutes queue and the rides closed! Leaving time for a chilled coke at Rita's Chicken + Ribs.Ride CountCorkscrew X2 (15 Mins, 5 Mins)Oblivion X2 (10 Mins, Walk-On)Spinball Whizzer X1 (ERT 15 Mins)Battle Galleons X1 (ERT Walk-On)Heave Ho X1 (Walk-On)Marauders Mayhem X1 (Walk-On)Air X1 (SR 40 Mins)Nemesis X1 (45 Mins)Ripsaw X1 (Walk-On)Blade X1 (Walk-On)Duel X1 (10 Mins)Charlie X1 (Walk-On)Submission X1 (Walk-On)Enterprise X1 (Walk-On)Rita X1 (20 Mins)UG Swinger X1 (Walk-On)RMT X1 (30 Mins)The Flume X1 (30 Mins)Rapids X1 (20 Mins)Gallopers Carousel X1 (Walk-On)Good PointsAvoiding stupid queues on Oblivion, Rita, Charlie and SpinballBattle Galleons and Marauders Mayhem are great and look greatOblivion's mist.Ripsaw got me soaked/red waterIt was better than forecastedBad PointsNot getyting on Hex or The BeastieStupid Single Rider Line On AirRita and Driving School Opened LateSkyride didn't open at all but was testing until 10AMLoads of people with FastrackPoor score on DuelStatsBusiness- BusyRides Closed (All Day)- SkyrideWorst Queue- Oblivion 70 MinsSomething I've Realised On This Trip To AltonI surrender to the people who told me Oblivion does get long queues (But I've still never queued oiver 10 mins for it) Hope My Trip Report Hasn't Bored You