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Everything posted by D4n

  1. If you chuck that Avatar we might consider it
  2. And how many of you aren't new members- 2? The highlighted bit was me - I still haven't got my valid reasons
  3. D4n

    This Or That

    Nobody will ever answer that so I'll just break the rules and say the glue one. Scones OR Teacakes?
  4. People who are ageist. Just because I'm only 11 (youngest on the forum??)- means that everybody, on every forum doesn't take me seriously- like I'm not allowed to have opinions because I'm younger than them
  5. Vampire is now down *sigh*Meh, at least the bus is open- I could spend hours on it- seriously! (It would help me sleep)
  6. D4n

    Favorite Ride: SAW- making early judgments are we? lol

    And Gareth is a nice guy unlike you 2 (Tommy & TP Dan)

    Anyway- Hi!

  7. Correction: They chucked Amity Cove;s theming out the window when they built Stealth
  8. D4n

    This Or That

    Beans (hmmmm)Jacket OR Mash?
  9. It only has 3- Including the indoor one.
  10. D4n

    This Or That

    DeathNemesis OR Inferno
  11. D4n

    This Or That

    DictionaryTRRR OR WWTP
  12. D4n


    I think Vortex is better than Rush- Vortex is a flat which you can "enjoy" rather than screaming your head off on it you can actually enjoy the good- something that not man flats can do
  13. D4n


    If you hadn't put Personal Opinion Though at the end of that post it'd be giving you a mounthful and a half . Corkscrew was a great ride- A big ride for the lil' un's- because it has a 1.4M ride with a 1.2M height restriction.
  14. Anybody that didn't vote orange is a n00b- Orange are the only "different" ones
  15. Yay- I new bin- where? Amity Cove could do with a few more... hmmm....
  16. D4n

    This Or That

    LondonChina OR Japan?
  17. D4n

    This Or That

    Sophie BrownDavid Beckham OR Victoria Beckham?
  18. D4n

    This Or That

    BirthdayHalloween OR Easter?
  19. D4n

    This Or That

    AbbaThorpe Park Mania OR Total Thorpe Park?
  20. At least some people agree with me that it's a good idea.And the cobwebs look very good
  21. Good choice, everybody is creating Saw the rides on RCT3 and putting it on YouTube and Thorpe took the hint
  22. D4n

    This Or That

    The RockHot OR Cold
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