Jamie-HK my advice would be to arrive at 9.30- When you're let in do Nemesis, Air, Rita and The Flume in that order- Oblivion and Spinball are best left as the last 2 rides of your day!.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Trip ReportVisited Alton Towers on Sunday. Tried to get there for E.R.T but my alarm didn't go off. We joined the back of a 30 minute queue to get to the carpark at about 10AM. When I arrived at the park there was a 40 minute queue for the Momorail- I walked.Once on park for the last time before I get a shiny 2008 annual pass rather than the 2007 one I headed to the Valley via the Skyride (which was walk-On). Nemesis was first up- entertaining as ever- queued 25 minutes for it. When I got off Nemmie it was 11AM- next up was Air. Air had a 30 minute queue plus an extra 15 minutes for the front row- an offer I took up (Nemesis had been an extra 60 minutes for the front!) Loved Air as usual. Left Ripsaw and Blade which had long queues with the intant of returning to the Valley later!Took the Skyride again to UG Land- Didn't go on anything due to long queues (Rita- 60 Minutes, Corkscrew- 30 Minutes, UG Swinger- 10 Minutes.) I met up with the rest of my sister and mum in Cred Street where they'd queued 45 minutes for CATCF. We then headed to Battle Galleons which had a 10 minute line- I got DRENCHED!Then we had lunch in The Tavern- good food. Had a quick look at the queue time boardNemesis- 40 MinutesOblivion- 50 MinutesAir- 45 MinutesRita- 50 MinutesThe Flume- 60 MinutesBattle Galleons- 35 MinutesNext was the Rapids- 20 Minute wait- got very wet! RMT was skipped as it's queue was 30 minutes long. Next was Gloomy Wood- Duel was walk-on even though the extension was open- they've fixed most effects smile.gif . Back to Forbidden Valley- Blade was walk-on so I went on that and I also queued 20 minutes for Ripsaw!Back to UG Land via the Skyride and went on UG Swinger (Walk-On) and Corkscrew (5 Minute Queue) before riding Rita (35 Minutes). Then X-Sector- Oblivion's mist was on full blast but left it until later as it's queue was 45 minutes. Went on Suibmission and Enterprise which each had 15 minute queues.Next was The Flume- 45 Minutes before finishing the day with 20 minute queues for Oblivion and Spinball.Overall a great day- I expected it to be busier during the summer holidays!Ride CountThe Flume X1 (45 Mins)Air X1 (Front Row, 45 Mins)Rita- QOS X1 (35 Mins)Oblivion X1 (20 Mins)Nemesis X1 (25 Mins)Ripsaw X1 (20 Mins)Congo River Rapids X1 (20 Mins)Blade X1 (Walk-On)Corkscrew X1 (5 Mins)UG Swinger X1 (5 Mins)Spinball Whizzer X1 (Single Rider, 20 Mins)Submission X1 (10 Mins)Enterprise X1 (20 Mins)Battle Galleons X1 (10 Mins)Duel X1 (5 Mins)Good PointsGot on the big 8 with no problems (Air, Nemesis, Oblivion, Rita, Corkscrew, Spinball, The Flume, CRR)Front Row Of Air was Brilliant!Generally beating the days longest queuesGreat FoodGot on almost everything I wanted without Fastrack (It can be done!)Bad PointsDidn't get on Hex, Runaway Mine Train, Heave Ho, Marauders Mayhem or The MonorailMissed Early Ride Time due to stupid alarm clock (With ERT I would have got on RMT, Heave Ho and Marauders Mayhem!)Loads Of Fastrack people skipping queues Flume and Rapids closed till 11AMThanks For Reading My Report- Sorry no photos as I forgot to take my camera