I went to Legoland this year... Worse than my local theme park (Twinlakes)There are 2 good rides- One of them is Pirate Falls which I think is great- well themed and gets you wet- and it didn't have a queue (In thew school hols!)The other good ride was the Dragon although it was more the queue line and the indoor section that I liked than the rollercoaster itself (It was a rubbish ride similar to the Runaway Mine Train at Alton but with no scenery and 3 chain lifts There was also Viking River Splash which I queued 45 minutes for as it was advertised as "Their biggest attraction yet!"- It was awful and only half of it was themed- Not worth a 10 minute wait leave alone 45!I skipped the "Griffin's Galleon style ride" because it had a 30 minute queue- which was also my reason for skipping the teacups.There was also The Dragon's Apprentice- Similar to The Runaway Train at Chessington and Fairy tale brook which I enjoyed.Wave Surfer was also there however that had a 60 minute queue.Last and certainly least is Jungle Coaster which I queued 1hr and 30mins for and it was awful- It's capacity was worse than anything EVER! and the ride had one good hill before turning into a rubbish version of Rattlesnake.Legoland is a no go for me- 5/10
When the queue is long riders are given a circuit that is amount a minute long- EG on my last visit each circuit was 1 minute long as the queue was 60 minutes!
What?!?Chessington's and Thorpe's staff are about as good as each other and Thorpe Park staff do talk to guests- EG on my last visit we were asked by a Logger's Leap staff members how our day was going and what our favourit ride was to which I answered "Colossus" Talking Is Good!
This one gets played the most! Really Annoying Yet Cool!I first heard these announcments at Scarefest but then it was just a ride op saying it into microphone- which was cool!Now it's recorded and repetative- Shame
I went to Alton on Thursday- I'll just put queue times as my trip raports are c***Spinball- 60Oblivion- 40Air- 30Rita- 30Squirrel Nutty- 30Hex- 25Nemesis- 25Corkscrew- 25Charlie- 20Other ride were under 10 minutes all dayTwas good!