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Everything posted by D4n

  1. That songs the best Does anybody else struggle to hear the Slammer music over the Colossus track? (At the park obviously)
  2. D4n


    Hey- It's a theme park
  3. Yep... In wonder why they only added it this year?
  4. D4n


    I went to Legoland this year... Worse than my local theme park (Twinlakes)There are 2 good rides- One of them is Pirate Falls which I think is great- well themed and gets you wet- and it didn't have a queue (In thew school hols!)The other good ride was the Dragon although it was more the queue line and the indoor section that I liked than the rollercoaster itself (It was a rubbish ride similar to the Runaway Mine Train at Alton but with no scenery and 3 chain lifts There was also Viking River Splash which I queued 45 minutes for as it was advertised as "Their biggest attraction yet!"- It was awful and only half of it was themed- Not worth a 10 minute wait leave alone 45!I skipped the "Griffin's Galleon style ride" because it had a 30 minute queue- which was also my reason for skipping the teacups.There was also The Dragon's Apprentice- Similar to The Runaway Train at Chessington and Fairy tale brook which I enjoyed.Wave Surfer was also there however that had a 60 minute queue.Last and certainly least is Jungle Coaster which I queued 1hr and 30mins for and it was awful- It's capacity was worse than anything EVER! and the ride had one good hill before turning into a rubbish version of Rattlesnake.Legoland is a no go for me- 5/10
  5. Last year I would have said Rameses but Ripsaw now has blood water
  6. Roper's launch new legal case!
  7. D4n


    I was going to go to FN but if rides as poor as X will get 2 hour queues I might have to give it a miss
  8. D4n


    Were it's queues over 75 minutes when it was new then?Sorry about my stupidity- My first ride on it was in 2007
  9. I will NOT be coming I could only do the 1st and 2nd of November
  10. D4n


    When the queue is long riders are given a circuit that is amount a minute long- EG on my last visit each circuit was 1 minute long as the queue was 60 minutes!
  11. D4n


    Northampton sold their best keeper EVER to Blackburn for just £1M Then we lost 4-1.... predicatble c**p reserve
  12. D4n


    Well that's weird because it was 40 minutes when I went- Mid summer Great ride Slammer
  13. Pirates 4D also shows at Busch Gardens- Tampa Bay
  14. D4n

    This Or That

    TeaJam or Marmalade?
  15. D4n

    This Or That

    West EndRadio or TV?
  16. What?!?Chessington's and Thorpe's staff are about as good as each other and Thorpe Park staff do talk to guests- EG on my last visit we were asked by a Logger's Leap staff members how our day was going and what our favourit ride was to which I answered "Colossus" Talking Is Good!
  17. D4n


    This one gets played the most! Really Annoying Yet Cool!I first heard these announcments at Scarefest but then it was just a ride op saying it into microphone- which was cool!Now it's recorded and repetative- Shame
  18. I went to Alton on Thursday- I'll just put queue times as my trip raports are c***Spinball- 60Oblivion- 40Air- 30Rita- 30Squirrel Nutty- 30Hex- 25Nemesis- 25Corkscrew- 25Charlie- 20Other ride were under 10 minutes all dayTwas good!
  19. How long is a bit big?Just wanted to know for my (possible) visit next week!
  20. About as busy as Thorpe quiet but there are still a few queues at weekends! (Air- 20, Rita- 15, Charlie, Oblivion, Nemesis- 10 e.t.c)
  21. D4n


    Yeh that's what I'll be doing- Fastracks a waste of money
  22. When I went it was those 3 and Colossus Beatbed playing
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