I realise its not my place to say this but it's annoying me after seeing this in near enough every topic.It's not aimed at any single person in particular.Come on guys, HOW HARD IS IT FOR YOU TO CHECK YOUR POSTS?!The guidelines repeatly get posted by admins and there is constantly warnings from admins to use correct spelling and grammar. It makes your posts harder to read, and nobody is honestly going to want to read a post where you have to decode it into readable english.I appreciate people may have spelling difficulties - nobody is perfect, but as it has been previously said, most internet browsers have a built in spellchecker nowadays.The people who just type without any grammar because they can't be bothered, I would like to introduce these people to something called Microsoft Word! If you have difficulty with written english, please type your post in Microsoft Word and run the spell checker, and it will make everybodies life easier!Seriously, using a capital letter at the start of your sentences and a full stop at the end, is something you get taught to do when you're 5 years old. Over and out.