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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. Very possibly. I only said what I said because prior to FDD's soundtrack, everything I'd heard from IMAscore sounded brilliant on its own, whereas this one was just too ambient and meandering to convey any character or prominent theme. Of course, in a month I'll be able to find out if the area really does make it better...

  2. Y'know, I wouldn't be entirely averse to that... If we're talking about the experience - not the coaster. I'm certain Brown would be averse though.

    Circus of Horrors is a timeless theme, and far too often executed terribly by naff Halloween events. Like I dunno... Ones in your back garden. In the north. Made with a marquee tent and some bits of plywood...


    And when I say circus of horrors I don't mean insane clowns. I was privileged enough to actually see Svengali (Derren Brown's second-most recent tour and the picture Josh posted) and found its quiteness and eeriness the most disturbing thing about it. Sadly though, Thorpe aren't known for their subtlty, so I'm not sure that'd be the best idea... not to mention it'd have to shake the tacky fairground-y stigma or it'd be a pile of **** anyway.

  3. Gimmicks won't necessarily equate to "firsts".

    Praise the lord someone finally pointed out the distinction. Wahey!

    Still very game for anything Mack. Mega-lite, Mega-Coaster (entirely plausible) or either of the two with a launch would be so well-received, perhaps not initially, but certainly after time. Although, if the cost of Helix is anything to go by (£20.2M) then the hardware for Mega-coasters is really very expensive, but I'm not sure how much of this cost went in ground-work (possibly quite a lot), advertisement, IMAScore, and station design. But then again, with the way Mack are transforming the face of European theme parks they can charge whatever the hell they want nowadays. In comparison, Blue Fire cost ~16.5M, and mega-lite Alpina Blitz at Nigloland cost a lowly £6.6M.

    A mega-lite would leave tonnes of budget for themeing. A Mega-coaster maybe not so much, but the cost of hardware would be closer to Blue Fire's than Helix's, as arguably less of a challenge is presented by Thorpe's terrain (being that there are no hills like at Liseberg). So there could still be some standard Merlin-level themeing but at least we'd have a farking good coaster underneath it.

  4. My issue with this is whole damn project is that this is one of those (thankfully) rare investments that lets even the General Public know that the powers behind Thorpe and the rest of the Merlin family sometimes don't have the customer interest at heart.

  5. Really, MCM? I'd say if any coaster type was in the running for Thorpe it'd be a wooden coaster. Either a traditional one or those god-awful hybrid designs (preferably the former).

    The myths surrounding insufficient land stability have been banished because the Island A has been there for six years now, and will have been there for a further two when the coaster is opened - ample time for the land mass to become stable, even if wooden supports are 90% more complex and dense that metal supports. The myth that the support structure for woodies was too dense floated around a bit, but this was long before Thorpe had even built Island H (Saw's Island), so its possible that, since the plans for the woodie originally slated for Island H were only shelved - not scrapped - the subsequent building of Island C and Island A could've been partially because these locations are further from the village of Chertsey and offered greater sound barriers due to the trees on the peninsula separating the Britannia Arena and St. Anne's Lake.

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