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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. Allow me to step in... Ahem:

    The British Isles consists of these landmasses:

    1. England, Wales and Scotland

    2. Éire (Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)

    3. The Orkney Isles

    4. The Shetland Isles

    5. The Channel Islands

    6. Guernsey

    7. Jersey

    8. The Isle of Wight

    9. The Isle of Man

    10. St. Kilda

    Great Britain:

    1. England

    2. Wales

    3. Scotland (for now)

    4. All other sovereign states (I.e. - Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man etc.)

    The United Kingdom:

    1. England

    2. Wales

    3. Scotland (for now)

    4. Northern Ireland

    In short 'The British Isles' is a geographical term used to describe the islands, not the countries. 'Great Britain' refers to all the nation states included within the largest of all the island in the British Isles (England, Wales and Scotland) and it's sovereign dependencies. 'The United Kingdom' is the politically-oriented term, referring only to those countries that recognise themselves and being under the British monarchy and identified by the Union flag or Union Jack |(England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland).


    This woodie sounds amazing. Big up the Irish and all that lark. And wake up Merlin.

  2. The thing is, this is the perfect theme for the park. The park has been crying out to have a fun area for ages, and now it's finally getting one. Hopefully this will see the slow reintroduction of themed areas again too.

    As for Detonator, I expect a very small retheme, perhaps with a slight change in audio. It could easily be that there's a bunch of pigs at the top of the ride, and an angry bird crashes into it, causing a similar 'bang' / 'explosion' noise to cue the drop. Simples.

    Back from the dead wahey...

    I love the optimism here Josh, however, when you say "the park has been crying out to have a fun area for ages, and now it's finally getting one," I can't help but think it's still a bit bittersweet. Yes, it's a new theme, but it will simply be the same area with what looks to be faint or nuanced efforts that'll be spread so thin it'll be hard to tell it apart from the area it is now. It's the obsession with sporadic themeing that means anyone with the misfortune to have visited Thorpe as often as I have will look at (the unimaginatively named) Angry Birds Land and see nothing more than the current Calypso Quay with a few shinier bits that deeply upsets me. It's not going to be a new area to us, it is? It'll be a slapdash lick of paint here and there and a few extra bits that'll stand out garishly against the chipped and rusted Nemesis Inferno and surrounding areas.

    Of course, Thorpe aren't aiming to please bored enthusiasts who've realised there's better out there - they're aiming for the family market and in particular a demographic whose age means that instinctively will find pleasure and escapism in a few plastic pigs and some dodgems. Chuck in the infectiously catchy soundtrack from the game and you'll have them falling over each other to get a piece of the action. It's just a bit of an easy way out really.

    Any IPs in a park of Thorpe's budget and size are just a waste of money. No imagination, no innovation, no appeal; not enough space or consistency to separate them from other areas, not not enough of a budget to realise them properly.

  3. A moment for the amazing NONONO please...


    Oh, and you will all recognise this song. If not then why are you not watching TV you silly things.

    And the whole wide world is whistlin'...!

  4. Just carry ID Will. If you were in fact under 18 and we'd sold you an age-restricted product we could potentially get fired (or at least a disciplinary hearing). We'd also get ourselves a criminal record, and so would the owner of the store.

    But... more light-heartedly... I work at Sainsbury's and erm... well. The first time I asked ID for someone who I thought looked under 25 turned out to be... uhhhm... 37. Woopsy.

    But you have to understand this man had fantastic skin.


  5. Can I say SAW was absolutely shocking, the scenes and theming was good, although no different from what I remember but the actors were AWFUL, you wouldn't have thought they had seen the film

    My problem with Saw's actor is that, it's just completely disregarding the source material. Dire as it may be, if I'm going into a maze themed around Saw with actual themed sets re-enacting the films, I'd like to see the actors do the same. I don't want to see people caked in white face-paint and dark shadows around they're eyes jumping out from the shadows before disappearing again. I want to see them dying.


    The Killers have collaborated with Anthony Gonzalez. :o

    Who you say? Fools! Anthony Gonzalez is the man behind M83!

    If you're still clueless just listen and be amazed:


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