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Posts posted by Sidders

  1. Considering there is a large A frame at the entrance which tells guests to use the main queue when the Brave It Backwards queue is closed, it's not as though it's unclear. If people took the time to read the signage at the park things wouldn't be 'such a mess'.

    People won't be doing that with the excitement of riding. No one wants to read when they're excited.

  2. Sorry, but any theme park playing chart music is instantly rendered a cheap knock-off travelling fair - there's no sense of escapism, adventure or excitement. Why on earth would a theme park record the music in the first place? There may have been a time when it suited Thorpe (if you think that), but that time (if indeed it ever existed) is over. It just makes the place sound like any old place you can hear chart music... like on the radio in the car in the traffic jam on the way to Thorpe. How exciting.

  3. I never truly realised just how badly Samurai was run until I'd been on a Top-Scan run by a travelling German fair. Die Kirmes am Rhein Top-Scan is quite literally the most intense experience my body was ever put under, so much more so as I wasn't expecting it to be as intense as it was, because I always thought Samurai did a fair job (despite videos showing it is much slower than it's travelling brothers).

  4. My mistake then :P But even so, the original package has plenty of those items in it - from the infuriatingly impossible-to-destroy construction hats to jugs of lemonade and strawberries to doughnuts - they're all in there, at Thorpe's disposal. Would've been funny to see some pigs hanging from balloons like they do in the "Danger Above" extension.

  5. What about the Seasons embellishments? Apples, doughnuts, school books, love hearts, strawberries, bananas, pumpkins, construction hats, balloons, Roman columns, cauldrons, snowmen, fireworks, Chinese lanterns, bunny ears, pots of golds, sunflowers, ice creams...

    Could go on...

  6. Someone doesn't know their ASDA history.

    It was created in the 1920s, became a supermarket, almost went bankrupt in the mid 90s and was eventually bought by Wal Mart.

    They're still quite british in most of their ways, surprisingly.

    It's just Asda.

  7. I really really wish people would stop arse-licking Colossus this year.

    Having ridden it myself with several people, and having been on it with a large group of non-enthusiasts the general report of it is that it is still uncomfortable. I rode it last weekend, and I'd go as far as saying it was the roughest I've ever experienced it.

    That's nice.

    Looks like it's just you though.

  8. Cyclists who can't tell the difference between red and green.

    And pedestrians who wander into the road without looking and give you the face of horror because you've had to stop because they are in the road.

    Rant over.

    Wait, you can drive?

  9. So I entered all these destinations into a mid-point calculator, we'll be meeting at the Beetle and Wedge Boathouse in Moulsford-on-Thames.


    I left out Dusseldorf because it seemed to get a bit confused a placed the mid-point marker in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dammit Walter.

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