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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Oh! Sorry Ian, I misread your post! Thanks for clarifying that.
  2. I still have my personal image (or lack thereof). I miss my Nemesis Inferno corkscrew shot.
  3. I'm still not keen on the images being used in the signature. I greatly appreciate all the work done thus far, particularly with the signatures, but I feel this will only add to the clunky feel of the new layout.
  4. Sidders

    This Or That

    Slammer [On the topic of partners] Body hair or no body hair?
  5. If you're using Google Chrome, your spell-checker dictionary might be set to "English US". In which case you'll need to change it to the UK dictionary. You can do this quickly by right-clicking a dialogue box and selecting "Spell-checker options" and then selecting "English (United Kingdom)".If you're not operating Google Chrome, then I've no idea how to help you because I don't use other browsers as frequently! I was unaware TPM even had it's own spell-checker. :PHope this helps.
  6. Y'know, as Moderators, we should be setting a better example.
  7. Nothing awesome about cottage cheese tastes very nices.
  8. Sidders

    This Or That

    Love me some hydraulic launch :lol:Inverted B&M or Sit-Down B&M?
  9. I can edit your posts.
  10. Sidders

    This Or That

    Old.Launched Tower or Gravity-induced?Or Power Tower? (for all you lovers of Detonator :L)
  11. Sidders

    Lady GaGa

    Pretty sure it was supposed to be "unveiled" today.
  12. I can't seem to copy and paste...
  13. Ahh fair one. Tbh I just wanted to vent some steam. Although, you have to pay extortionate fees to first be able to use a school laptop (£13 for a laptop pass for the year) and then you have to book IT rooms/Library suites (all of which are almost always holding conferences). Smelly sixth form
  14. I know it's only temporary, but I was just saying how I was completely content with the old theme. For some reason this theme is being annoying and doesn't like me using any Ctrl+ options when posting. It's also very bland and looks a bit like the inside of a toothpaste tube... or a hospital waiting room; far too clean for all the bitchiness on here.
  15. I definitely prefer the old look. Orange is TPM's style!
  16. Know what I hate? It struck me that a few days ago, in school, there really is no priority for Sixth Former students, despite the fact that our grades are far more important than whatever the lower years have to accomplsih. When you're in school, in the library doing highly important coursework with nearing deadlines and trying to manage the weight of four A Levels whilst still dedicating the appropriate amount of time to a UCAS application, I don't expect to have to, when break-time rolls around, have some snotty-nosed year 9 telling that they've "booked this computer you have to go now".Politely, I moved myself to a corner of the library to do further textual analysis of 'The Great Gatsby' because right now I'm not feeling the most personable of people. I then overhear the year 9 and his group of friends laughing as they joke about things like annoying teachers and slow internet speed. Oh, and video games."But then I through the flaming sword and the goblin and cut his hand off which I wore as a hat because it makes you invisible to the witches with octopi for brains so then you can rescue the key to the kingdom of magic and fire-breathing toadstools and--". I didn't hear the rest, because I left my work to go and complain to the librarian who, in her completel incompetance, merely told the year 9s to keep quiet.BITCH I'M NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT NOISE. Honestly, the fact that a number of sixth formers were moved off the computers so a bunch of spotty, pre-pubescent nerds can talk about nonsensical rubbish that has absolutely no positive effect on their education is beyond ridiculous. We have University places resting on the shoulders of our grades and how on Earth are we supposed to spend our time wisely wasting away on a corner when we need the internet facilities that are being disrupted and misused by Skyrim whores.
  17. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (4)Logger's Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (8)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (8)Samurai (4)Saw Alive (4)Slammer (4)Stealth (4)Storm In A Teacup (5)Storm Surge (1)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (4)X:\No Way Out (8)Storm Surge (-1)Rush (+1)
  18. Go-Merlin favouritism. -_-I like to think I can slag them off for the awful choice in song too.
  19. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (4)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (8)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (7)Samurai (4)Saw Alive (3)Slammer (4)Stealth (3)Storm in a Teacup (5)Storm Surge (3)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (4)X:\ No Way Out (9)Storm Surge (-1)Nemesis Inferno (+1)
  20. The ambience in that video is pure brilliance, A-Kid. And I love the idea of the distorted buzzing, and perhaps that bass tone that's appeared at the end of all the promotional clips thus far, but I think a ghostly chanting choir would be brilliant touch to something like Krake's strings section, with violent interruptions from the ambience, and none too tacky, (like the idea of the organ).Another possibility is that, with all this governmental interference with the whole The Swarm thing, is that there's a lot of ambience of helicopters, war sirens and explosions.
  21. Sidders


    'Good Feeling' is already looking like a safe bet for #1 this week. Was looking that way on Tuesday sadly. Avicii gets all his work plagiarised.In other news, I'm in desperate need for a song that sums up my emotions. I still haven't found it, but Ed Sheeran will do. I usually hate people like him and their wimpy guitar ballads, but screw it, 'Lego House' is brilliant. Oh heck.
  22. There was a video I watched on YouTube not long ago that had what I'd imagine to be the ideal The Swarm soundtrack. Oddly enough it was a video for Raptor, so I can't be sure if maybe the music was linked to that ride somehow. Perhaps someone who's been to Gardaland can confirm if Raptor has a soundtrack?EDIT: Found the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCVkvFediMMMusic like THAT pls Merlin. And maybe more chiming in the way of those church bells; they work really well with the choir.
  23. Canada Creek Railway (5)Colossus (5)Depth Charge (5)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (4)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (6)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Saw Alive (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a Teacup (5)Storm Surge (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Flying Fish (-1)Nemesis Inferno (+1)
  24. Exactly. It looks awesome around Raptor's area, but as you say, Saw's is overkill and looks plain awful and... colourless (not just aesthetically). There's no 'threat' or anything ominous about being filtered through a cattle-pen around a shed where there's no interaction with the train/cars.
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