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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. I enjoyed my ride on Th13teen yesterday! However, we did have to queue 60 mins and it isn't worth it over 30 mins imo.I loved the drop section and the theming in the dark. And you have to love that it randomly starts going backwards and being launched into the station!I am still unsure what to think of the first part of the ride - I have a mixture of feelings from boring to good airtime to good scenery..I would say it is a good ride but not worth the queues it will get on busier days.

  2. I remember when it was only like £1.50 for a main rollercoaster there like the Turbo! ;)The money you spend on the pier - you can easily travel up to CWoA or TP!I suppose as long as the tourists pay the fee, they will remain at that price :o

  3. Opening Date: Saturday 29th May! :o

    Adventurers visiting the theme park and guests at the safari-themed Holiday Inn Chessington will be able to enjoy an African inspired adventure with Grevy’s Zebras, Sitatunga Antelopes and the Scimitar Horned Oryx as they graze quietly on the field at the back of the hotel. A raised wooden walkway will lead adventurers to a viewing tower in the middle of the field, where evening feeding sessions, animal talks and close encounters around the watering hole will all be part of the adventure!

  4. I must say on my last trip just over a week ago, sadly I heard no area music or tunnel effects. :oHopefully next time :o At least there re-adding all these great little atmospheric touches back to the areas.

    I could just about hear it on Sunday in the tunnel.When I was waiting at the exit of Black Buccaneer though, I could hear the wolf howling as clear as anything!
  5. I think the area music is really good but I do agree it could be turned up a little bit.I like the tunnel effects that have returned but I have noticed that you wouldn't relise it was there if you didn't really listen for it in the tunnel.The only thing I can definately hear, outside of the station obviously :o, is the wolf howling after the train leaves the tunnel.

  6. That can only be Micheal from Chessington that was on Fury last year. Unique is definitly a word I would use to describe his dedication.

    Did he used to be in Area 1?I remember one guy getting everyone to shout it when I visited ages ago but this was on Bubbleworks...
  7. Ahhhh the Brighton Pier :oYou used to be able to get Unlimited Rides and Attractions for £20 which was only really known by people from Brighton.However, this has now gone and it has became that you can go on any 10 Attractions for £20 which is very good for Brighton Pier!Also, every now-and-again, they do have some evening deals where you can get on 10 rides for £10. (Very rare though :o)Ahhh drunken times on those rides! :o

  8. Haven't been to the park for a while and they were giving two rides on this today and second time round it seemed to go upside down 4 times in a row, I don't ever remember it going over that many times or is it just a setting I have never seen before? Was great fun and find it brilliant that the ride still pulls in so many spectators.

    You always get 2 circuits offered on Rameses Revenge usually :unsure:One where it doesn't unlock straight away and one where it looks quite quickly and you get spun :unsure:
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