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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. If their is something I can do after making people go to the top of the exit stairs, then they come back down - Please inform me! :mellow:Most of the Adventurers do stay at the top I have found so far but there are a few, as rygr states, that do come back down. - Reminds me of a convayor belt - Same thing said to them over and over again! :mellow:

  2. I heard Inferno Dispatch many atime last year.

    Not saying this rudely before you think I am Ricky but you do visit a hell of a lot to Thorpe Park... Therefore, obviously you are going to hear it a lot as you are always there!It is like me with visiting Chessington WoA. We both see things more because we visit more often... :mellow:
  3. Changes on Dragon Falls that I saw...The epic announcements with the booty in the boaty and arms and regs have now gone! :mellow: I felt quite upset to be honest that these have now gone to some boring old announcement. However, no announcement could of been more boring than the woman one they first had which was just -- Yawn!Also, there is audio as you enter the dragons mouth...

  4. Tuk Tuk Turmoil was previously Rodger the Dodger's Dodgems when Wild Asia was Beanoland.The only thing I prefer about the previous dodgems was the audio music used.However, I find that the cars seem to be moving faster along the 'path' which is nice.Also, I think the use of pre-recorded announcements on this type of ride works as it sounds quite enthusiastic.They certainly are doing everything they can to advertise Kobra as at the end of the ride; you get reminded to take a spin on the Kobra. :mellow:Discuss your thoughts and opinions of Tuk Tuk Turmoil here...

  5. One thing I don't like about Vamp's redone queue is that they've got rid of the graves as you walk into the building...

    I swear there is still a grave thing on the left hand side before you enter the building...

    I love Vampire's loud music. Last year it got ruined because it was so quiet that the operators would muffle it everytime they spoke in the microphone. Now it is like I remember it years ago, dramatic and thumping

    I have to agree. I love hearing Vampire's music and is clearly my favourite piece of audio by far. I also like that the ride operators this year, so far, aren't speaking over the audio a lot. Really, no announcements are needed at all in my eyes as the ride hosts need to do everything the operator says via PA anyways...I love being able to feel the music thumping on the floor.Also, I heard someone yesterday state how well themed the station and queue line was. He also complimented the audio as well ;) (I think he was a 'normal' guest too!)Vampire is still ticking all the boxes for me so far!! :mellow:
  6. Kobra and Wild Asia are certainly growing on me.When I first saw Wild Asia, it was certainly better than I thought but it is just getting higher and higher for me.Kobra is an amazing ride which is a good duration and has a very well themed queue line. I found the queue for Kobra to move quickly too. :mellow:

  7. Today also seemed to be a day for meeting people. Met AeRo a couple of times during the day and was nice to finally be able to speak to him. Also spoke to Keith whilst he was on the Safari Skyway - and he seemed a little freaked out when I knew who he was! ;) Was good to be able to put a couple of faces to names.

    Sorry, it was because you dont have a DP so I was trying to think... ;)Nice to put a face to a name as you say though and I am glad you had a good day :mellow:
  8. Ah having such fun analysing Shakespeare quotations!

    It is not majorly bad when you analyse them with a good teacher and a good class.However, without this, I just wouldn't get it! :D
  9. 6 and 8pm closes are

    8pm closes were never a problem the last time I looked.I personally think the park should try and have openings until 7pm in the summer holidays.I visit the park when they were experimenting with the 7pm closures as there was still queues, but not very long at all...
  10. Watching now - What Katie Did Next as I am bored. :DIt feels weird when she is driving around Brighton that I can be like "Wow I am always there!" :D or "I got drunk there" :D Just waiting to see her face to face now! :D :D

  11. On the good Nemesis Inferno music that was played last season - Even though that looped instead of dispatch theme, I didn't mind it as it did not come across as repetitive. (Also I really liked it! :))

    For anyone that was there when I was around Inferno, will know how much I love the geysers under the loop. So pleased it's working this year.

    How is your head Mikey? Made you anymore insaner? :D
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