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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. It isn't a popular ride and hardly ever has a queue for it, I personally thing Merlin should sell it off and add a better ride there instead.

    I think Peeking Heights can be quite busy at times, especially in the summer.Yes, it isn't one of the rides that screams the word 'queues' but isn't that a good thing?!Peeking Heights gives some picturesque views of Wild Asia, Dragon Falls, Dragon's Fury and Rameses Revenge!Also, it is amazing for the 'green look' at for the Thorpe Park fans - You can make out Stealth. Also was very handy for my ICT project! (:))
  2. Glad to actually hear Thorpe Park is, finally, getting some good reliability.It has been a long time since I have been visiting Thorpe Park where there hasn't been at least one ride closure, so hopefully that will change!

    basically because I'm actually scared of it. I dunno what it is about it but it terrifies me more then any other ride.

    At least you will actually go on it Mark! ;):)
  3. I seriously can't blame people for staying in the closet or not telling many people.

    I find that the more people know about it the less they actually care.There is also the side that you can tell who your genuine friends are if they care whether you are gay / bi or not!
  4. Went to Chessington WoA today for a briallent day out!All Rides and Attractions were 0 mins from what I saw for most of the day.I did see Dragon's Fury on 30 mins for about an hour then it went down to 5 mins.The same happened with Rattlesnake today.All staff seemed as bubbly as they could despite the weather. And not being big headed but the Vampire staff were immediately the most enthusiastic to me. Maybe because the station is inside but that is how I saw it :(A great day with a very good ride count!Got on everything at least once but did count Vampire which was 11 today :D

  5. I was at the park on the 13th april, and was waiting to take a picture of a train coming out the tunnel, and noticed thunder sound effects coming from inside the tunnel, and I think there was a howling wolf too.How long has that been there? I have never noticed it before.

    It was there for last years Halloween Hocus Pocus.However, it has been back now for a few weeks for the 2010 season. :angry:
  6. If I am correct, the Hygiene Room music (now played in the Rub-A-Dub scene, and often referred to by ReRide as the 'Ice music' for some reason :angry: ) now plays on full loop. Last year I heard it cut out at some point as with the rest of the music, as pointed out above. However, when coming up from the exit pathway from Vampire, I pressed my ear against a door on the right before you go down the steps to the shop. I could clearly make out the Bubbleworks music playing and I recognised it as the Rub-A-Dub scene.

    Bad terminology I know - But just to confirm if it is the Rub-A-Dub scene = The door as you leave Vampire exit is where that big blue ball is.(Again, sorry for the bad terminology but hope it may confirm if it is the right scene or not! :))
  7. This got me thinking. Do you think Professor Burp's Bubbleworks would still have a place at Chessington in 2010? It was still very popular back in 2005. But do you think times have changed at the park enough so that PBBW wouldnt have been able to keep up with that change. I know the ride was looking very poor in 2005, but imagine the park had spent more time and money into it's upkeep, do you think it would have lasted for many more years had Imperial Leather not stepped in?

    Without a doubt, Professor Burp's Bubbleworks was better to the current Bubbleworks, imo.I don't think Professor Burp's Bubbleworks would return to Chessington WoA for 2010.I really like the idea Ryan ('rygr') have about Bubbleworks being closed for a season and completely starting again.I don't think a Rapids ride there would be the answer though. I would like it to be re-themed and fit into the Transylvanian theme instead of quacking everywhere.As the sponcership runs out this year, I would like MAJOR work to be done on Bubbleworks both on the ride, in the station and the queue line.From big things like the ride as a whole to little things like lighting, painting, music could contribute to a better Bubbleworks next season if work was to be done.Yes I agree with everyone saying Bubbleworks is not as good as it used to be but the 2 main rides I always hear people talk about when relating to Chessington WoA is Vampire and Bubbleworks! It is obviously still very popular to the average guests.As James said - Anyone can ride the Bubbleworks as long as with the right people meeting the height requirements, so that is a very good type of ride to have.The Bubbleworks Uniform.Had some talk about it above - I personally would like to see it more 'Bubbleworks type' if it was to stay in place. Bob the Builder hats and white coats dont fit it for me unfortunately...I think some badges over it saying 'Official Bubbleworks Maker", maybe some ducks, some Bubbles, the logo would fit the uniform much better imo.I have been asked by people why we are dressed like it and they have said that they have visited a load of times before and they didnt even relise it was related to Bubbleworks so I am okay with keeping the uniform but improvement is needed imo! :angry:
  8. This is the only ride to date that whenever I hear the music as I walk into the station - I still get an odd shiver down my spine thinking 'oh my god!'Still scares me a bit even now tbh!

    I know the music changed for the ride too, I mean the laughs were added in 2002, and I'm sure thats when the opp's started to talk over the music quite a bit. Although its weird how they now HAVE to talk over the PA, where as back in 1990 - 2000 Neilfever said that the PA talking was very limited, let it was still the same ride, it just has air gates now!

    Woop Woop for the amazing 2 laughs! ;)
  9. But it sounds so good on the Vampire!.Rides such as Toomb Blaster, Bubbleworks and Rattlesnake are rides that need not do it.

    So basically someone on Vampire going "woooo" etc is better than the actual music creating the ride atmosphere?I hate it sooo much when I hear operators mis-use Vampire's PA as I have heard a lot of people compliment the music and actually say that it makes them a bit scared which is great! ;)An operator hearing his own voice though... not so good in my opinion.
  10. Evidently someone just doesn't love Chessie enough to help make the experience even more complete ;)

    Ohhhhh you did just hit a sore spot there :(I don't really think to normal visitors to the park that it will increase the experience of the Ride / Attraction but that is just my opinion. ;)
  11. BubbleworksBubbleworks has been turned down very slightly - 100%.You can actually hear it from a mile away when the park is closed but I dont mind it anyways. ;)VampireI will be extremely dissapointed and upset tbh if Vampire's audio has been turn down.I dont see why it would be as I have seen all people compliment the volume and theming of the station.Can anyone else confirm Vampire has been turned down a bit?Will have a listen out on Saturday - I seriously hope it hasn't!
  12. both 'adventurers' in the park and hotel guests will be able to enjoy it.

    I don't think it would be worth while if it was just to the hotel guests. Obviously, it would be the guests that end up visiting the Savannah more anyways imo. ;)
  13. I feel sorry for Ricky and Steve for being the only gay guys in college!My college is FULL of gays, bis, lesbians - It is sooo cool! ;) well for me anyways. ;)Tub's question - Occasionally I think it would be easier to be straight but I wouldn't change my sexuality at all. It is apart of me and I wouldn't be me without it.I quite like it to be honest.

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