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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. A quick question to some people, I have read that there is an advantage of riding the second ridy-thingy (I tend to use scientific terms :P ). I cant remember what they are and I have never been on the ride, so if anyone can tell me how the second ridy-thingy is better I'll be very gratefull. I think you get a speech or something, I have know idea!

    If you mean the 2nd car - Then you get a talk from Billy (Or Jigsaw - whatever one he is :P) before you go to the first indoor drop. :P
  2. Have fun!In other news, John Wardley just appeared on my Friend Suggestions on Facebook! I kid you not! :P

    Yeah I had that too! :(Maybe it is a bit worrying that theme park people come up on my Facebook .... :P
  3. One of them is now where the red water is - which needs constant topping up. Nemmy water is redyed every week, so I hope chessie doesn't think it can keep it red all season without doing anything to it!

    I did not even relise it had red water until it was pointed out to me! It looks very good and obviously anything is better than gunky green everywhere! :PNice to see Vampire has had a lot of attention on over the closed season! :D

    However the ultra loud music is amazing, makes me wonder why it hasn't been like that for ages :D

    At least we can enjoy it now at very loud volumes! I have even heard 'normal' guests compliment the music and not just enthusiasts!
  4. One other thing just remembered: It is nice to hear the usual area theme for Dragon Falls is now playing back in the station :DHere is also a video incase you haven't heard the new announcements and chimes audio as you go into the Dragons mouth. :Dhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAlJHChgLwM

  5. IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPIDERS YOU MAY WISH TO LOOK AWAY!Meet the cellar spider (Pholcus phalangioides)Posted ImageNow meet the infamous house spider (Tegenaria Domestica) :DPosted ImageGuess which one eats which?Yes, the small skinny one eats the big fat hairy one!Nature is astonishing! :DThe description on Wikipedia about house spiders made me laugh cos it's so true :D"They are very precise on their movements. Instead of following a continuous gait pattern, they usually move in short intervals, stopping several times before deciding where to head next. Males will wander aimlessly around the house if undisturbed, but will soon switch to the running interval if prey or threat are spotted. Their legs are perfectly fit for walking (with tarsi bent outward on the tips) and spiders can run over quite long distances in both situations."After having one make two appearances in the house recently (I'm assuming it's the same spider, usually if you see more than one it's actually the same one that's found its way back in) I am prepared for tonight. With a jam jar. Mwuhahahahaha :D

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!Michaela, I feel your pain my dear. :D
  6. Are there any more, does anybody know?

    The ones I saw on Sunday:* There used to be audio as you 'drop' into the first part of Bubbleworks.* Egg used to bounce up and down after ORP.* Before the fairground, where the duck is spinning in the middle - This used to have audio.* Coca Cola Coaster / Duck Revitiliser - Not moving.* Mechanical 'spinny thingys' usually spun when boat was under it. - Didn't happen on my last ride.* Final Scene - The strobe is out of time with the music.Nerd bit - I looked at a 2010 video on You Tube to remind me of the things I remember not working on Sunday... :D
  7. I'm too lazy to read back on the posts about the lift hill, but whats *actually* wrong with it?Seemed fine last season, except that time I stuck out my hand and confused the system, which then had to be reset. haha

    I think it was because boats kept on getting stuck at the top of the lift hill and didn't go down...Even if they did get stuck on the top though, the boat behind could provide a little push :D
  8. I am not an average guest, and I thought it said: The new announcement says something like:"Wise dragon says: Keep your arms and legs inside the boat at all times."The replacement could have been more creative.

    That is the correct current announcement...When I heard this on my last visit, I was incredibly dissapointed as the 2009 announcements had a lot of character to them and made the ride fun for me before it even began!Improvements:* Change the announcements back to the ones used in the 2009 season.* Maybe include more features during the ride? - Yes, it is good that you have new audio as you do into the mouth and I personally feel Dragon Falls is already heavily themed. However, I do think the ride could have a lot more potential above its excellent standards already...
  9. They got rid of Market Square and Toytown music :D

    I also liked the Toytown music.However, I could barely hear it or the new one the area has now.Either it is because it is quiet or I just am not paying attention :D ...At the moment, apart from Toytown, I find that the audio levels are above my expectations. It is nice to hear all the audio loud! *Cough Vampire* :D
  10. Which date would be best to go? Thurs 8th or Friday 9th April?

    I would say Thursday incase people want to go for a long weekend.Please be aware though that none of us can predict the future.E.g - Someone might just go for Nemesis but if it is unavailable, they might not go. Other things effect how busy it is like weather, opening times etc. :D
  11. Unless I'm going mad, there seems to be a new announcement in the station area too? Voiced by someone different sounding more like they are speaking through a walkie talkie.

    Personally, I hate the walkie talkie ones. They say they are added for H&S (As Benin said) but they dont give off any atmosphere for me and are barely hearable most of the time compared to the origional "Please stand behind the yellow line on the...." which is a great announcement!

    However, I just really don't care for the shooting element. I am not going to go all Daily Mail on yo ass and say it influences violence, but it'd be nice to have a great dark ride that tells a story - like the original Forbidden Terror Tomb Blaster did.

    Incourages violence?! - I seriously hate how everyone is all so Health and Safety all the time. Sooner or later, you are going to need someone to hold your hand across the road. Not referring to you Nick, just general H&S amongst people...I personally find the shooting element more fun for me on Tomb Blaster and it helps me feel the story more of battling the curse on Tomb Blaster!If I was to just sit there, I would be incredibly bored so I can fully understand why Chessington WoA rightfully created a much better attraction, Tomb Blaster.
  12. Marc - I know you are a big Thorpe Park fan boy and you know I am a big Chessington WoA one...Have you ever thought about trying to see the positives in Chessington WoA?!I mean, I still go to Thorpe Park despite me seeing loads of negatives. However, I dont voice them constantly like you do and look towards the positives I feel to Thorpe Park.No one is making you visit Chessington WoA so just dont bother tbh going if you cba! lol

  13. Can anyone tell me where the Colossus BeatBed is played?The Colossus Theme is played around Colossus and there's weird sort of chains-clinking music in the station but thats all I've ever heard being played.

    I havent actually heard the Colossus Beatbed around the Colossus area ever tbh...
  14. I'm surprised how after 1 trip to TP and 1 to Chessie this season has made me lose interest in TP. I'm on here and there's a new post in the Stealth topic and I think 'Oh'. Yet I see a new post about 'Tomb Blaster' and I think 'Hmm, what's all this about then?' And then click on that. Afterwards, I don't really care about Stealth and then just mark it as read. Even a new post in the future topics or in the Inferno topic doesn't spark anything for me. Compare this to a week ago and it was much different.I'm slightly disappointed that Thorpe Park is now losing its flare for me and that I just seem to see it as another park like Adventure Island or Paulton's Park - one that I just think 'Oh' about and probably will only ever visit once. I just hope that it's because Chessie is more fresh in my mind than Thorpe. This is a slightly sad day in my eyes... :D

    Welcome to the better side which is known as the Chessington World of Adventure's side obviously! ;):mellow:
  15. I am liking the additions to the ride - Mainly the flame effects on the walls in the scene I can never spell, so will say the big 'S'. :mellow:The final scene of Tomb Blaster is my favourite! The lights in the snakes eyes were just a nice touch,The only negative vibe I had on Sunday was that the TV's in the queue line wern't playing the DVD**Well, tried to but just white lines flickering on and off!

  16. There was definately one tomb still there on the left as you walked through the crypt - I caught it on video and when it finished processing you can clearly see it. I knew there were a few tombs in that crypt area, but didn't notice much difference. Does anybody know why they were removed? The actual tombstones looked quite healthy so I doubt they were removed because of vandalism like those near the start of the queue.Are the ones on the wall still there?

    I am almost sure they are still there, yes. However, correct me if I am wrong as I don't usually pay attention when I am walking into the station as the audio wins me over... :mellow:
  17. I was quite disappointed when I heard the new announcement. I guess CWoA are just covering their backs, incase a Guest (Yes Keith, GUEST) turns round and says they couldnt understand the accent. haha.

    I understood it perfectly...*Nerd bit*..."Please keep your arms and 'regs' inside the boaty all times... Okay?!""Oi! You keep your booty in the boaty!.. Brace yourself full stop... You hear? Dont get up until someone tell you!" -> Think that one is right...
  18. Also, bring back the non-PC announcements from last year please...

    100% agree with you there Benin.Last years announcements on Dragon Falls were just epic!

    Those 'random fountains' are actually triggered by guests pushing a button to launch them, I spent most of sunday soaking people :mellow:

    I did see this fountains on Sunday. However, I did not see no obvious button. Where did you see it?
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