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Posts posted by themeparkmad

  1. I know I keep resurrecting old threads, but I just want to give my opinions on all of the rides.:PI really love Colossus. I think it's fantastic. Personally, I have never noticed the roughness at all. I love the view from the top and the first drop has a surprising amount of airtime. Another highlight for me is the airtime hill about 1/3 of the way into the ride. Lots of airtime to be had there too.I actually don't mind the 'uncreative' use of barrel rolls as I really like the sensation of repeatedly rolling. It's bizarre. The rest of the loops are decent as well.It's not a smooth as NI but it's always gonna be one of my favourite rides in the park.

    I am glad I am not the only one who does not notice the roughness of Colossus!Colossus has to be my favourite ride at Thorpe Park easily!I don't think the cobra rolls are uncreative at all! They are amazing! :P
  2. Thank you for the audio link above! Was this played whilst you took your seats as I cant remember...I personally loved Pirates 4D and much preferred it to Time Voyagers!With Pirates 4D, I actually felt as if I was going on the adventure with the story.Overall, Pirates 4D kicked some serious ass! :):(

  3. I thought the 2009 map was one of the best to be honest.I am realy glad they kept the 2009 style and this seasons one just looks fantastic!I think they have done a really good job promoting Wild Asia and it is nice actually referring to the name of the areas - Land of the Dragons, Wild Asia, Transylvania etc. Whereas, last year it was catagories like "Big fun" etc.A really good move CWoA and looking forward to having one of the maps in my hands! :)

  4. Btw, when I went on Inferno last year I noticed a lot of effects that I hadn't noticed before. I'm assuming they were either recently added or they hadn't been working for a few years?

    Quite a lot of the effects on Nemesis Inferno were fixed during Fright Nights 2009.I am also hoping that these effects remain working to there great form for the 2010 season. :P
  5. Ever thought your warns could just go up another day? :P :PI didn't actually think people want there warns to go up!Either I am weird or you lot are freaks! - Or both :P

  6. ^No-one's lived until they've experienced Sea Dragons and Griffins Galleon... Awesome rides with awesome music... How I miss them...

    Agreed.I went on Sea Dragons for the laugh and Griffins Galleon is just epic with Mark operating!Haven't been on it since you left Mark :P
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