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Everything posted by AJ

  1. AJ

    Lady GaGa

    Grrr...you know what I mean, (I'm still slightly stuck in the past....)
  2. Believes the best part of cooking/ baking is the cake mix at the end ^_^

  3. Just been reading the last 10 pages to actually look at my first updates of the Swarm - been avoiding it tbh so I didn't get too excited but curiosuty got the better of me and damn it looks good!It's good to see they're thinking of getting the fire effects of tidal wave working again in 2013 however I don't see the water tower working straight away as I hear there's bats inside which causes a lot of problems in doing things like that.Fire, Water, Smoke the angles, the train going over the station just looks Epic in it's own right - Bring on March 20th (will hopefully be quiet skips opening day and weekend then lots of ridage time) cannot wait for it
  4. AJ

    Lady GaGa

    I can't wait for the Monster Ball, and am certainly trying to get into the monster pit - for the full experience. Also the thing I like that she said was at every show someone in the monster pit will be chosen to go backstage with her for an hour after the show - How fab is that!On other news which got me very excited as I like these type of games and have the Michael Jackson and Black Eyed Peas one (and at the moment take this with a pinch of salt as the rumours say it should be confirmed at E3) Is that currently in development set to be released end of this year is the Lady Gaga Experience - I will be one of the first to grab that if it actually becomes reality.
  5. Chillaxing with Jimmy Jams Jay Meakin trying to surpress my laughter whilst he is speaking on the phone to Sarah Victoria Eggleston as she is completely oblivious I can hear everything she is saying - Hilarious, she is gonna be embarrased when she finds out lol

  6. Chuffed at my first assignment got a 'B' at 94%, which makes me wonder what do you need to get an 'A'....

  7. For those who want to go but are unsure because you know no one - I completely understand where your all coming from as believe me the majority of us on here have all gone through it at one point.For example I remember on my first meet I was thinking to myself If they're just weird/ odd/ freaky etc I'll hang around and slip away quietly so no one would of seen me, or that I was going to meet up with everyone chill out for a little bit and then go on my own way and do what I would of usually done in the park. However I was extremely surprised at how welcoming everyone is, and people talked about normal everyday things which shocked me at the time and ten years later I'm still here having made some good friends over the years and plenty to look back on.So if your nervous to go and we don't see you I completely understand but If you manage to pluck up the courage and take the plunge I am almost certain you wouldn't regret it. If need be invite one of your mates along so you don't feel alone
  8. Is looking forward to the £6380.26 that Kerry Thompson owes me - It's amazing how you can get paid for being a friend ^_^

  9. I'm looking forward to the AP at Chessington next month - Whenever I do go Chessie it always ends up being a relaxed and enjoyable day - You don't go Chessie for the thrills you go for the pure fun of it.I am positive that this event is going to end up really good as Chessington usually run the park IMO quite well.
  10. Just cleared out two bin bags full of clothes out my wardrobe - Was extremely painful to let some of those clothes go but when it's over piling sacrifices need to be made.....

  11. Thanks Terry Woodgate, Sharon Woodgate, Zara Debi Violet Metcalfe & Samuel Woodgate For my Christmas present (Finally got round to ordering it - slow I know) I got Bolt and Home On The Range to add to my Disney Collection ^_^

  12. LOL you didn't get the name you wanted - welcome to the forums douchebag :P Saturday I'm seeing Rosalind no idea what time till but kinect night sunday or some point sat hey

  13. 30 minutes all devoted to us wonderful people - We're so lucky - A big thanks to Thorpe for allowing us to do this and thank you Marc for keeping in touch with them
  14. Oh no - This wasn't the plan........now to explain - we got stuck on the boat ride at Butlins and this is us re-inacting (without realising our g/fs at the time were filming) how we managed to get the boat moving all around the track as it kept stopping due to our weight.Otherwise this is the fun you can have at Butlins......
  15. Well - It's a cert I'm going to be there - this will be a good time - PM sent!
  16. Done an all nighter - I attempted sleep but it didn't come about and am now wondering when tiredness will kick in - very weird would of though by now...

  17. Looking forward to going across the road soon to give Lauren Coombs-Organ and Chris Coombs-Organ their Cheese and Bacon Twisties - The smell in the oven is gorgeous

  18. Hi James and welcome to the forum,I applied for a position a few years back and I would imagine not much has changed. Now I've been to a lot of interviews and this one was probably one of the most relaxed I've been to. Having some nerves is a good thing for you though as it means you will perform well at the interview, running on adrenaline etc - Too relaxed you'll either look cocky or not bothered etc.Now suits is certainly too much - You'll stand out like a sore thumb, but what I did so I still looked the part was was jeans and a shirt (you could bring a tie spare with you then you can decide if you want to wear it when you get there) And of course shoes that way you will have a Smart Casual look.Now you do have a small session one on one so they get to know you but the majority of the interview is in a group to see of course if you can work with others and the public. The small item I brought was a small ornament of a labrador which at the time showed my interest in my dog and how I'd walk around the park everyday and organise little doggy parties with the other dog walkers at the time - This showed I could work as a team but it also showed a part of me in terms of hobbies.The team work consists of a bit of role play and also I remember trying to build the biggest structure in ten mins with a certain amount of lego - You were split into 4 teams and you had to work together to get the biggest tower and there were many other smaller tasks.All in all it was actually an enjoyable day/ Interview and was quite relaxed. It's good you got the nerves but don't let it defeat you and I'm sure once you get there the nerves will start to go away plus I remember they were very god at trying to make you feel relaxed.Good luck mate I'm sure you'll do fab!
  19. Big thanks to Jimmy Jams Jay Meakin and Co for a fantastic night, many many laughs and weird random things just forgot about the photos again dammit lol

  20. Had a really good chat to peeps on TPM tonight, Some new and old faces cheers guys

  21. One thing regarding this - I completely understand why there is no annual pass day due to the disaster of the overcrowding last year.But for my own selfish reasons I am devastated as usually at these events you can get your friends an annual pass for usually (If going by the past 2 years) half price and was relying on this event to buy the missus an AP for her birthday. Hopefully they'll be other events when this can happen soon but my hopes are starting to slip
  22. Ah gutted it's not option 2. I can get there from 6 onwards and can give lifts to people on way if need be and really wanted to skate but hey ho. Do you think this will all be wrapped up from 6 or if not do you know roughly what youll be doing from that time?
  23. AJ


    Did a random recording today for Sports Direct.com - Had to do a new chant for their adverts, it's gonna sound so cheesy when it's on the tvand mark horrible image saw this a week ago and just got over the traumer thanks for restarting it again
  24. AJ


    I am still in a state of shock. I was going on holiday with him last year (which sadly I had to pull out of) and he was always a great guy to be around. There are so many experiences and memories that I will always be able to remember because of him over the last year. Hats off to one of the most genuinely nicest people around. He was the same age as me as well and It makes you realise anything can change in a matter of a short time and at any age.R.I.P Colin
  25. AJ


    I became well happy today, as a reward for dropping a colleague off at work they give me a gift of this gigantic malteaser tube - never known anything so big - it's taller than my computer montior and can just about get both hands around the tube!
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