I can see where your coming from, and I would imagine in some cases that would be true but on my personal experience I would say I'm an average looking guy, I get some interest once in a while but not loads and when I'm single for a long period of time I would not even start to consider becoming bisexual just to increase my chances of a relationship (likewise with couple of local mates). I don't mind the hugs, close contact and minor things, as your mates or it could be a big party of truth or dare etc, but start going down the more serious relationship route of actions, the thought just revolts me doing something with another guy.I know some people are sometimes uncertain of which way inclined I am (especially to the annoyance of this girl last weekend who says she can tell if someone is gay or not quite quickly but couldn't work me out) but the reason could just be I'm comfortable with what I do with other people (I'm such a huggy person) as it plays no affect on me what so ever, I know I'm straight and it don't matter what other people say as it's not going to change my feelings because someone else said I am etc Amen to that, how comes all the hot girls with the great personality are lesbians, the really good potential relationships are taken away already...