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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Well that's weird, considering you could clearly see the inline twist when the first bits of track were being put up, and there many updates on TPM showing it. And yes we've known about the blades spinning for weeks now. And no you do not have to book if you have an AP, it was only for yesterday for which you had to book.

    Thanks Dan, I know this blades spinning thing has been drifting about for ages, yet nobody knew if it was true. But now we know. And yes, of course, d'oh! I remember the inline twist before the station was built around it now.Infact, I remember seeing a pic of it when it was delivered, and being craned off. :D
  2. Stealth might not be opened on saturdayy 14 march !! it says on the website unavalible rides and stealth is on there ...I'm really annoyed ... ive been waiting 2 years to get on that ride and wen I can go I cant go on it :@ so on fair :D would it be open during the day ?

    2 years?!Cripes, what are they doing to that ride? The last time I rode Stealth, and watched it, was October. I ain't seen a car fly over the top for months now, the longest period!
  3. OMG, the blades spin, that looks so cool. What a surprise, it's something I didn't expect. I saw a video on YouTube where you drop down in the station and head into an inline twist before going outside. Looks wicked, again, the inline twist I never knew was gonna happen, but the drop I had heard about.

    + Love Jigsaw, he's so cute!

    Is there a model of Jigsaw inside our outside or something, or does he appear on some screen?So, Saw's having teething troubles (hehe, teeth, sharp, blades, get it? OK, suit yourself :D) on it's first day. Oh dear, it seems to have had many successful tests and now in the run-up week to opening it's not playing ball. I heard Jonathan Ross got stuck on it this week, Jigsaw's probably getting his own back on him for the Manuelgate affair.I'm going tomorrow and am so excited, yet worried these latest problems will not get me a ride. Being an Annual Pass holder, I haven't booked, and I don't need to or anything...do I?
  4. This is a problem with Thorpe's size more then anything, all of those places are situated next to loud things. Sunken Garden next to Stealth, Ranger under Inferno, CCR under Saw and BBQ next to Slammer.

    This problem really cropped up when Stealth was built, because Model World was no more. Slammer's noise from the BBQ isn't too bad.I'll forever be kicking myself the time I walked around Thorpe Park looking for the garden section that is actually in Toy Town at Chessington!
  5. For the sake of Theme Park bloke and my sanity, I have annotated it for him, to make it extremely clear.

    Do not patronise me, what you have written is extremely rude.
  6. Here.It's not a complete version as the creator never got round to finishing it, however what's there I seem to remember is quite nice.Some screenshots of the park are available here & here.

    Thanks, I've downloaded a copy now and soon I'll give it a whirl with RCT3. I see from the notes it's a 2004 version, so there'll be no Slammer, Rush, Stealth or Saw. Maybe Samurai as it came along in 2004. And the old Model World and Fish may be on it!I have created my own Stealth and Tidal Wave in one "game". The Stealth supports aren't exactly the same as the real ones, as are Tidal's drop, and Tidal Wave doesn't have a splash pool and the bridge on my version is not to scale. Best I can do, I've yet to master a few more features of RCT3. Pictures of these coming soon.
  7. I am personally expecting a MTDP around summer/autumn 2009. Jan/Feb 2010 is too late because Thorpe will want new attractions for 2010 and they need to have approval before they can start building. They will submit their new MTDP and forms for any new attractions, then the council will review the new mtdp and approve (if yes/no).

    Exactly. Basically, in a nutshell, Thorpe need to get Saw launched, then in the summer or autumn the big bosses need to yet again scramble around the drawing table and talk about the next MTDP. They'll submit that, Runnymede will either approve or tell them to go and take a run and jump, and all being well, Bob's your uncle, 2010 comes and bang, the approved work can begin.Or to put all that simply, by Fright Nights or Thorpe Blast, we should know what will "develop" in 2010, even if it's only land preparation and no ride construction. But we all wanna see ride construction! And no doubt the new MTDP will mention the second access bridge to Saw completion.
  8. Sometimes, Colossus' main loop gives me blackouts.

    Well I'm not sure about Air. But it sounds like a black out, when there are moments of intense g's (g-forces). There is a temporary reduction in blood flow and therefore a shortage of oxygen to the brain. This leads to lightheadedness or a "black out".

    This temporary reduction in blood flow, it comes back pretty fast yeah? And I don't think blackouts can affect your health or life expectation?

    I'm one of the lucky ones - I always get a top swing whenever I go on Vortex :) But I've found that if you hold your breath before you swing fowards, you're less likely to black-out.

    Sometimes you get a side swing on vortex - any advice for that?
  9. Hopefully the windmill will be covered in blood spatters and possibly a derelict-looking frame to make it fit in.

    I wonder if it will be a rusty windmill?

    I know it sounds a bit picky, but one thing that would annoy me is if the ground is un-themed. It would be pretty easy to stain some bloody footprints heading towards the entrance of the queue and a few blood splatters across that main area, otherwise leaving it looking like new laid brickwork will spoil the great attention to detail they've put into the other parts of the area.

    I can see what you're getting at here, and yes, theming the ground with blood splats on it is an idea, but probably too costly. Anyway, it'll soon be covered in dirty chewing gum.

    See Pictures or

    That video shows a still of Samurai up in the air towards the "back", complete with the pods and the rest of the ride all re-assembled. I assume it's testing!

    Well that FINALLY shuts up people who still believe Samurai is still being re-themed...Posted ImageAnd if there was a re-painting of the pods, it certaintly hasn't been painted a different colour.

    Wahey! Samurai lives, and it lives no different than the last few years! Good to see it all back in one piece and testing!

    I think that means Samurai should be open for main sesson, hopefully.(sorry for coming off topic)

    I hope so!Posted ImageThis sign is looking awesome! I like the lights on the top of it. They remind me a bit of the lights around the Tidal Wave queueline!
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