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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. James, I ain't gonna diss you for having Steps on your iTunes. I may even go and get the "Step One" album CD out later tonight! Instrumental versions of their songs on your YouTube account, now that's g33ky (like me).

  2. Many people may diss Abba (not necessarily members here), but I for one admire them. There was music, simple, class and they were a great bunch in their heyday.And can you really blame Steps for trying to follow in their footsteps? I don't.

  3. Posted ImageI am really upset by Natasha Richardson's lady's death. She was a fantastic actress, really beautiful, and I shall miss her. I shall not watch the Parent Trap in the same way again. She died doing what she loved - how tragic.Bless her. R.I.P.
  4. Yeah, me too. I'm off BK for a while after my recent experience.I've had a flyer come through the post about a Chessington preivew day tomorrow (22nd). It has an address of Merlin Entertainments, Lexicon House, Midleton Road, Guildford GU2 8XP on it, in small writing. I knew of the Merlin in Chessington's Barwell Business Park, but Guildford?

  5. Altough Stealth's opening is a focal point at the moment, Saw's reliability is more. However, I'm glad to see they're finally testing it, as I haven't even seen a train take to the top hat for months! Is it faster, is it still Stealth 1.1?

  6. Must have just been the setting you were on at the time, on Sunday it seemed to be giving pretty good rides, and came down on the same row that it started on.

    Yes, I remember seeing it working well on Sunday.
  7. there have been alot of rumours flying around that The Vampire ride is soon to be leaving Chessington WOA.

    Where have you heard these rumours?

    I expect it will go... just like samurai went back to cwoa this year.... 8-)

    This year? And removing Samurai from a park is very different to removing the Vamp.

    Expect a few changes around the Vampire when the park opens this year!

    Oh yeah? Do tell.

    Changes?It would break my heart if Vampire was removed

    He said "around the Vampire", so it'll still be there. You only have to drive past the Monkey Puzzle on the Leatherhead Road and look behind it to see the first lift hill and track. It was there the other day...strangely. :):P

    Like I got off and there was a tree branch impaled through my skull.

    Did you get any bubblegum with that? :D

    I'm sure vampire will depart soon, I mean...if corkscrew can go so can vampire.

    Soon, you say. Well, the Vamp may be kept until it gets very old and out of date like Corkscrew was.People forget that Transylvania is literally moulded to the Vampire. Don't forget that it's supports do partially hide behind walls of Burger King, and how it flocks round the corner between the 2 buildings. Can you imagine walking through Transylvania without it there? Especially drop and right-hand bend after the second lift hill. It just wouldn't look right.When the Vampire goes, so does Transylvania, and possibly Bubbleworks. It would mean a totally new beginning for that area of the park, especially in groundwork terms, as they'd have to dig so much up to remove it's giant supports. Transylvania would be flattened and be no more.
  8. Yesterday I had a Samurai pod all to myself. And is it slower this year? I was almost asleep! Also, I was on row 3, it came back down on row 4, has it gone back to the old days of your pod landing on any one it chooses?

  9. I thought it was half the park is Chertsey, and the other half is the Staines grid? Ashford seems way too far away from Thorpe to me for them to be running off the Ashford grid rather than the Staines grid.

    You may be right.I saw these 2 on Sunday:Posted ImageI dunno what day this photo was from because we saw them outside the Saw area, near Samurai. That girl is hot! She tickled me on the head with her whip thingy, and I was watching her walk about, and couldn't stop watching. :)On Sunday (my disasterous day when I didn't get on anything), my mate asked a member of staff what was inside the station and queueline, she said it's a surprise. I then mentioned I knew about the live actors, and the look on her face dropped just like that! Busted!
  10. This is so typical Thorpe Park, with SAW shut and Stealth and Slammer thats just ridiculous, I swear some rides are closed more than they are open.

    It's more like a fact. :)

    I did buy a SAW needle pen and a SAW mug which are both very good and quite cheap with the 20% discount from my annual pass. The attention to detail was amazing.

    I saw these in the shop today, they are the 2 best items on sale.

    Free return entry tickets for those who paid to get into the park today. Fastrack would have been issued to Annual Pass holders.

    Damn, I wish I'd have known this yesterday.Let me start with the disasterous day I had yesterday. I turned up about 10:30am to find Colossus, Saw, Stealth, Loggers Leap, Rumba Rapids, Slammer and Rush all closed. Some were because of a powercut. Can you believe that half the park's electric covers Ashford, and the other half Chertsey? Crazy! How old's that place, that should've been sorted out years ago!Anyway, bascially I didn't get on a single damn ride yesterday and was majorly pee'd off. I left at 1:00pm. What annoyed me was about 11:00am they told us Colossus engineers hadn't started checks and were gonna be another 45 minutes or so, and then at midday we were told exactly the same thing. I smelt something very fishy and it wasn't the oil dripping off the lift hill motor, which wasn't working. All these closed rides were causing a backlog of wait for other rides.Anyway, I went back this morning at 10:00am and was pleased to see Saw testing as I crossed the bridge. I headed straight for it and was on it after a short queue. First impressions of the building inside? Not bad. Flickering lights and other effects, plus the "I wanna play a game" video do build up tension...but not for me. ;) As I walked into the station loading area, I took a look round, and thought "Is that it?!" - all this hype for months about how good the station's theming was going to be, and although it is a very good station, it's not exactly scary or gorry, and there is room for improvement. First-ever ride and it was the back row for me, damn, oh well at least I had made it here! After the ride started, I knew what to expect what with the drop and inline twist, and then out to the tower we went. Well, we got to the bottom of it, stopped and waited for about 10 seconds before it took us up. For a second I thought there was a problem. We were at the top quicker than I expected it to be, and then whoosh, off we went, down the drop. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the ride and immediately went back for another, this time on the second row. The ride was how I expected it to be.On my first ride, the camera wasn't working, it was on my second though. I do like the model of Billy on his bike on your right, just as you leave the station - it is Billy, isn't it?
  11. I do love the 3 lights above the entrance sign, finishes it off perfectly. Apparently they flicker?Also, does the headchopper make a noise when it spins? Just "workings noise" or sound effects?And are there sound effects as you exit the station and into the drop and twist?

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