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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. I have only been on it once. It was awesome, that launch is just; wow! I can't wait to ride it again.

    Go again then! Not every ride is the same as your first.Also, what's happened this year in terms of the major maintenance they've done? Anyone got details?
  2. eurgh! health and safety these days is ridiculous! they're such party poopers! :P

    Tell me about it. Whatever happened to this non-spinning windmill that H&S wouldn't allow to spin, has it been dropped? I don't see the windmill anywhere.Also, I suppose SP are good for something after all:Posted Image
  3. I dunno if people agree with this, but when some people actually finally see Saw in the flesh (lol, what a pun) as opposed to images they've seen on the net, do you think they'll actually be quite nervous or excited of it as much as Oblivion?For me, Oblivion, Stealth and now Saw are the only 3 rides that have ever made me think "OMG!" in excitement or nervousness when seeing them close-up for the first time.Think of the ride experience, people!

  4. The Ride It First winners will ride it first then I pressume that the rest of the guests will be riding after on their allocated times.

    That would figure - note how Annual Pass riders can only ride it between 2pm and 5pm. I can't go on the 13th but I will be going that weekend, for the sake of 2 days, and a "bundle for the ride", the 13th ain't worth it.Also, I see you have to book in advance for the 13th. Is it the 13th only, you don't have to book in advance if you're going to the park for a normal day oout on 14th or 15th, right?

    Not sure if any of you have seen this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci7TOy1a9sk

    Lucky kids. And why is there a STOP sign at on the ground in the background leaning up against a wall?
  5. I'm beginning to think these vents are real and will spin, look at this close-up shot:Posted ImageI'm sure I've seen the blades in different positions in different pictures up until now. Surely there must be some air to be let in and out of the station?

  6. I can almost guarantee there wont be live actors. Especially in the queue line, there just isn't enough room for actors to run around in the queue, its too narrow. Also Thorpe wouldn't bother as it would probably cost them more to pay the actors. I think it's something they should consider for Fright Nights however.

    Southparks report there will be live actors, and it's the first I've heard about it right throughout Saw's construction. So it leaves me baffled... :)TBH live actors will ruin the waiting.
  7. I know it's completely random, but I just though I would point out my favourite theme in the park:Rumba Rapids!Every time I hear it, it brings back such great memories :). Doesn't anyone else love that theme?

    If you're talking about the theme of the ride or the music, then they're both excellent. I have the loop track and sometimes listen to it over and over.
  8. Most of the merchandise is cheap quality and over-priced. I've only ever bought a Stealth mug and the Thorpe Park mug.

    I like my Nemesis Inferno mug, it's one of the old ones though, which says red hot inside. A coffee in that each morning wakes me up no worries :)

    I have the Twisted Freak one - sums me up!I would buy a mousemat, but it's got the old logo on it and is smaller than the average mouse mat. And you can tell they don't sell many air fresheners, there's always loads of them! Has anyone seen those little LCD keyrings with the logo on? They're quite cool, but again, a no-no.The best thing I ever bought from Thorpe Park was some furry dice in the Nemesis shop several years back. They are black and have my name on them. I have them hanging in my car and have no intention of ditching them! I was gonna get some with my name on and some with my girlfriend's, and chop them up so that both our names are on one pair, thus making 2 pairs of these! But unfortunately they don't sell any with her name on.
  9. Rumours are floating about that the Original Source sponsorship will soon be removed from the ride. Does anyone know if this is definately happening?As for the shower gel, well Tidal Rave may have inspired me to buy it, but if the sponsorship does end, I'll still keep using it - it's good stuff!

  10. - I always seat on the end seat on Samurai

    I find that the most uncomfortable seat on the ride.
    • I never sit on the end seat on Samurai
    • I never eat in KFC
    • I always sit on the end on a row in Vortex - a habit I want to try and drop
    • I always have a seat on the ridght on Colossus
    • On Tidal Wave and Loggers, I always go at the back, or nearest to the back
    • I always try and ride Slammer twice, once on each end of set of seats
    • I always avoid the Banana boat
    • I always check Stealth's single rider queue no matter how long the main queue is.
  11. We all like films - and for most of us, we all have a favourite film.For me it is The Lion King. OK, so there have been better films since it was made, and 3D rendering etc on films has come a long way, but The Lion King is one classic that stands out. I've never always liked it, only since about 2002 did I watch it for the first time. And in 2005 I saw the stage production at the Lyceum Theatre in London, and again earlier this year. And I have to say, if you like the Disney version, you'll love the Lyceum theatre version. OK, so the original film doesn't feature people acting out the animals, but if you'll see you'll be amazed - and moved.So there's other classic animated films, but The Lion King is probably one of the best - remember how it was so talked about when it was released? Even video games were made for it.So which is your favourite animated film?

  12. The car park prices at the park have gone up by £1 again, although this is the first increase for several years. Read this from Towers Times:Valentines Day 2009 brought with it yet more financial burdens for regular day visitors to Alton Towers Theme Park as the parking charge rose from £4 to £5 per car, per day inspite of the fact that the charge is said to be "nominal" - which is defined as being "insignificantly small".The charge, which has been criticized by many, has not risen for several years. However, such an increase in times of financial difficulties seems, on first glance, both unhelpful and unecessary. The parking charge was introduced in the early part of the decade, and is, based on occupancy of 3 per car, adding around £1.50 to each guests day visit - on top of ticket price rises already since Scarefest 2008. This is in stark contrast to the FREE car parking at Legoland Windsor, Thorpe Park and Chessington all of which have far superior public transport connections.As plans for a relief road stall, and public transport connections to the park continue to be very limited (and relitavely costly) compared to many other leading theme parks, the increased charges will be guaranteed to leave Alton Towers' day visitors with a glum expression come ride close time and the queue for the payment machines.It remains to be seen how the money will be re-invested into Alton's transport infrastructure, if at all.Annual Pass Holders and Hotel Guests continue to park free of charge.They should reduce it or ditch it altogether, or even better, lower the price for bigger groups.In other Alton news, the new Skyride cars are currently being put in, and look fantastic and very colourful!Clickie: http://towersnerd.com/gallery/image.php?id...3&width=528

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