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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. I HATE THIS RIDE it gives me too many panic atacks because I cant breath and its just very uncomfortable for me tbh I think it should go its a bit of a waste of space if you ask me

    It gives you panic attacks and it's a waste of space. Right, deicision made, Detty shall go.*sigh*
  2. But the map shows it, I thought you posted the map trying to prove that Samurai really is cutting off SAW. Sorry for any offence. :mellow:

    To be honest mate, I didn't really notice that Samurai really is cutting off SAW earlier when I posted, but now I see what you mean.And yes, you've offended me.
  3. I heard from a friend that works at Thorpe that they're planning to build a golf course (like Extraordinary Golf at alton Towers) on the site where Thorpe Farm used to be :- Made accesible by canada creek railway

    If your friend believes that, he'll believe anything. All that time re-routing the railway? The engineers will go mad!
  4. I think Slammer is meant to be part of Lost City, not completly sure though.

    No, it's definately Canada Creek. Otherwise it would be turqouise Lost City colours.The Lost City hasn't really got a logo has it, so it would be good to see one developed. According to Wikipedia it's based around a Mayan temple/land. :mellow:Also, interesting pic I found of the whole park:Posted Image
  5. The version I've got only has the trumpets missing, other than that the track is exactly the same as the one played on Colossus. For a few seconds worth of trumpets, it ain't worth surfing the www - if anything, I prefer it without the trumps.

  6. I see Slammer top are off.

    They were still on there with the scaffolding surrounding them during the middle of November. I can't believe they've had to take them off again, it shows what complicated technology Slammer really is. Have they sent them back to S&S again? Because this time, surely, if they have been sent back, S&S should either replace them or get some staff to England to have a detailed look at the problems.

    Cant wait until the 13th! Any guesses yet?

    No, and I couldn't care. Honestly, I'm sick of this stupid 13th-every-month thing Thorpe keep doing. The novelty's worn off. We all know it's Saw and what the theme is - a bit different if we didn't know the name.
  7. It probably thought "Sod this, I much prefer to swing over Maccy D fries!"I think this year has gotta be it's worst downtime since Vekoma put the new trains in. And even if the problems are lift hill related, there's still no sign of scaffolding on the first one, now that the park is closed. Remember that when you go past the Monkey Puzzle on the Leatherhead Road, you can see the first lift hill peeking out behind the building, and the lift hill mechanism and cog.Plus you can see the Nosferatu window if you're in slow traffic!

  8. Thorpe Park stole it and added trumpets.

    You mean on the earth-shuddering drums section? On a copy I have, it has the drums without the trumpets.Anyway, are those lovely green Bose outdoor speakers going to be put in for Saw? And is new music being composed, or is Saw film music going to be used?So many questions, so few answers.
  9. Is that the section just after the camera, as you do the slow 180 degree turn before the inline twists?I had the strangest dream about Colossus recently. I dreampt a recreation of it was done on a steep cliff near the sea. It was so odd because the train would leave the station and not actually hit rollercoaster track until the bottom of the lift hill. Then instead of turning left at the top for the descent, it would turn right. You went through the loop as normal, and the bunny hop towards the cobra roll was so big and long, it dived down to about 50 metres above sea level - however it seemed to slow down here and not really go through a cobra roll. Yes, it eventually turned round and powered back up to the land, but it did not go into corkscrews. This was the most oddest part, where it slowed right down and all of a sudden it changed from an Intamin coaster to a B&M inverter! It then continued some odd route, slowing down at points, there was no inline twists either, but there was one section where it powered up so fast for a Stealth-type top hat B&M inverter syle! I can't remember how it ended.

  10. Alternatively you could listen to the full thing here! :mellow:I hope they sort out the audio properly for 09. Get all the volume levels right, get rid of the dodgy crackling speakers, fix WWTP so there is no cutting out and no delays on different speakers, bring back the original Slammer, Vortex and Detonator themes and pow! Win for Thorpe.

    I already have the music, plus every other Thorpe Park tune that's going out there. Let's be realistic though, the only crackling Speakers are on Slammer which do need to be fixed, the old music is OK but the new one is so much better. The old music is some tune they dug up from somwhere on this planet, it's heard from radio station competitions to big annual events. The new one however was composed for the park. As for the Vortex theme, what's changed, except a new announcement in it? And the old Detonator music, please yes, let's have it back.

    God I miss the old Detonator music. It created such a great atmosphere and it was so loud. I remember in the years of 2005 and before just walking up to Detonator and hearing the music which really built the tension and the atmosphere. Don't mind the new music.

    I have 3 tracks of the old Detonator music. I have the full theme tune, the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Explosion" countdown, and the countdown with the rasising music.Click here for the old main theme
  11. No, there isn't.There is/ was a crack in the first corkscrew though.

    A few months/years ago the foundations for the vertical loop had to be reset as because of the shifting landscape, cracks had appeared. Cracks have also been found in the first part of the lay-out, particularly in the downhill helix.

    Are talking about the supports here or track? And when you say foundations, do you mean the piling?
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