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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Stop complaining over something so small and insignificant.

    Me? Complain? No, Dan, I'm just stating the truth here and outlining one of the problems the park has.

    The Pizza Hut sign next to Nemesis Inferno...

    That is not pointless? Big maybe, but it has overcome my hunger problems in the past, whilst queueing for Nemesis. :angry:

    Posted ImageYou can't deny it, I've solved your problem.

    Damn ¬_¬, Well I solved the so called Octopus Garden 'problem'

    Well I can deny it, and I will. Because now I'm stuck with another problem - in order to walk Quantum and Zodiac area, I have to follow the signs for the toilets in the dome, through the tiny door that everyone misses and down the steps, past the toilets and lockers and out past Quantum, Zodiac and Rush - why should I have to do that?

    Well tbh according to him, he can't go round Ranger County either because he'll be swamped with small rides.

    Well, actually no. Those I can stand.
  2. Thats what reviews are supposed to be. They are supposed to balance the pros and cons of a ride and come to a natural conclusion of what he believes of the ride.

    Yes, you're right - but he doesn't balance, he just criticises the whole ride and explores the cons. We all know that the new Bubbleworks is not as good as the old theme, but the review for that would bring a ten year old kid to tears.
  3. Anyone else noticed that the window that had the robot in, in the queueline has been boarded up?

    I'm a little confused here. Are you talking about the lady robot facing sideways with the mirror behind her, or the giant battery?Either way, what anyone thinks, I think X:\'s time is up. It's been the best it's ever been since they made the tiny adjustments a couple of years ago, but it still needs to go. And when it does, they'll have to demolish the building carefully, as Colossus' station is somehow attached to the side of the X:\ building.The roof is iconic for planes flying in and out of Heathrow - let's give the pilots a new landing/taking off target.
  4. Sorry, but I need to have a rant and rave on this. Last week I went up to London for the day. I went to the Science Museum to find that attractions that I am waiting to see are still closed and may never re-open.Firstly, level 2 of the "launch pad" has been closed since about November last year. It was called digitopolis and is being refurbished. It was meant to open about April this year. Nothing has happened in almost a year. They have taken everything out of the floor, taken the "box sign" down that was hung up and lit. Why change this? This was fascinating, yet useful and knowledgable for kids!Posted ImageSecondly, the Food For Thought exhibition has been closed since the summer of 2003. A few years ago I was told it would not re-open and was being redeveloped. This was despite a sign at it's entrance stating that it would be opening in the future. I once made a complaint after enquiring as to when it would open - after being told that it wouldn't, I then asked them why there was a sign saying it would. They immediately removed the sign.Last week, I went up to the level this exhibition is on to find that half of the level is shut. Time Measurement, directly opposite it, has now closed too and a huge boarded wall stopping anyone from going in has been erected. Since 2003 you haven't been able to get into Food For Thought because of a smaller boarded wall at it's entrance.What makes me laugh though is that in these past 5 years, I have looked across into Food For Thought from the Time Measurement area, and can see up until this present day, that not a single damn thing has been changed!The Science Museum is great, if they want to change exhibitions, then fair enough. But surely it would make more sense to keep these attractions open right up until a few days before closing them and ripping them apart starts, rather than keep them closed for years and not do anything with them?If they wanna educate the public, keep them open!

  5. OK, so all of these don't work and the chances of these working are doomed. But Tidal Wave minus all these features is still looking fantastic and works a treat.

    1. Quite a lot of people. Neptunes Kingdom I find is quite a peacuful place.2. You don't... :DAnd I'm quite sure a lot of people are sick of seeing thrill rides facing you in every direction. At least you dont have to look at Octupus Gardens all the time, only when your near it.

    I'll tell you the one thing that really pisses me off every time I exit the dome and that is that huge f**k-off slow-scrolling LED sign which welcomes you to Octopus Gardens. Out of all 3 parks I've never seen a more pointless and large sign!If I come out and walk past Rush (on left) towards the queue times boards I still have to walk past Octopus Gardens to get to Stealth. If I come out and walk over the bridge which goes over the beach I have to go right through the beach and still see a lot of Octopus Gardens - so either way I can't win!
  6. It was running really well on monday. The swings were in sync and it didn't break down. I got 13 goes on it.

    Rush has been really poorly this year...Yesterday swing B kept going too high, and swing A was wobbling from side to side. A lot...Hopefully they'll fix it properly over the winter...

    Rush was running like clockwork on Sunday. The ride length didn't even last a minute, I'm sure - it was that quick.
  7. The only track that sounds really different on a computer to in the park is Nemesis' despatch theme. It's good to see the Bose cannons working overtime by pumping out the main Nemesis theme.Thank god they've removed that crappy tune from last year, it was awful!

  8. If Thorpe Park get a topspin then they seriously need their heads testing. Topspins are 90's ride, something that should be exiting theme parks, not entering! Now I am close to starting my campaign of removing topspins. I've said since 2005 that Rameses should go.

    Slammer is my fave in the park. I dont get why people hate it so much.....Also I love the themed music and the ride sounds.... some of the best in the park :(

    Uh-huh, Slammer is definately one of the best rides in the park. And the music is great, a simple but boring tune to some, but to me, it's excellent and really suits the ride. Better than the first set.

    I used to like it but in my opinion I now think its just s**t. It gives you no adrenaline or rush. maybe a bit of excitment but its just nothing

    You've gotta be having a laugh! If it gives you no adrenaline rush then that is shocking! It's the best ride in the south-east (putting aside rollercoasters). The best bit of adrenaline rush is when you're going backwards.
  9. Please do excuse my rollercoaster terminology, I know a lot of the names but am like ;) sometimes when it comes to the meanings. I thought an inline twist was like the one over Nemesis' station?Can someone tell me the inversions in order please, for both Nemesis'?

  10. A girl after my own heart. Walks at night are so much better than during the day! Recently I waited for a train for an hour and a half (the first one was cancelled). I could've walked up to the village and back but it'd taken me about an hour round-trip. With sod all within an earshot in the area, the only thing that seemed interesting was the common, which lead directly up to the train platform. I didn't explore it though, as at night I didn't know where I was going. I have since explored it during the day and will one day go back at night.

  11. I have to admit, Nemesis has come up in my opinion. I mean, it hasn't changed or anything in the last few years, but I only experienced it for the first time in 2005 (after N:I in 2004), at first it did meet me with a frosty reception as far as the ride's thrillness goes. But now I've warmed to it.The one thing I've realised only recenlty is that they both have 3 inline twists, I was under the impression Inferno had more. Perhaps Alton's Nemmie could've done with a couple more during the design process, I think a fantastic location would be after you exit the loop and go under the bridge, round to the left.

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