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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. What is the proper name for those cycle-things that staff go around on during HHP? They have a handlebar and accelerate from the bar. They stand in between the wheels. The 118 men also use them in one of their adverts! I have tried to find a picture of one, but have failed because I don't know the name!I would love to find out, and get one!

  2. Oblivion really need to get that missing widescreen TV sorted out in the station. There was 2, but one's been gone for ages now for some reason (over a year!). Come on, sort it out! The price of TV's are dropping!

  3. Yes, it rides like a bat out of hell.Also, anyone remember the colourful W E L C O M E sign that used to be at the entrance? Well it's not there anymore, which is a shame, because it looked good. But if you look to your left as you go up the lift hill of Dragon Falls main drop, you will see it in hiding with some other old removed signs you may recognise from the past.Honestly, sometimes, Chessington do a crap job of hiding their signs. You'd think they'd either keep them stored all in one place, display them, send them back to the signmakers or bin 'em!

  4. Fair enough. I'll never forget the time I was on it and it crept over the top, I've seen tortoises move faster! You actually have to look to the side to assume the best slow speed you're going. I usually look to the right, down on Rumba.

  5. I was stuck in the station of duel at alton towers for about 30mins they gave us fasttrack

    Were you waiting in the queueline or actually sitting on one of the cars?

    Power is needed to open the restraints, as there is no quick release button on the Stealth Car, as they need power to open, not to close then I.e fail safe.

    As well as that, it's also probably something to do with the fact that as the train stops just after the station, people might click open their restraint and easily run down the launch track paths on either side.

    They stopped Inferno yesterday because someone got their camera out *sigh*.

    Jeez, this is going to far. I know it's been in force for a while now and it's all to do with H&S etc etc etc, but what makes me laugh is that the park have only this year latched onto this fact of on-ride videos. It obviously shows the operator is watching every train going up like a hawk on the cameras.
  6. As for this Dylan business. It has nothing to do with Saw. It has nothing to do with the rides plot as far as we know. It is not connected to the ride as far as know.

    But Dylan does have a connection with the films. I can't remember if it's a character or actor. Something to do with a son, I can remember that.
  7. Earlier in this topic I was asking what would happen to Corkscrew, would it be sent to it's manufacturer? Well now I can answer that question for myself, as I have just found this on Alton Towers Almanac:However, fans of the ride will be happy to hear that the famous corkscrews themselves are likely to be saved and used somewhere in the park.Brilliant!

  8. I dont like the " - The ride" bit after "SAW", it sounds really Universal studios/SixFlagsI think SAW is goood enough

    Yeah, I agree.

    As said on SP, the name was not mean to be relative to the project, it really was random.

    Bah, what do they know? If they believe that, then it might as well be laid at Thorpe's feet with other project codenames. Yes, it was a coincidence Stealth ended up the same as it's codename, and that how Nemmie was Calypso - in Calypso Quay! Southparks will forever live in a dreamworld, they really make laugh.

    Theres Studios North in Alton and then one down the road from Chessington at Silverglades or whatever that industrial estate is called, and probably some more.

    Merlin Entertainments Group Ltd, Unit 5-6 Silverglade Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, KT9 2QL.If you look on a lot of merchandise, especially cups, it has "2008 Merlin Entertainments, KT9 2QL" which is that address. Or sometimes it has Merlin's head office postcode which is BH15 1NQ.
  9. I've been to Alton Towers this weekend.For the first time since 2005 I've actually been on the Skyride - whoohoo! And it was my first time on Rita since 2006, the damn thing was closed last year.I had my last ride on Corkscrew, almost knocked my head on a support on the Runaway Mine Train (:P) And Nemesis and Air, The Flume, Hex, Congo, Charlie and any other ride I've missed all thrilled me to bits.However, how boring is the Burger King in Cred Street?! All the fun theming has gone. At least the annoying Ronald in his car at the top of the building doesn't make that annoying sound anymore.And finally, does anyone know where I can get hold of a copy of the current entrance music? It's really good.

  10. *shudders with fear...then smiles and realises how awesome this all is*

    Gerstlauer & an external engineering company are putting up the ride, not Thorpe. Basically what you mean is did B&M & Intamin take as long as Gerstlauer to put their track up?

    Well...yeah. :P

    I've only just realised how tight the Dive Loop actually is!

    Is the dive loop the one in the middle of the picture or the loop after the drop from the tower?

    I agree, black brown and silver! To make it, dare I say, E-GY?

    You've just described Slammer's colours.

    DO you think they will have a pre show room, highlighting the story before you ride it, Hocus Pocus style?

    Hmm, I'm not so sure about a pre-show room but warning signs may go up. I'm sure we've all seen the large black sign as you enter X Sector at Alton Towers. If you've never bothered to read that, have a read, it makes interesting reading and makes you wonder if they're serious. The sign I am talking about can be seen in this picture, to the right and left as you enter.

    Lawrence Wells (who has a very reliable source of information) is from TPG, and someone from THORPE PARK's Behind the Loops Competition, told him that Samurai would be sent back to Mondial in Holland at the end of the season, to be re-furbished aswell as re-themed into Canada Creek. It is likely that it will be given a new name, and there is speculation of it operating on a faster setting when it comes back. Although no-one has confirmed this due to the Top-Scan being a fair-ground ride and so was not manufactured for constant everyday use. I really hope that Mondial are able to tweak the systems and controls of Samurai to make it withstand the wear-and-tear of everyday use on a faster cycle.*fingers crossed... again*

    So what happens here, does Mondial come to Thorpe Park and pick it up and transport it using themeselves?

    Samurai re-theme is just a rumour, and always has been. The only people who know are the park themselves I'm afraid!

    You'll be surprised at what they don't know. One told me earlier this year that the coaster will dive underneath Loggers - I think not.

    This ride is no where near testing yet, not for a good couple of months yet!

    The electrics and ride's operating system are close to going in once the station is a bit more completed.

    Still, for those that thought Buzzsaw was a good choice of name, Saw is basically that.. :P

    Thankyou.As for the name, well Saw is brilliant but I don't like the way it's kinda linked upto movies. Oh well.
  11. The new skin is alright but I prefer the old one. And the top is OK with the Assistant and messages etc. I love it - "It's great to see you, Theme Park bloke".The font sizes were OK before but now they're either too big or too small.

    I have beef Phillip Caudell! I REFUSE to scroll to the top of the page damn it! Where is my "Take Me To The Top of The Page" Button?!?!!!1

    Easy way round that - press Home on your keyboard. I do it all the time.
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