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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Don't be sorry mate, I'm please you found this. This hasn't been recorded, I'm sure of that. Besides, the track doesn't even loop. :)Also, can anyone tell me where I can get hold of a copy of the Hocus Pocus Hall music at the entrance? It's not the main theme I'm after, I already have that. It's the slow, spooky theme I'm after. You might sometimes hear it when strolling past as you walk to and from Market Square.

  2. Personally, I think the age restriction is a load of bull.

    He's a newbie and I think he's right.

    2) I agree with james and tpdan it looks messed up but will turn out brillantly

    All coasters turn out messy! Colossus and N:I are both entangled when looking at them from all angles! I've been riding Nemmie 4 years this month and it's only recently I've got to learn the track route off by heart!

    I have a feeling Thorpe are going to use the trench for more 'surprise' themeing; possibly a few saws and such

    Either track or queueline? Hmm, maybe people may get scared and trapped in the queueline here, and bottle it?!

    OK....Thorpe's planning to build 3 more coasters around the new areas to the right of Stealth (over the years to come). And they will infill land to the left of Lost City.

    I assume you mean the land to the right of Stealth as you wait to launch? Three more coasters?! :mellow: Baby, this is good! And although it's a shame they'll have to use the land to the left of the Lost City, what goes there shall be interesting! Access to there should be interesting.

    My theory, is that Thorpe commissioned B&M to design a flyer but to draw up multiple layouts for different areas. The one everyone has seen was the layout for Canada Creek.

    I am under the same impression. For months I thought we were getting a flyer too, but we have been let down. Don't get me wrong, Dylan is looking hot and I can't wait for it, but a flyer in Thorpe somewhere must surely be one of the three coasters they plan to build?

    Has anyone else noticed that some Gerstlauer Eurofighters have safety belts as well as the harness, and some without?

    Crikey, more safety than Stealth!

    It seems that Thorpe might actually go with this name, as some of the themeing in places sush as the lift motor etc. is a buzzsaw, so the name 'Buzzsaw' might still be on the cards.

    You must be having a laugh? Buzzsaw is a great name for it. And who cares if the name is Obvious?I am really excited about this. I can't believe they have got the track completed already! What is Thorpe's record for getting a track up? Less than a month?
  3. This is a lengthy process, that requires a number of resources from the Park internally and externally, that we will only undertake for professional production companies who have liability cover that insures them for a minimum £10 million.

    Son of a bitches - I wonder if Churchill could sort me out?!Like I say, good POV of Colossus and Nemmie on Merlin Media Vault. Shame about the music ruining it.

    Thorpe go effing mental about it due to previous incidents. Chessington quite frankly doesn't care much as long as its secure, I've seen many a person even been given their camera on the rides if they went to put it on the side :mellow:

    And Alton Towers...?
  4. Girls who must be atleast 16 pretending to be 14 and then inviting you to a house party in brickston when you live in hampshire and asking you to bring drugs which you've never even been near or wanted to be near in your life. Nothing wrong with them being 2 years older but lying about it, drugs, brickston... I'd get jacked. knew their not 14 when they told me to come out at 11 on a school night about 2 hours from where they live.GRRR THEIR FIT THO :mellow:

    Best rant of the topic.
  5. According to recent construction:All that's left is:Dive loop Immelmann turn, then I assume that it will be:Station being built Themeing for station, for coaster and landscapingTestingFinishing touches

    So at this rate it looks likely that it'll be complete by Christmas, with a few tests starting then? Once the track is finished and the operating system installed in the station, do they need to connect all the electrics? I understand all the electric foundations are ready.

    Immelmanns change between manufacturers, but in general James is right.

    Are you sure? They all look the same, I've seen enough coasters made by different manufacturers.
    What the...? - can someone explain?

    Id rather there's be no windmill than one which doesnt move

    Agreed. Why the hell isn't it going to move? What's the point. Rattlesnake's rusty one does.Also, concrete rings aren't as expensive as they look. Click here for a page on all of the different sizes that are available. Look at the weights - to those cranes, it's not much, but to forklift them is so much more risky.
  6. I just found this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuZMX56Eps0its from the tv programme balls of steel and features the annoying devil at thorpe park!found it quite funny actually....

    I saw this on Balls Of Steel when the episode was first broadcast on Channel 4. It was shortly after I had started going to Thorpe Park regularly. Hilarious - everything he does is funny. Second to him, Neg's Urban Sports is funny.

    It does get a tad anoying :mellow:

    A tad? Hmm, I'd say more than that.
  7. Well this is sad news. We all knew this was coming eventually.I am going to Alton Towers later this month for a couple of days so I shall make sure I have 2 or 3 rides on the Corkscrew.I understand Corkscrew is being removed not only because it’s and old time to retire, but because of a new area coming in 2010. Where is this new area going, near Ugland? And will Rita be put under the new area name and Ugland be wiped off the map?Also, what will happen to Corkscrew, will it be dismantled and sent back to the manufacturer? Or will it be melted down and sold? Whatever happens, the trains will almost certainly be used again on another rollercoaster somewhere else in the world.

  8. Hmm. :P On Tuesday I posted about a Stealth rollback I saw on Sunday. I think it was in this topic.That post has been deleted for some reason. If I put in the wrong topic and it's been moved to a more relevant topic than fair enough. But I'm sure it has been deleted because I've done searches and looked back across my posts and can't find it.If it has been deleted, can mods please explain why, as I think that deleting it rather than moving it to more a relevant topic was unfair?

  9. OK, I've heard 3 good jokes this week, 2 of them are from this weeks Nuts:Q: What's the difference between Old Trafford and a circus?A: One's a cunning array of stunts!(I'll let you guess what the other is :P)Q: Two bags of sick are walking down the road together. Suddenly, one stops and starts crying. "Whatever's the matter?" his mate asks him. "Oh dear" the crying sick says. "This is where I was brought up."Q: What's the difference between a counterfeit U.S dollar note and Kylie Minogue?A: One's a foney buck.(I'll let you guess what the other is :P)And one I heard a few weeks ago:Q: What's the difference between a pigeon and a stockbroker?A: The pigeon can put a deposit on a BMW.

  10. Yeah, that kinda flopped. Chessie hoped that when Fury opened, everyone would flock there, although the queueline for it is seen packed regularly. But unfortunately, that only lasted about a year and now everyone goes back to the Vamp. The views you get of Fury flying about on approach to it can be offputting, I admit, but what's a kid to do?!

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