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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. I miss Justa more than anything. Even when he was broken he was still cool :).

    You do know he's in Mutiny Bay at Alton Towers now? If anything he fits in better there!I'll be seeing him soon.

    No need to name call and type in capital letters. Because if you actually bothered to read the damn thing properly you'll see Seb says "Bubbleworks station music for the post-2006 retheme is not available anywhere" - post-2006, meaning before the retheme. So there's the station music that I originally linked to.Now who's the spaz?
  3. I checked the Chessington website again yesterday and it said Vampire is still unavailable. Something must be seriously wrong with it. It's been closed all this week. But according to the website now, it's up and running, it's gone from the list.Someone must know what's been wrong with it? There's always someone that knows.

  4. Lord knows what's happened to Merlin Media's main page lately, but all the content it still there on the site with the downloads available. I know a cheat, here's the link to the Thorpe Park audio page:Merlin Media - Thorpe Park audio page (click)

    Bubbleworks station music for the post-2006 retheme is not available anywhere, you have to old Bubbleworks pre-2006 track.

    I originally got it from ReRide and the same for the other umpteen tracks of Bubbleworks. And it's still there now:http://www.reride.net/parks/chessington/bu...orks/music.html

    Of course it'd have the current Vampire Station theme... it hasn't changed in 18 years! =P

    Long may it live for another 18!
  5. Popped down for a while on Sunday - what's going on with Vampire? It was closed, and apparently was on the 9th too. Has it been closed since, or on random days? It was closed back in July for a day or two and although it's reliable, it's the most number of times I've seen it closed in years.

  6. Boy, was Rameses having trouble on Sunday afternoon, around 1:15pm! After about 10 minutes of trouble with the restraints trying to lock, the ride eventually got going. It went round once, then stopped with the arms just off-horizontally and let the carriage spin several times. When the arms didn't start to move again after a few seconds, it was clear it had got stuck, and the carriage swung to a standstill. In under 5 minutes the ride was reset and brought back down to base.Yet another reason why the rustbucket should go.

  7. Contact with trees never happened at Chessington - too tall. ;)

    Samurai has a new entrance sign / information board. Proof the thing isn't moving to Canada Creek? Ta Matt for the pic.

    Sorry mate, but that doesn't confirm anything. Like Mark said about Bubbleworks, they love spending money. Well sometimes, you have to wonder if Thorpe do. They'll replace the least priority things first knowing them.

    I was lucky enough to see some girl's hair get ripped off by those 'evil' trees

    How the hell did that happen? :D
  8. I think its more than a few metres shorter, quite a large bit was snipped off. Theres a laminate sign at the entrance too saying Queue from here 150 minutes.

    Who knows if it's shorter or longer, it was a V shaped bit of queue that was snipped off.

    2 hours for tidle wave in the summer. It was so worth it though!

    Blimey, I didn't even queue an hour for my first ride on Tidal Rave on a hot sunny sweltering day back in 2006.
  9. Wouldn't it be great if Rich could just stop dictating.

    1. But Peter has a point, you can't just say that he's dictating you, because in each of those posts he does have a point. So even if you reported those posts, not all of them would be deleted, as it is a justified point, even if you think he's having a personnal dig. Even if he was, it would be because your talking utter crap.2. Funny how you say your not aggressive, and a few sentances above you were warning someone not to tell them what to do, when they weren't.

    Dan, reponse to no. 1: I'm not trying to get his posts deleted. Perhaps he does have a point but he's just putting it rudely.Reponse to no. 2: I'm not agressive, and I wasn't warning anyone. I was telling him. And he was telling me what to do.I'm sick of people thinking they're right around here, and them thinking that they say goes, end of. Well sadly, it doesn't work like that.
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