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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Anyone read this? From official website:22/05/2009Shoe should be so lucky!Alton Towers Resort introduces shoe ban to outsmart child cheatsAhead of half-term next week, the UK’s favourite destination for families has announced it is banning children from wearing high heels and is planning to introduce airport-style scanners for some of its more extreme rides following a spate of child cheats who don’t make the height requirements.The Alton Towers Resort, whose ground-breaking rollercoasters have either a 1.2m or 1.4m height restriction has been faced with a number of youngster’s attempting to trick their way on to the rides, not just by the old favourite of standing on tip-toes, but by wearing high heels, multiple socks and even attempting to fill their shoes with items. Since the Theme Park re-opened in March, one vertically-challenged youngster was even found to have attached a pair of flip-flops to his trainers with masking tape in a bid to make the grade, whilst a young girl appeared to have swapped shoes with her mother in order to make the 1.4 metre height restriction.From Saturday 23rd of May, high-heels of more than an inch will be banned and the Resort is currently looking to purchase shoe x-ray scanners similar to those now used in airports across the UK to speed up the checks on some of its bigger rides such as Oblivion and Nemesis. Morwenna Angove, Sales and Marketing Director at the Alton Towers Resort said ‘Children arrive at the Resort and are understandably full of excitement at the prospect of riding our groundbreaking rollercoasters, so we of course understand the disappointment they feel when they are measured and are too short to ride. However, our height restrictions are in place to ensure the health and safety of all our guests, so whilst this ban may appear extreme, we are confident it will reduce the number of desperate attempts to gain a cm or two!’.

  2. I absolutely love the music they had playing at the entrance and into Towers Street last year! I also find it kind of "traditional" to fit in with the ageing Towers, for a park like that, you don't need funky, out-of-this-world music at the entrance (which wouldn't suit the park anyway). I think it was new last year. The track is so "welcoming" to the park. Is it there this year?For those of you who don't know what track I'm talking about, the track can be downloaded from Really Rollercoaster.co.uk, but at the moment the site's closed.Can anyone tell who's been this year if that track is playing at the entrance this year?

  3. by cage do you mean catwalks, if you do there in a set called ac's catwalks. these sets are custom sceenery sets you can downoad them off of certain sights. I do suggest you get more used to the game before downloading them. hope I helpd :P

    As I say, I can build basic walls and paths, and I can dig holes and make coasters go in them and back out, and I can successfully "tarmac over" the hole and coaster for people to walk over. My only achievement in this is Oblivion.And I can build coasters too (who can't?). I know you can download custom, scenery and objects but first I need to master roofs and walls more.
  4. Don't diss yourself for being heroic, I'm all for have-a-go heroes. Well done. :P

    Today me and my Mum were walking back from Tesco Express and they come round the corner in their tacky sports car and stare at us and start laughing and making stupid hand actions. I get in the house and I see them staring at the house, I pull back the curtains, and the brat sees me and gives me this horrible smug smile. So what do I do in return? I give her my best smug smile back... and give her the middle finger. Probably wasn't the maturest thing to do, but the little b*tch deserved it. I honestly don't think there's anyone on this planet that p*sses me off like she does. And she's 11, going on 21. Stupid little slapper.

    Fair play!My advice to people is don't play them at their own game, or stoop down to their level, be better and stand up for yourself, and give back what they deserve.
  5. If you listen to the TPM version, you'll hear it's different from the official. The official one repeats a section of it at both the beginning, and towards the end. It also plays the Quantum theme towards the end I think.

  6. Here we go again, people doubting Thorpe and literally jinxing and asking for the rides to be unvailable. It's one thing I'm sick of here - why can't people be happy and serious that all rides are available instead of it being scarcastic jokes and comments?

  7. Brilliant! Tell me, how do you get the surrounding cage on the lift hill, or is that applied as you build the coaster? I can build basic walls and paths, but when it comes to roofs that's when I struggle. I also cannot build wall fences too well, do you have to build the path and then fence along it? I know how to find these fences in that long list of items. I also need to master digging holes better (I can just do the basics), and filling them in with water.

  8. Apologies if this has already been cleared but do we know when construction for the hotel will begin, and when it will open? And is it going near the newly-built maintenance sheds, across the lake from Stealth?

  9. If a ride breaks down, and they say "You are more than welcome to wait in the queue line", then I usually do for 30 minutes. If nothing has happened in that time, then I leave. This worked incredibly well in the Colossus queue last week. We were queued back to the section under the trees near SAW, and the announcement came over the PA system, "Unfortunately Colossus is suffering technical difficulties and has temporarily ceased operation etc etc." We waited in the queue for 20 minutes, in which time so many people had left that we were now queueing just past the front row entrance. Then, 2 minutes later, the ride opened again and we were left queueing for less than 5 minutes before we got on.

    I usually give it 30 minutes too before giving up. And I hate the ones who leave the queue as the announcement is being made.Impatient - that's one thing people in the country are today. :P
  10. I know usually the generic announcement is "has ceased operation. We are unsure of how long the delay will be" because that's good they don't give estimated times which they can't gauruntee. But hearing that is just irritating.

  11. ThemeParkBloke, thats not a cheap dummy set incase you didn't know thats the scene from the first SAW. Adding or subtracting anything would be like adding a princess to the baggage room on SAW: the ride

    Oh really? Well I'm working my way through the Saw films in a random order. It's still tacky IMO.
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