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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. I've never seen Neptune's Beach listed as unavailable.

    Try Fright Nights or Thorpe Blast. :PThese poor technicians. As soon as they get back to HQ from fixing one ride, they must sit down for literally minutes, only to think they're about to enjoy that chocolate digestive, before being called to another ride to fix. I praise 'em.
  2. I would personally like to see the Gas Tank on Tidal Wave releasing burts of flames, main reason being Ive never seen it for real. I never visited during those years. I would also like to see the Water Tower on Tidal Wave working again.

    When I was a young-en I remember seeing tidal wave and thinking how ridiculously tall it was, and the occasional burst of flames making me jump. Sadly neither the gas or water effects will return for a reason which I think has been posted about a million times.

    Well, legend had it that the pipes supplying the gas were dug up during Project Stealth. It was busted before then, the builders finished it off.This is a very old picture:Posted ImageBefore I used to go to Thorpe I looked at pictures of it on the net, and thought "What IS that?!" - I also thought it was a buoy, you know, at sea. A big massive buoy.

    Something else, the Inferno volcano vent was ACTUALLY WORKING the other day. You know, that thing that's used as a litter bin at the top of the queue line steps. It may have been cold mist and not warm smoke as one would expect from a volcano, but nevertheless, it was working.I assume it's broken now.

    It's cold mist. The other day I jumped up and looked down inside, teeny weeny jets of water come out.
  3. Just a quick question - is it possible to "stack" quotes? By that I mean if someone posts and another quotes, can I then quote the 2 of them when I hit quote? Because it only seems to "pick" 1 if you hit quote of the person that's quoting the original post.

  4. Yes, but if it said "Exit to the side that you didn't get in the car on", the car would have been in the station by the time it had finished playing.

    An idea would be to paint the exit platform with "EXIT" on it, with an arrow, in bright colours.

    You'll be surprised how many people do need it :P

    Exactly, how many people have I seen try to exit the loading side? Loads.
  5. Frankly spraying a slow moving baot with water when said boat already has 20 drenched riders would frankly piss me off immensely.

    Why? You're as wet as can be on Tidal Wave, a little squirt of water isn't gonna bother me, or make much difference.
  6. Go Rumbas Go! :D

    Hmm...Go Rumbas, go, Rumbas go, don't upset the river!

    Small rant about Health and Safety.As some of you may have noticed on recent trips to Thorpe, all of the squirting fountains have been turned off. As well as this, the first waterfall that only got half the boats wet (after the first bend after leaving the "station" (?)) has physically been removed. This implies that it will never ever be coming back. Now even Thorpe Park can keep some water-foutains running, and this coupled with the actual removal of the rock that had the waterfall on it means that the only reason has to be H&S. The waterfall that falls on the boats just at entry to the cave is still there, but I think the only reason why that hasn't been removed is because of the fact it gets the whole boat wet, meaning people don't stand up to avoid it.Now I've heard (although it hasn't been proven) that the shower was turned off for H&S reasons, again because of people standing up to avoid it. Soooo,, Thorpe have removed all effects on Rumba that will encourage people to stand up. This in turn has made Rumba easilly the most boring ride in the park now. There is actually no point to it, and it isn't fun in the slightest.In this ridiculous culture we live in, if someone stands up and falls out the boat, they can sue Thorpe Park so I guess I can see it from Thorpe's point of view. But it sucks nontheless. And I HATE health and safety when they come in to work and start making us change things, and put "warning" signs up everywhere etc. etc. but that is off topic majorly. :P

    None of us like H&S but unfortunately life sucks and these rules are put in place to make the world safer. Even with H&S about, people still manage to have accidents and violate H&S law, so imagine how this world would be without H&S at all.

    I was just wondering to myself:What if Rumba Rapids was sponsored by Imperial Leather?Then I thought that I could edit pictures to LOOK like its sponsored by IL

    Merlin are trying to get ride of sponsorships, not introduce them.
  7. I have noticed it - you're drier. :PAlso, is it worth the lift hill chain stopping and starting? I know it has to stop to allow the car to move forward so the chain can lock onto it. The next time you watch a train go over the top, watch how quickly the cog at the top stops before the car goes down - it's literally a second, if that! Best viewed from the queueline.

  8. Colossus was undergoing essential maintance this morning, which is why she opened late. The train that was on the lift was 'parked' there.

    I thought that was near the case, seeing as it was near the bottom. What do they do, hit the E-stop button?

    Colossus keeps cutting out thats is why train two was stuck on the lift earlier it wasnt for essential maintence its just that at the moment it keeps getting stuck on the lify hill all the time :P

    Now you've said that, I'm confused, was it stuck or parked? Then again, Colossus has got reputation for getting stuck on the hill over the years.So if they were doing essential maintance where was the other train, actually in the station? And if so, was it needed there for the maintenance? And why does Colossus keep on cutting out? It's music was blasting out royally.Sorry to ask a lot of Q's, but I just wanna find out and understand. :P
  9. I tell ya the one thing that annoys me with Saw and that is the fact that people who have been on lots of other rollercoasters get to the top of Saw's tower and scream their head off before going down. OK, so it's more vertical and there are worser drops. Like Stealth perhaps?On my very first Saw ride I got to the top, glanced down, and thought "OK, whatever, bothered, that's nothing" and then went down the drop. It really didn't scare me. It really was nothing new for me even though Oblivion is the closest I've come to a drop that steep before now. It was as if I had ridden a drop like Saw's before my very first Saw ride.

  10. Nemesis and Inferno are two VERY similar B&M inverters.It's great that Merlin are putting a lot of effort into Thorpe, effects on Nemesis: Inferno being renewed, speeding up Nemesis and I think other rides (Nemesis feels great now with the extra push). Saw is a big hit and I've heard (not sure how reliable the source is) that Colossus could be in store for a repainting, the theming and coaster itself has definitely seen better days and the rust and wear on the paint doesn't look nearly as good as it did back in '02.

    Are you having a laugh?Are you having a laugh? They ARE completely different. The only similarites are their names and the fact that they're B&M Inverters.Inferno is a more traditional style with a main drop followed by the a loop, zero-g roll etc. Nemesis really doesn't have a main drop and it certainly isn't at the beginning. Inferno peaks early and gradually decreases in speed whereas Nemesis builds up speed and doesn't reach it's top speed until the middle of the ride. Then you're forgetting that Nemesis is hidden in a pit, Inferno is in plain site. Different themes, layout, colour scheme.If you were shown a picture of Nemesis and a picture of Inferno and didn't know the name of them, you can EASILY tell they are completely different coasters.Anyway good news about the mist, I hope that although they don't look like they were on all day yesterday that they keep them on as much as possible, especially for my next visit. :lol:

    Hang on, are we saying that Nemesis and Nemesis Inferno are 2 different types of coaster? Because from what I can see, they're the same. OK, so the layout and inversions they have are different, that's easy to spot, and Nemesis at Alton Towers has 8 rows of seats compared to Inferno which only has 7. But other than that I can't tell.

    I cant remember who said it, but about THORPE PARK being rubbish with maintaining themeing, I disagree, IMO they have only been properly maintained since MERLIN took over, before that tussaud's obviously couldnt be bothered to keep up the themeing and improve ride experience. IMO all they cared about was money.

    Merlin certainly are better. Not only is the Annual Pass the best one ever now, but Merlin also do a lot more advertising than Tussauds ever did, this year more on TV. Hard to believe it's just over 2 years since Merlin took over now, how time has flown by.
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