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Theme Park bloke

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Posts posted by Theme Park bloke

  1. Wherever you sit in the front row (but only if you don't par attention to the swinging blades), you can see the drop and soemtimes, you can see the spikes as well.

    No, I'm talking about when you sit on the very edge and look over to the side.
  2. It's funny you should mention about it needing a new layout, because I remember going on the Skyway when I was about 10, and I'm sure it covered a lot more of the park than it did today, or was that because the park was smaller back then? And did it have another layout before?It does need some TLC though, and a new layout is ideal. But just think of all the work involved, it would probably be out for an entire season.

  3. If you sit on the edge to the right, and look down to your right before you go down the drop where the swinging blades are, you can see the track below, thanks to some daylight shining in. And if you look back up to your left after going down the drop, you can see the track above you as it comes round the corner.

  4. I watched it from 6:30pm until the end lastnight, it was very interesting and moving. Although I didn't know half the people coming up on stage to talk about him, I did agree with most things that were said.And then this just made me reach for the Kleenex, as did everyone else:

  5. Had an OK ride on Quantum yesterday, it started off as normal, before doing 2 "over the top" swings, and then it took us back up to the top and stopped right there, at the very top, for about half a minute, before it swung back down, and the ride was over. Odd. :angry:

  6. I asked a ride host on Stealth why it hasnt rolled back for a long time, she said they have stopped it rolling back, although she didnt say how :angry:

    They can't stop it from rolling back, not permanently anyway. OK, so it may go through a phase of not many rollbacks, but to say that Stealth will never rollback again is like saying Slammer will never fault again - unpredictable, yet so true.
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