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Everything posted by Skunky
Yeah I agree with peter I can only remember this being last year as well I'm not 100 percent sure about falls but bubbleworks was definately open 06-07
I was talking about chessington not thorpe.The only rides at thorpe you will likely find at a fair is Quantum,Tea Cups and Carousel.
But I think perhaps beano was that class because of me holly lol
If you are saying this about Rodeo being a fairground ride then what about the other rides. I mean for example dodgems,whizzer,rameses,peeking, griffins etc can all be found on fun fair circuits. The only rides at any theme park that wont be found on the back of a lorry following a caravan are the main rides. By main rides I mean rollercoasters,Water rides and indoor themed rides.
IMO the whole thing about bubbleworks has got too old now and I think they could have a major revamp of the ride as a whole perhaps make it newer and nicer and a much better ride?With the whole Beanoland question, due to the contract expiring they will not be able to keep anything themed to the Beano, so a whole brand new area could be on the cards here.
There is still 1 more year to run on the current contract on bubbleworks so after this season both beanoland and imperial leather contracts run out.
I agree this ride making a come back would not be a step in the wrong direction. I mean just because a ride is removed does not mean it was because of low popularity and will not come back E.G. Flying Fish.Perhaps Rodeo could come back with a new restraint system that would mean peopl over 1.2m can ride making it that bit more family friendly.
Rodeo Was a good ride when it was at chessington in the good days.Do you agree with its removal and do you think it will make a comeback?? Discuss the past and possible future of this great spinning ride.
Then surely you must love Dragon Falls as this is probably the driest Log Flume ever lol.I think that removing Whizzer from chessington would be a big mistake for the park a re-theme of this ride will not be that hard they are going to have to retheme this area anyway unless they renew the contract.
Well saved Rich well saved lolYeah I have to agree with you on this I love falls the water is very clean and you dont come off smelling like algae and fish lolI think that chessington could more water based rides but I am very happy with what they have now. And if you want to get that extra bit wet then go onto rameses or Whizzer and sit where you get wet and dont be wimps. And if this fails then go onto Bubbles and have a water fight in the fountains but not the water as operators will not be happy.
Yes I shall be riding whizzer in 2010 Rich just because the contract with Beano is expiring doesn't mean that ride shall be leaving the park. Eventhough what I meant was next season (this year).And somehow Rich I think that is very biased of you and does the Paultons one have water fountains I think not so therefore billys whizzer ftw.lol
I have to agree with you sheepie Billys Whizzer is the best Waveswinger there is.I cant wait to ride that again next year as well as rameses I'm getting upset just talking about it lol.
Well considering that Magic passes ran out on 31st December I somehow cant see it working Will, especially as Thorpe are very strict on this sorta thing.
Will when you are at chessington next when you are in the creature features area of the zoo look at the land and notice the green fence. That green fence is chessingtons boundaries so therefore anything upto that point can be built on with planning permission from the council. If they are wanting to expand then they can possibly use the area at the top of the south car park and plan some other parking space they can use. Behind Runaway and RR is the behind the scenes stuff like service road and various other buildings and then further up from here towards sealife are the zoo's offices and treatment areas.
chessington have alot more land available to them than that so they could expand even more but yes you are correct that those areas are the largest within the current park area.Once again though building down into the ground would take some serious planning permission and the residents of the area are not the nicest bunch of people because they are even moaning about the new Lidl which they are planning to build.I'm sure that merlin have a plan set out of what to do with each area withing the park and where they will put there money in the future but for now we shall have to make do with the chessington there is.
Well what stops Chessington the most is local residents and gaining planning permission from the council.Not only that but that area is used as a fire meeting point as well as being home to the Rig site at the bottom of the hill. I mean they are able to build pretty much where ever they want withing the footprint but they do have to be careful of things which are visible from certain areas, as there are no trees located on the picnic area therefore anything tall like a water coaster would easily be seen from outside the park and due to such a high incline with the hill no flat ride could could go there.
Well we did not go completely off topic because I mentioned bumper boats which correct me if I am wrong here but aren't they on WATER??? lolWell where rodeo was and some still stands could be placed something else like the spinning sombreros which could be like teacups at Thorpe?? awww talking about this has made me remember the man at rattlesnake who sits on the barrell and used to spray water lol I miss that about rattle(btw I mean the model of a mexican guy). Also talking about this is making me want to go wee wee lol.
I didn't say to remove the building I said use it as the station this would keep it to the correct theme and the vampire can be happy with its support as well lol. I think the show arena would be great for concerts and acts I mean you could have things like spongebob squarepants or scooby doo shows and people like same difference or bob the builder singing there would be great and should pull people into the park with ease.Maybe Chessington could even get bumper boats as well Thorpe had them for a couple of seasons and they could fit into where Madhouse is currently placed and there could be a retheme of something like seasides or something or even if they were to replace Madhouse with a Breakdance or a Watlzer type ride it could even be changed into Funfair land.
Beth just cos u stand there and go do u need a hand on the rides dont mean u know much lmao. Well it was just an idea and I think getting rid of burger king wudnt be a bad idea I mean its never as busy as mcdonalds was and they cud even use that building as the station and entrance its never going to happen unless I magically become a ride desginer oooh I like the sound of that lol.Yeah I agree with Will on the whole splash battle I mean alton has one legoland has one so why not chessington and I reckon it wud be well suited on dragon falls lake and cud use the same water as it is very well treated. once again another crazy idea from me lol.The only thing with putting an inversion withing a rollercoaster means a change in the height restriction due to the restraints and safety. But this is not a bad idea dont get me wrong but I think chessington could spend there money more wisely than building that kind of coaster.
well the lovely rich messaged me and spanked me over something to do with my post lol so therefore it is edited lol cos I realised my mistake thanks to rich xx lol erm well I dunno really I will still think about it cos theres no samurai no slammer no nemmy inferny and OMG no tidal lol so I shall see
Erm Sheepie but then what about you?
I shall put down a maybe for this one I cant use magic pass and dont have a annual pass either so it depends on wether I can be bothered to pay lol
Well I dont think that a waveswinger with bones and skeletons is a family ride myself lol. Will I just said what they are doing with the glade they have the arena going there once they start building it.As for a woodie I somehow dont think this will happen due to the noise levels if vampire cant use its PA system unless urgent on the 1st lift I cant see them building a woodie. And somehow I cant see them getting rid off runaway only maybe updating it.As for a rapids ride they could place it somehow so it goes underneath the vampire as this could be a good edition having the legendary coaster flying overhead as our gettin wet on transylvanian rapids lol.
Yes I do know the footprint for chessington but chessington would never get planning permission for that size ride. And to correct James the arena is planned to go onto the glade not next to fury. And Will you are correct but Beanoland although doesnt have the major rides has some pretty cool rides which I would not like to see go (Dodgems and Whizzer). But I still think that chessington hs enough water rides as it is for now but I'm sure they will be adding a new ride soon.