Each year Thorpe Park comes up with many ridiculously silly and entertaining marketing stunts. Some memorable stunts that come to mind:
'Say No to Bo'
'Saw: The Ride sick collector'
'Priest blessing Stealth'
'Urine collection for Saw Alive'
'The girl who married Stealth'
'Ouiji board in Saw: The Ride'
We have also been very lucky to receive some beautiful promotional art, like this new picture here found on Thorpe Park Official's Facebook page: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs472.ash1/25891_415324725866_27217550866_5706700_3481963_n.jpgDiscuss those marketing campaigns that really do make us wonder who is behind the Marketing department these days, those crazy yet brilliant people!