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Everything posted by TimR

  1. TimR


    I thought this series of Skins was really good!
  2. Take one just in case, they will most likley take the picture there but if they told you too take one just incase.
  3. My idea of long term, over 6/7 days.
  4. Ahh thanks once again James!Don't S&S have any other restraints?
  5. Fair enough :PSo Thorpe are still in it then!
  6. TimR

    SAW - The Films

    Saying sick sounds really chavvy!Just say awesome or amazing or something along those lines.
  7. What type of coaster is Mumbo Jumbo?
  8. The people on exit said to me that free fastracks/tickets are available in the orage building.
  9. If Thorpe could go a whole season without a long term breakdown I would give them a gold medal!Unfortunatly they have already failed this season with Stealth, but oh well there is always next season.
  10. It will last a day or two at the max!
  11. I saw many laminated sheets saying that free tickets being given away.
  12. TimR

    SAW - The Films

    The only trap that ever made me vomit was the Pig Vat in SAW III, the one where the man is tied down in the vat and hes going to die in ground up pig
  13. I go to a private school and broke up yesterday, anyway lets get back on topic From the sounds of it all rides are now open for the first time this season!
  14. TimR


    I thought it looked amazing, I might pop down to Legoland and have a go!
  15. Heyy!

    READING!! :P

    I love TPM its amazing!!!


  16. TimR


    Piano/Keyboard are also used in alot of styles of music.
  17. TimR


    Ahh, I'm off to watch the final episode of Skins!
  18. You are forgetting that new rides often have teething problems, and that new rides need to wear into the track a bit.I can understand your angry, I was when I went on opening weekend, I know how annoying this can be.
  19. Sounds like the Hellgate music?
  20. Will SAW be open and how can you get butter updates?Could you please use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation before Rich kills you.Next week shouldnt be too busy, but some private schools break up today and tomorrow and during next week, so next week will be busier than a normal week day.
  21. The blue of the new track is really nice!
  22. Thanks alot James!I can sort of remeber it now, but I think it was broken down when I went.Ryan, I had a one off visit in 2002, but I really started visiting in 2007
  23. Nope lol, I think I remeber it when I went once in 2002, but otherwise I didnt know that yes, I only started visiting Thorpe in 2007
  24. Where did it used to stand?
  25. Yeah, I broke up today, my sister broke up last week!
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