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Everything posted by AeRo

  1. Dan, you have to get well ... thats an order Michaela, so thats a probably, hopefully, maybe yes .... too many positives there for it to be a no :Pmonsterdan5, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. That's all. As for me, I have now arrived in my desired location, so I will be there tomorrow, and can't wait
  2. AeRo


    Scroooge It's only once a year
  3. AeRo


    A day when we rise from the TV couch and say ... Switch this rubbish off
  4. That's a shame Chris ... removed from list.
  5. AeRo


    This is simply amazing :)http://www.tackfilm.se/en/?id=1259606105454RA13Make your and post it in here
  6. AeRo

    This Or That

    PCCrunchie or Maltesers?
  7. Absolutely disgraceful.Mind you we should probably wait until the 12th of December (12th Night yada yada) ... but then we would miss out on all the fun that's coming!
  8. AeRo

    This Or That

    Coffee :)Apple or Orange?
  9. AeRo

    This Or That

    Sunday night :)Sunday night or Friday night?
  10. AeRo


    So is it not sad to access the forum from a phone, when you have an awesomely active social life?
  11. AeRo

    This Or That

    EatingPinnochio or Snow White?
  12. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  13. AeRo

    This Or That

    HockeyBlood or Water?
  14. AeRo


    I take your self ripped scrotum and raise you this....http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/news/2744572/Helen-Hodge-allegedly-rips-out-lover-Billy-Duncans-testicles.htmlMost certainly brings a tear to my eyes.
  15. AeRo

    Youtube Videos

    It's more addictive than Beyonce
  16. AeRo

    Youtube Videos

    frostyfox posted this on RG Is this you?
  17. Here are the links for Mitch Hawkers Steel Poll http://www.bestrollercoasterpoll.com/ Coaster Fanatics Template is here. http://www.coasterfanatics.com/sec_poll/default.asp?test=true
  18. Jebus that stinks :)So desperate to keep it under wraps that the groundwork, station and some track were installed during the season.Mind you, I did like the "Top Secret" video stuff.
  19. Yeah Jake, best to mneet the guys at a Park first time, get to know everyone, then look at trips like this one. Alternatively, theres nothing wrong with coming with your parents.
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