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About Hurri

  • Birthday 07/20/1987

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  • Favourite ride
    Blivvy, still
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    Theme parks, surprisingly.

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  1. Thanks for your support, it's sad it has to close but the situation is what it is. The park don't want me to use their name or logo any more, I could argue it but there's no point, I don't want to keep a site going that won't be able to provide the same quality of updates as it has in the past. If AI ever builds another big coaster I'm sure I'll take photos and put them online somewhere, so not all is lost!
  2. With regards to the track being filled with sand, this can be done after the segments have been shipped. When Stealth was being constructed there was a huge silo of sand on site filling the track as they went along.
  3. Beware April, Spring Break is around that time and the parks will be packed.I went last year at the end of September / start of October - all the parks were very quiet and we also managed to get to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party (which runs on select dates from September) and Halloween Horror Nights, which is undoubtedly the best Halloween theme park event in the world. We went to the first night of HHN and then twice more!I think the thing with Orlando is you really need to have someone who's been before help with planning, when I went one person of the four of us had previous experience of the place and that meant we knew where to go when and how to do things a bit cheaper...I would recommend staying on International Drive rather than at Disney or Universal, that way you get easy access to all of those, you're right by Wet & Wild and Magical Midway (which is crap but has the tallest reverse bungee in the world), and you get all the I-Drive restaurants. You can get a week pass for the I-Ride trolley which takes you to Seaworld or anywhere else you want to go in the I-Drive area, you have good Lynx bus connections to get to Disney and you're walking distance from Universal...Just writing this is making me want to go back as soon as I can!
  4. Hurri


    I know I don't post on here much but I want to add my thoughts to this thread.Colin was a very close friend of mine, we went to Florida together last year and were roommates out there. Going to Florida was one of his life dreams and I'm glad I was able to be a part of that dream being fulfilled. It's just such a shame that it will only be once. I'm shocked by this, I know that the other guys he was very close to are devastated, I can't even begin to imagine how his family are feeling. My condolences, thoughts and prayers are with them.I can't comprehend how a relatively healthy 22 year old man can be taken away so suddenly, out of nowhere, with no warning. It's something I don't think I'll ever understand.I have had some great times with Colin, be that at theme parks, buggering about in London or massive stuff like the Orlando trip. Those memories will be with me forever.Colin was a truly lovely person and a wonderful friend. He will be missed.xx
  5. Got confirmation from the park today that there's going to be two new attractions next year...'Project G-Force' is a flat ride currently under construction in the park's workshop, it will be another home-built unique ride, but with a much higher level of intensity than anything the park have bult before.The other new ride will be a junior coaster from Zamperla. I don't know much else about it at the moment but apparently they've only made one other coaster of this type. I've got a feeling it'll be similar to the Circus Coaster at Luna Park.The coaster will be on the former site of the Lucky Strike arcade, by the Gold Mine. It'll be accompanied by the Dragon roundabout which is being relocated to that area, making space on the east side for the new flat ride.'Project G-Force', which is probably going to have a time machine theme, will be opening early next year, probably Feb-March. The coaster will follow around April, hopefully before Easter.
  6. Ok...The new ride(s) at Adventure Island for 2011. Well, early marketing drafts said 'three new rides', I'm not convinced there will be three but I think it's pretty likely there'll be two...'Project G-Force' is currently being constructed by the park's own workshop team and is a new unique ride, it's hard to explain what it's going to do - think along the lines of a Power Surge but not quite.There will probably be a new juvenile as well, no idea what or where from, but the park has been talking to a lot of manufacturers. If the third ride happens, expect it to be something pretty big. I've a feeling whatever the big one may be will be saved for 2012 though.Of course, there's going to be regular updates over at The Adventure Island Guide, and as soon as anything is confirmed by the park it'll be on there.
  7. Or rather than going to Ride Guide you could go to Adventure Island Guide and get the pictures there, first, before they get copied over :)The holes in the ground were made after the Mini Mega left. The ride itself doesn't have footers and is on a baseframe, however the frame will probably be bolted to the roof of the new arcade. The holes will strengthen the structure of the new arcade, it has to be pretty strong cos it's gonna have quite a heavy load of steel on top...The ride track is currently at Sonacase ARM being refurbished, the train and some electrical and structural elements have stayed at Adventure Island and are in storage in the Rage area.It's due to go back up in February with the potential of opening for Feb half term.
  8. Loads from Adventure Island...BarnstormerDragonDragon's ClawFireball ride control (gate/platform control is separate)Flying JumbosGreen ScreamJumping Jolly RogersJungle ExpressMagic MonstersOver The HillRage dispatch consoleRage main consoleRamba ZambaSky DropTidal WaveViking BoatsVortex
  9. I presume the rebuild will be done during the quiet period after the Easter holidays are over. The current chain and cars are being used on the new build, so it can't be tested until the old one has come down, and the park obviously won't want it to close during the holidays.
  10. There's an evacuation platform that can be positioned next to the car on the lift tower, the restraints can be opened two at a time and guests are then harnessed and move across the car on to the platform. I've seen it done on Rage, but not particularly high up. Quite interesting to watch though.But obviously the preference is to get the lift restarted and if an evac is needed, to do it from a brake run where it's much easier.
  11. The car isn't pulled back in as such, it's gently rolled in. The train stops at the block in front of the station, then the fins need to be lowered in order for it to roll into onload, which doesn't happen very quickly because it's only a slight incline.
  12. While the post above is entirely off topic, it's worth adding that they also rode Rage, and Rage was deemed better
  13. If it didn't happen, it was a story invented by several members of staff across various areas of the park.
  14. It's not really a refurb because it's an entirely new version being built, but it is a like for like replacement.
  15. Look at it from a general public point of view - Rides that are advertised as opening should be open. They go on the trip expecting everything listed to be open, that's not thinking positively, it's just thinking normally. The weather is a non-argument, if Phantasialand can get everything open in -15 degrees, and everything at Alton ran fine as advertised yesterday, so should Thorpe be able to handle it. Very poor show from TP.
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