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Daniel W

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Everything posted by Daniel W

  1. Nice good day at thorpe after my gcse.. not that busy.ride count:stealth x10samurai x1 (after dann arguing witht he staff that they shut the cue line 1min early)siat x3depth charge x1rumba rapids x1loggers leap x2slammer x1rush x1Colossus x2 (both front)vortex x1x:/nwodetenator testing today
  2. detenator was testing today.
  3. slammer has new music, crap though.
  4. Thursday:good day quite funny as well as we waited for a bus at 7 and waited for an hour and relised their wasnt going to be one so we was kinda stranded so we ran to staines! long.... got home at 10.30ride count:detenator x2stealth x3rush x2slammer x1samurai x1quantum x1inferno x1mr m banana boat x1jungle safari x1x:/ x1saturday:too packed.... tidal cue line for coming out the cue lol, but in the morning got on a few rides then I had to buy fast track cause it was to busy so I bought extreme, tidal and stealth.ride count:inferno x1rumba rapids x1stealth x3loggers x3samurai x1Colossus x1tidal x1 rush x2
  5. Went today got to the park at 9.20, me and dann met up with joe and his mate but we ended up going are separate ways... rode detenator 3 times in 10 minutes then went over stealth were it was testing but kept failing that launches, spoke to dan, sam, james in stealth photos and hung around their for hours as everything was breaking down: depth charge, xnwo, stealth, inferno, Colossus and properly more that we didnt know about... massive ques for everything. Stealth opened at around 1ish then inferno Colossus x depth charge opened later on... rode stealth 3 times for a rollback... never got it. Very slow at the top though. Got bored went home at 4.ride count:detenator x3stealth x3
  6. I'm not talking bout inferno, I'm talking about depth charge, never seen any down time on it.
  7. Dont think I have ever seen that break down!?
  8. Daniel W


    yep footy - because I like football + woods - my last name = footywoods
  9. Daniel W


    Love football, pride passion everything. The world cup give you belief and the how country gets behind England and I love it, wouldnt be able to live without football.
  10. Daniel W


    best thing to do is wear shirts without long sleeves? unless your not allowed. Anyway ITS HALF TERM PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY.
  11. Daniel W

    Pepsi or Coke?

    completely forgot about that, hmmm I want some now but fanta fruit twist/ice lemon owns all.
  12. Daniel W


    Never watch football!? you have no life.
  13. Daniel W

    Pepsi or Coke?

    no coke is sexy! coke with cherry = heaven. Pepsi is just a meh drink.
  14. Went Sunday, seemed to be busy but every ride I went on I got straight on! only ride I had to wait for was a hour wait for stealth then at 25 minute wait both pole postion oh and a hour and a half que for Colossus but it did break down so I had to wait for that.Vortex x1samurai x1loggers leap x1slammer x2inferno x1detenator x1stealth x2 (both pole postion)Colossus x1rumba rapids x1rush x2
  15. cupids lockhold, listened to it so many times but yet I still love it.
  16. Daniel W


    Starts 1st of June cant wait. I heard they will lock half of the people outside and the others inside come rain or shine.
  17. Daniel W


    Already been sending him messages on msn, he just signed off lol, oh well there is always school on Tuesday
  18. Daniel W


  19. Erm when I was around 8ish we use to go on family vists to chessington and thorpe park around 2-3 times a year, started to love theme parks and then my dad said should we all get a annual pass when I was around 12 and we started to go alot was an annual pass holder till I was like 13 then didnt really go for some reason.... then just visted a few times in the year and now at the age of 15 I relised that I knew friends that all goes theme parks, which I never knew they did and that made me get a annual pass again and I am now at theme parks near enough one a weekend or more.
  20. So whats up with Samurai?
  21. Sunday arrived at the park at 1pm went straight to kfc *hungry!*, very busy day, inferno was coming out the queue line etc. good point was that everything was open! oh and someone threw up on the bus lol.ride count:samurai x2rush x3slammer x1quantum x1rumba x2flying fish x2
  22. I'm a crappy age of 15.
  23. Good day today, loads of fun and detonator opened for like the last 2 hours Slammer testing all day.ride count:samurai x3loggers leap x1stealth x3 (x1 pole postion)detonator x1rumba rapids x4rush x1pirates 4d x1 :DColossus x1vortex x1depth charge x1xnwo x1oh by the way their was no point in complaining the other day as seb said, most of that wasnt their fault plus I'm a annual pass holder so it doesnt matter.
  24. Same as me apart from I dont follow a religion.
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