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Status Updates posted by Phyciodes

  1. erm skeeen breh

  2. when are you at bare thorpe breh?

  3. u r such a wasteman! LOL

  4. oh your back I see

  5. HAHA! have you got facebook? :P

    Join his appreciation Society!!! Made by me =]

  6. In need of a bit of updating here xD

    2009: 00

  7. 58 on Saw xD?

    How many visits is that this year?

  8. erm blud... u best put me bk on ur friends list or I'll shank u init

  9. oh ok I am there. skeen

  10. erm blud... do u wanna shut up.

  11. Heya, how are you?

  12. yeh I'm good thanks. Oh god tell me about it! Sounds horrible! lol, I'll try it again when they re-open saw =]


    I think I may start a site like that. Only it'll be called- www.freewebs/shutyourmouthblud.co.uk

  14. you can be my first member :D

  15. hey, is that parkour or whatever it is in ur dp?

  16. heya mate quick tip for if Saws busy tuesday. Well it shouldnt be but if it is then you may want to join the SR queue for it in the morning because no1 knows about it then and youl get pretty much right on lol, and join the queue at the end of the day so your guaranteed your ride. Well thats if its busy, it could be walk on lol.

  17. erm blud. Do you want me to shank you?

  18. heya xD

    lol id text u back but am afraid I have no credit, and still have to top up. HAHA! lucky you bought a ticket! Mine didn't but there were about 100 ticket barriers to get through so I needed one. =p.

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