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Mad Coaster Man

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Everything posted by Mad Coaster Man

  1. Me and my mate jordan did once play cards on tidal wave. But then if the cards fell off the probably wouldn't hurt anyonehttp://s823.photobucket.com/albums/zz156/beefy806/?action=view&current=TidalWave.jpg
  2. Not at all a close shave but some guys refused to get off slammer and the whole crowd were shouting OFF OFF OFF OFF but they stillrefused to get off so security came along and chucked them out of the park.
  3. Or they could simply renew the contract.
  4. I think they look like those yip yaps out of sesame street or the muppets! http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.coolest-homemade-costumes.com/images/coolest-homemade-sesame-street-yip-yips-costume-21152842.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.coolest-homemade-costumes.com/coolest-homemade-sesame-street-yip-yips-costume.html&usg=__yT39mLOHMevQ8p-bMWKjG5uR_IM=&h=300&w=400&sz=25&hl=en&start=2&um=1&tbnid=IWiYqdb77heALM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dyip%2Byips%2Bsesame%2Bstreet%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1[/media][/img]
  5. It would have been good if you just listed all of the scenes because even I have trouble referring to some of these "scenes" which confuses everybody.
  6. On the actual saw page there is a video that starts playing when you go on it.It's quite catchy
  7. I know a person who is 14 and does food and drink
  8. I all ways buy doughnutssit on the end seat of samuraisit on the back row of slammer sprint full speed to Colossus and then get my breath back in the queuesing you spin me round on Colossus swing my legs madly on nemesisand pretend to be asleep for the photo on nemesis
  9. I agree it is good but I think it has had its day and now needs to go
  10. Now where did that idea come from?
  11. As far as I saw from testing today [yes it was testing at the ultimate thrill chill] the blades do spin. At least they did spin today!
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