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Mad Coaster Man

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Everything posted by Mad Coaster Man

  1. Mad Coaster Man


    Although some robots would be nice.
  2. Sorry, that came out wrong. I meant that a theme like DC that will not tire out would be better than one like Saw.
  3. I really do wish that thorpe could theme a ride (like Saw) but actually theme it with a constant existing theme rather than somthing that will tire out in a matter of years (like Six Flags with DC).
  4. Mad Coaster Man


    Wonder if this name change will come with a refit (not retheme as I cannot see them retheming the enitre ride, but rather refurbishing tired out queline props such as the robot behind the mirror).
  5. I think that we need to actually see the billboard before we can fully judge how it looks and whether it should/shouldn't have been installed.
  6. On TowersTimes, the general opinion is that there will be 14 inversions. Also the so called "Hydralic", tank is closer to a cesspit/septic waste tank than one used for hydraulics.
  7. Don't know if this was posted earlier but I found this hysterical Thorpe Park publicity stunt: http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/913081-thorpe-park-to-breathalyse-drunk-students-to-put-them-on-the-swarm Pretty funny.
  8. I thought that the maze was rather good but I sort of imagined it starting with you still in prison, with the "Dead Man Walking," style of approach. A bit like in this video from 5:20 onwards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtspntFlDP0.
  9. I honestly don't know what to say to this. Why don't we give up and close the thread. TPP seems paramount on not believing a word that we say.
  10. Not to start a conspiracy but I have a feeling that TTP and Chaz are the same person...
  11. No matter what you believe, I can assure you that there are at least the same amount of security staff. if not more. The park will be safe so long as you are sensible. As for chavs, they are normally dealt with well by security and rarely cause a major problem at fright nights. As we get closer to halloween the number of security increases by a fair bit and you should feel perfectly safe around the park.
  12. This whole storyline and ride reminds me of "Operation Mindcrime" by "Queensryche" Give it a listen:
  13. I can sort of imagine a scene in the passing where you'll be forced to walk between two chainlink style fences with actors rattling on the sides (With the assumption that you're on death row). Sort of like the opening to Batman Arkham City (if anyone else has played that).
  14. Curse has never really made sense to me, I understand the storyline but it just seems to be a series of dark corridoors with the occassional actor jumping out behind a door and then shutting it as quickly as possible.
  15. All that I can hope is that the new maze isn't just Saw Alive reopening for Fright Nights (hopefully this will be the last time it ever opens; it was awful).
  16. Having recently made a trip (or pilgrimage) to Alton Towers, I believe that a Sub Terra ride would fit the park perfectly. It wouldn't cost that much (in theme park terms) and would be a great addition to The Swarm (or Nemesis Inferno; We've found another egg). That said it looks like we could just be stuck with a snoozebox (which I won't visit because I live 3 minutes from the park).
  17. Does anyone know if you can buy individual Fast Track passes for rides or if you have to buy them in bundles as the website advertises?
  18. Banned for having a cat named after a bad rip off of fanta
  19. I genuinely think that if the park were to tighten rules on Rumba there would not be problems. The second one person is kicked out the park they'll most probably gossip about it on facebook. Their friends will quickly get the idea (assuming they have enough brain cells to process the infomation) that if they mess about they WILL be kicked out of the park.
  20. Anyone know when the ride will be closed to test fire effects?
  21. Banned for being an owl...
  22. You could design it so that anyone that leaves the boat (and therefore dies) floats through small body sized holes in the tunnels. Therefore the boat would continue it's journey and the bodies would float into an incenerator. No more Chavs!
  23. I also recieved a similar complaint via email. Can't they just install sentry guns to shoot all those who stand up or leave the boat. Now that would be offputting...
  24. Banned for not being a spacehopper with a face
  25. Yeah I did not expect a clear anwser but it was annoying as most of the girls with me and my sister were under 12
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