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About ZC2009

  • Birthday 04/18/1996

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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    New Romney
  • Interests
    Roller Coasters

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  1. Here you can post all your theories and ideas about Project LC12. I'll start off with my first idea.I think this roller coaster will be a new concept ride, probably manufactured by B&M. It will be situated on one of the new islands behind Stealth, and will be based around some sort of nuclear explosion or disaster. Picture this:You enter the queueline through a big doorway in a huge power station-like building. The queue would then weave through the building, with riders travelling along long creepy corridors. The boarding station is like the boiler or control room, where the riders board the train. The train would then travel through a short tour of the building, eventually starting to climb up a hill. The train then stops abrubtly, and a video is shown. The video is basically the engineers failing to control the process, and it all going horribly wrong. As the power station explodes, the train is launched up the remainder of the hill and out of the building. The track then flies around with various inversions and elements, resembling molten and bent metal from the explosion. The ride ends with the train coming to a halt in an undestroyed, saved part of the building, and riders exiting through an 'emergency exit tunnel'. The empty train would then loop back round to pick up the next load of passengers.This is only an idea of what I would do with the ride, and I now invite you to suggest yours.
  2. Personally I am really excited about this. I know it's still a long way away, and it's not even confirmed yet, but it seems like a long time since Thorpe got a big new ride. I can't wait to see how this topic developes.
  3. I suppose, but for people who've never visited before, a decent map would certainly help.
  4. To be honest, I hate this new map. Personally, I think it's crap. The whole point of a park map is to show what rides are on offer, and how to get to them and around the park. It is supposed to be basic, clear and precise. Thorpe's new 2010 map is the complete opposite of what I have just mentioned! I know they're trying to introduce the new style and audience, but it's way too complicated, and just plain stupid.P.S. I'm sorry for being so harsh, but it's what I think! I'm sure many of you agree with me.
  5. ZC2009


    Now I think about it, I seem to remember reading somewhere that there were only two different coasters on the plan. The 1st coaster could go either in the 1st coaster space or the 3rd. The 2nd is going where it is. So basically one space planned is only an option space.I know it seems a bit complicated but it makes sense to me. I apoligise if it doesn't to you.
  6. This topic is here to discuss your conspiracy theories, and what you think is and isn't true. Here is a list of things to discuss:9/11 Terrorist AttacksIlluminati GroupMoon LandingJFK AssassinationPrincess Diana DeathArea 51etc.Hope this helps. Thanks. Zac.
  7. ZC2009


    I wear glasses, but I just take them off on all rides. That's since I left them on once on Detonator, and they just flew off. Luckily they literally floated in front of my face and I managed to catch them again. =]
  8. Now I've never been to the London Dungeons, but I'm hoping to go very soon. Is it actually any good?
  9. OMG! I'm really sorry! I must've missed it. Sorry about that.
  10. This is a topic to discuss what your own theme park would be like,and include, if you were to build one. I'll post mine later. Have fun!Cheers.
  11. Hi I'm Zac and I've been reading these forums for quite a while, but joined reasonably recently.I have been to Thorpe quite a few times and am hoping to go to Alton Towers this easter!
  12. tpkabz, are you sure it opens on August 1st? I was pretty certain it opens in Spring 2010.And yeh Monsterdan5 that is an awesome video!
  13. Everyone just pretend Chessington is yours to manage. And to prevent arguments, you might have unlimited money, no planning permission needed and unrealistic aspects. Basically, try not to shout at each other because their park is 'unrealistic', that is the point, it's yours. Cheers.I'll post mine later.
  14. Everyone just pretend Alton Towers is yours to manage. And to prevent arguments, you might have unlimited money, no planning permission needed and unrealistic aspects. Basically, try not to shout at each other because their park is 'unrealistic', that is the point, it's yours. Cheers.I'll post mine later.
  15. ZC2009

    Your Thorpe Park

    Yeh, about that. I wasn't really sure how many visitors-a-day they get on average. I was just guessing and I didn't want the park to get too busy.
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