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Everything posted by James6

  1. Really? , Did the old cars swing more/ give a better ride experience or was it simply because they looked better ?
  2. Well seeing as Chessington has only recently become my favourite/main park I don't really have many, apart from.When walking through the Rattlesnake que, must wait for the exploding shack thing to explode Only once though.Can't think of any more at the moment
  3. I've seen that type drop/lift combination before on RCT3 and thought it was just a sort of attempt of the Eurofighter, I can't believe it's really, especially as it really looks to bash along the track.
  4. That's fantastic! ;)Thanks for uploading
  5. Strange day yesterday Left the house thinking I'd be home at 7:30- 8:00, but I'll get to this later.I had a great day yesterday but as usual it wasn't down to the park, however the park was better than usual and I'd rate it "okay" for yesterday, maybe even " good" :PFirstly, we arrived, for 10 , seeing as it is showed on the website as opening at 10, opened at 9:30...But oh well.Can't remember the order of anything that happened but here's some key points.Lockers: These are unbelievable, At first , we thought they'd be refundable, I mean come on, it's a locker, you have to make various trips to them wherever you use them. But no, I think we must've spent like £3 just on a locker.Yesterday I had the privilege of having Ride Exit Pass' , 12 ( between 4 of us) to be exact, this was a gesture of goodwill from Thorpe Park because of my terrible day a few weeks ago, and I appreciated this very much, bit of a bummer though that they couldn't be used on Saw, but I can see why not.I got an unbelievable ride on Samurai yesterday, lasted ages and is the wildest/ most intense ride on it I've had in a while.Saw was running well, with most effects working I could remember , including the body. And yes it's great that the fountain on the body is working now , but it looks terrible. Rather than the stream's of water shooting up like before, it's like one of those little pond fountain's if you know what I mean and I just think it was a hell of a lot better the way they used to shoot up.Stealth, began the day unavailable but was running at 11 I think , and didn't see an issue since.Not many other key points, and I would do a better trip report I just can't remember , and I think if you carry on reading , you'll find out why!So Ride Count for ThorpeSawSlammerRushQuantumColossusSamuraiLoggers LeapNemesis Inferno x 2Rumba RapidsStealthA couple more I think.Also , the majority of area/ride music is now back , however there are still a hell of a lot of posters etc about Sun Scream.Oh , one more thing , the Refill drink things are actually quite good value which I've never realised before, at £3.99 if you have an annual pass.Ok , so we were planning on staying till closing ( 6) , but we were bored and had done everything we wanted by 4, and weren't prepared to que in 45 minute+ queue's At 4 , we were actually considering going to Chessington , even for the last hour, but we decided against it. We also considered The Dungeons but that needs pre-bookings and it closed at 5.30.So what did we decide to do , you ask ?We decided to drop off our car at a friends house and get the train into London and do the London Eye at night.Had I known how much travelling would be involved I would have objected. 40 minutes to my friend's house, 10 minutes to train station , 40 minutes on train , 20 minute walk and bam , your at the London eye.I'd only done the London Eye once before in the day so I was really looking forward to it, but the highlight of the WHOLE day was " The Merlin Entertainments London Eye 4D experience" I thought this was unbelievable, a completely free, 4d show. It lasts about 5 minutes but the effects are fantastic and it's the best addition Merlin have made including any park, anything. If your in London , and don't even want to go on the Eye, go and see this.So it was now about 8:45 and the Eye closed at 9 , so we hopped into our pod and went on our journey. Got some great pictures which I'll share later :PSo then after that, 20 minutes back to the train station , 40 minutes back to friends house, we were now 2 hours away rather than being 1 hour:10 mins away if we had stayed at Thorpe.I didn't get in till 1 , but still an unforgettable evening. I think next time I go on a trip with those people, I better take my passport!Pictures being added very soon.Edit: Here ya go Noone has this picture!These are still upMe "trying" to be artyStupid Samurai, ruining a good picture!Aww, beloved Quatum , actually it's being run on a really short setting at the moment, much shorter and less intense than ever in my opinion.The EyeAnd that it, hope you enjoyed.
  6. Thanks for clearing that up Paul Keep these entries coming guys
  7. Does anyone know what's wrong with it?And also, is this the first time it's been down this year?
  8. Oh my gosh, Bad few days for Chessington, First the power cuts, then Dragon's Fury goes down...And now, " The Vampire is currently unavailable" To be honest though, Any time I've ever been there I've seen 1 breakdown and that was for Rameses Revenge. Reliability is still fantastic.
  9. Personally I don't think that meets the criteria set. Without zooming or anything else I can only see one ride that's clearly in operation, and as the whole idea of this "Mission" () , is to get a picture of 2 rides in operation, I'm afraid it won't be counted. Of course feel free to edit your post and swap it to an appropriate picture though
  10. It's more than likely to be honest, at another park it could be possible. But I doubt Thorpe are going to stop the ride with a 2 hour que just to fix a couple of effects, however good they are , the majority of people won't notice them sadly and it won't affect there ride experience.
  11. Ah right ok, thanks.I also assume it has something to do with the minimum number of effects working?
  12. When I went, on the sign it was advertised as opening at 10, not 9.30. They told me it was because of additional maintenance or something like that, do they do maintenance on it everyday then?
  13. Article about Florida's new addition's in the SunFound this, Shows off the new additions to Florida brilliantly and I can't wait to go back, I think it's in 2 years time.Great video of Manta aswell
  14. Woops , forgot to mention.This weeks challenge to see if the amount of entries drastically increases, you do NOT have to be the person who took the picture as long as you credit whoever did, however I don't think this will carry on and the next challenge will more than likely be back to where you have to take the picture yourself.Sorry for not clearing that up.
  15. I'm not sure why the ride went, probably due to escalating maintenance costs or simply the park thought it would be a good way to reinforce the target audience they had changed to.I'm pretty sure though there isn't anything in it's place at the moment though.
  16. Welcome to the New-er Fresh-er Photo ChallengeChanges going to be made. ( With lots and lots of help from JoshC.4 , and also many thanks to Mark9 for Pinning the topic ) - Basically , thinking about it we didn't think you guys had enough time to vote or too take the picture or to find the picture or whatever it was that you guys took your time to do :)So now the way it's going to work:-Each Challenge will last 2 weeks-Then Voting time will last 2 days-You are from now on known as "Snappers" ;)Also, Looking back I can see how it's been a bit "bland/ generic " . Hopefully various subtle little differences will change this.Therefore I present to YOU the first Task.Double or Nothing2 operating rides. ( That's all the advice/ guidance you'll be getting from now on )Good Luck fellow SnappersDid I mention that Snappers who do not enter will be demoted from "Snapper" to... 'Boring Old Person Who Takes Pictures But Decides Not To Enter Them For Unknown Reasons Which Cannot Be Understood' Of course all feedback is appreciated good or terrible.Enjoy Closing date for you Snappers this week is 11/9/09Assume you have to have taken the picture unless otherwise stated.
  17. Will do , I must say I am surprised though. Surely if they've kept the queue and control box , why not just keep the ride? Is it still in storage or has it been sold off?
  18. Once again, Good ol' Wikipedia Is it true you can still see the queline and control box or that they are even still up?
  19. Ah thank you I shall be sending an e-mail very soon
  20. James6

    This Or That

    Mix of the 2 , but Holiday photos if I had to choose£5 in change or £5 note
  21. Here's an e-mail I've just recieved from The Merlin Annual Pass Team
  22. I am pretty sure there was one today, here's a quote from someone on Chessington's facebook page posted 6 hours ago.
  23. Gosh, I'm guessing there fixing the power problem's ?
  24. Ha , me too. From what I remember 6 years ago , it's actually not very busy if you go on the right day. Although that might have just been 6 years ago, oh how times have changed
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