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Everything posted by James6

  1. That's ridiculous, it's just to give them more leeway, the queue boards at Thorpe are always woefully unreliable and I find are more often than not completely inaccurate. I really think at all the Merlin parks, but more Thorpe, the system or a similar system to the one at Disney needs to be used. Every so often a member of staff at the entrance to the ride will hand a card to someone entering the queue, just before they ride they hand this to a member of staff in the station, they then scan it in and that figure is then advertised , maybe with 5/10 mins added to allow for delays etc.It works excellently and you can always trust that the queue is near enough to what is shown.Also I agree with Themeparkmad, 0-30 is not quiet. 30-60 is not average and 60+ should be extremely busy.
  2. Great pictures and great trip report.I agree with pretty much everything you've said about Alton really, Duel: Live is fantastic and Duel, like you say is pretty dire.Oblivion's hole looks nice and full of mist which is good :PThanks for uploading
  3. James6


    Oh my god , never ever had any clue that those effects were there, I wonder if there still installed, if so they should definitely be fixed! :PGreat find
  4. I agree it does looks brilliant but it is apparently quite rough because of the OTSR's ( Same one's as on Rita and Stealth)I do wish the same thought/creativity had been put into Stealth.
  5. James6

    This Or That

    hmm Snowboarding :)Football or Rugby
  6. Closing time is Midnight tonight!You then have until Sunday Evening to vote!Get your last minute entries in ;)To vote, you must send me a personal message with the name of the person you want to win this weeks mission :PGood luck
  7. From experience, Duel has a LOT more targets and there's also yellow ones which are worth more. ( 200 or 500 or something along those lines.)Also the ride isn't longer in terms of time but I think it is in terms of track, therefore you go through more targets at a faster pace. You do always seem to score a LOT more points on Duel, even saying that 90000+ is an amazing score
  8. Ha :PAs you say I can imagine flying through Transylvania and through the trees is a much better experiance when most of it's in the dark but either way I can't wait to ride it in the dark this year.In the queue you can notice how close it gets to the ground on the bit before the turn before the 2nd lift.
  9. If I remember rightly, on my first ride a few weeks after opening, the water was red.Here's a video on Thorpe's Facbook of SAW: The Ride.Saw Video on Thorpe's FacebookI think it's an amazing video and shows the ride off in the perfect way..Sorry if it's already been brought up.
  10. I didn't realise just how close the cars/ bottom wheel things got to the ground!Chessington FacebookAlso makes me think how awesome it's gonna be a Halloween Hocus Pocus :PVampire rocks
  11. Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up :PIs it/ has it ever been operated in manual or are ride op's not allowed to?
  12. Ah, yes actually that does make sense.Thanks for explaining, I didn't even think of that.
  13. Really? I checked before I went and couldn't find anything, thanks very much
  14. Oh my god , I've been on them! You don't actually get very wet, they are VERY fun :)As you say the water is extremely dirty, unlike Dragon Falls ( Had to make it on topic )The water being clean really does improve the whole appearance of the ride.
  15. Yes I do love how the water is clear :)It is so much nicer flowing round clear water than green water
  16. James6


    Your going to make this ?If I wasn't such a wuss that sounds amazing and extremely well thought out
  17. Yes that is exactly what happened during the Summer/ busy period, I think at quieter times of the year they only let Annual Pass holder through at the turnstiles until 10. And yes when ERT ends you carry about your way as usual, as Alton Towers is so big you usually get an extra 15 mins or so if your at Forbidden Valley for example, before the general public have caught up. ( 10 mins if they're a surprisngly fit bunch that day )
  18. To be honest, I agree, I would love to be able to ride at the back more often and if you think about it, it would make sense to put the disabled guests further forward in the train in the middle. As with most rides I assume the back gives the more intense ride and could cause a problem, very unlikely though.Edit: Fixed, thanks for pointing that out Paul, I don't see how that happened!
  19. That's what I figured, or there could be like an automatic return to the loading/ unloading position in the case of an E-Stop.
  20. It would be a nice gesture, but even if that was the reason Beanoland's closing date was changed, the majority of people affected by the power cuts wouldn't think, " Wow, thanks very much Chessington for keeping Beanoland open an extra few weeks , that makes up for everything"
  21. No problem, It's been quite refreshing thinking about the Towers and facts/tips again, I've surprised myself! Ha :)I'm just glad people have enjoyed them and it's helped people and I'm sure Keith feels the same
  22. Ol' Paul is correct :)I don't think there is, but is there/ did there used to be a manual control function on Rameses Revenge or Ripsaw or in fact any Top Spin?
  23. Nope not at all. Yes you are correct, £15 is ridiculous, a couple of seasons ago it was £7 which was worth it, annual pass holders should at least get money off. And have a great time
  24. I agree, it is dissapointing, even if you know it's not working, when you go over it and nothing happens. :)Hopefully it'll stay in operation longer than last time
  25. A great review of Colossus, and I agree with everything really, it's a great ride and one of my favourite'sIn need of a re-paint though. :)Also, Welcome to Mania Hub Forums
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