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Everything posted by James6

  1. Ha , Have a good time, try not to get too covered in custard!
  2. James6

    This Or That

    Depends what room but usually carpet :)Headphones or Speakers
  3. James6


    It is now confirmed it's an Intamin which is great news! :)It's also confirmed it is a Secret WeaponHere is a link to some pictures from ATASW6 UpdateI for one am very excited and not even the fact it's being reffered to as a "family coaster" is going to change that.I think it is likely just going to mean the ride is going to have a lower height restriction than the other "big" rides at Alton.
  4. James6


    Oooooh, the excitement begins! :)Thanks for the update!
  5. I may, hopefully, be able to attend, depends how good my persuading techniques are
  6. From the sounds of it, it's pretty normal, On Colossus it's weird at the bottom of the first drop I get a sort of starry white effect in front of my eyes for a few seconds.However I think I'm just weird, I get migraines after any exercise whatsoever, in fact that reminds me I'm going to hospital about that next week :PIt's really not anything serious to worry about, might be worth a mention to your doctor next time but I wouldn't make an appointment specially for it.There was a TV programme a while ago about roller coasters and it mentioned Black-outs and white-outs etc, What you are experiencing is almost definitely NOT a red out
  7. Basically from what I understand, the door in the octagon above and to the right of the door you go through to get to the Vault is where the bookcase lead to.I'm pretty sure that's it or very near to it ;)However it is quite possible you missed a few effects which make everything clear as from other people and personal experience, Hex has not been very well maintained this year with effects frequently not working. A new pre-show was also trialled and I don't know if it is still, which apparently was terrible and almost ruined the whole ride. In my opinion if everything is working, the best dark ride in the UK, If only there were more of them.Just ride The Amazing Adventures of Superman at IOA, better than anything else, coasters included.
  8. Ah right ok It isn't one that is usually listed as open for ERT, but it is often opened if for example another ride supposed to be open for ERT isn't or they do simply just open it
  9. Great report, thanks very much, to be honest I agree with pretty much everything.Air does feel like it's running faster/better than in previous years. ;)Also, Nemesis isn't part of ERT anymore so that is probably why it wasn't open for then :POne thing I think Alton Towers needs to do is invest in some much much better flats. A 30 year old Huss Enterprise, A 30 year old Huss pirate ship, A 20 year old Mack teacups, A 9 year old Chance inverter thing ( Which by the way is the sorriest excuse for a piece of metal ever made) and a 15 year old Huss top spin. Not great for " One of the worlds best resorts."
  10. Agreed, thanks for such an excellant detailed explanation of whats happening, I really can not wait!
  11. It once again comes down to the people attracted to Thorpe Park, Chavs. They think they are better than rules and theres not really much you can do to stop them being the way they are, completely self-minded and not a care in the world for anyone but themselves.
  12. On Slammer a few weeks ago, we had just started "Slamming" and an assault of coins dropped from in front towards me and my friend on the back row, could have been much worse if it had happened further on in the cycle. A few almost hit me in the eye/face. Worrying/annoying how people just don't think, Coins are a pretty obvious one I would have thought that you NEED to take out your pocket.
  13. Someone on another forum came up with a great idea, and that is if they install a sensor at the entrance which counts the number of people in the queue, calculate that along with throughputs etc and you've got a pretty accurate queue length measureing system, it could work a treat. Would require a little investment but nothing that wouldn't be worth it or would be over the top.
  14. The next "task" you Snappers are being set is:One Place One Picture:You have to get a picture of an area of a park, it can be any park but the focus has to be of one area. E.g. Beanoland.We all know Thorpe Doesn't really have area's anymore but we pretty much all know which the areas used to be, if in doubt share your picture and I'll give you the thumbs up/down ;)A rule change this week though is that YOU have to have taken the picture.Can't wait to see your guys entries, should be a great few weeks.This challenge is going to be almost 3 weeks so you've got loads of time. The reason for almost 3 weeks is that I'm always going to try and finish it on a Friday so you get the whole weekend for voting, it will also then coincide well for a "Halloween" themed one.Good luck Snappers!
  15. The winner this week is....JoshC.4! Excellent picture.Well done :PNew challenge will be announced shortly... prepare yourselves...
  16. James6

    This Or That

    TouchGlasses or Laser Eye Surgery
  17. James6

    This Or That

    Car race, Coaster or Flat
  18. It's happened to me before and it's annoying, the first 30 mins is the quietest of the day and you get on the most rides then than at any other time, for example, once on what turned out to be a very busy day I did Nemesis Inferno 5 times without getting out of that particular seat. Also if you were planning on heading for Saw first and beating the rush, you would be too late.
  19. James6

    This Or That

    Top GearSimpsons or Futurama
  20. James6

    This Or That

    I smell a leading question... :PEven so the Gorgeous Intelligent Meerkat wins hands down :PWarm Custard or Cold Custard
  21. It does though, it benefits them , the amount of times I enter a queue under the assumption its that advertised, and from experience about 75% of the time it's completely inaccurate, which I would guess would cause a lot of complaints, I think coming into this busy time of year there pretty much just insuring themselves really. However I do think this is going to cause even more complaints and I still don't get why Thorpe's queue times are always inaccurate when every other park in the world uses pretty much the same system but at least gets close enough. I'm not asking for up to the minute accuracy, just for it to be accurate enough where you know when entering a queue if your prepared to queue that long.
  22. That is absolutely ridiculous, it's Thorpe Park , stating the obvious much?I really can't believe this to be honest :PI do think something needed to be done about this, but this is just going to make it worse.
  23. Oh my god your right , And it's just nowhere near accurate enough, if it's 4:30 and you've got to be at the car park for 6 you could join a "Busy que" which is 60+ , I'm sorry but at Fright nights queue's are very often much more than 60+It's ridiculous just how inaccurate it is,If there using this strange ( to say the least) systemIt should be more;1- 0-152- 15-30 3- 30- 454- 45- 605- 60- 756- 75-907- 90-1058- 105-1209- 120+In which case you may aswell use the system in use before, that every single other park in the world uses, it's just another thing Thorpe can't seem to get right.I still think the answer is,
  24. Just to remind everyone voting has started!Get your votes in , voting time has been increased to 3 days and will close Monday evening!Vote vote vote
  25. Going to Chessington sometime over the next few Saturdays and definately planning at least one trip to Halloween Hocus Pocus, Will be the first time in 6 years so can't wait!
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