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Everything posted by James6

  1. This weeks Challenge will end at 9:30 tonight for the winner to be announced at 10.Therefore you can vote from 9:30 onwards! :)If you haven't entered yet, get your entries in quickly!
  2. I think I will be staying till park close, especially as with a Merlin Annual Pass, apparently you get unlimited use of the express pass que's for the last hour.
  3. On wednesday when the park reached full capacity this is what I saw at about 2 :)Samurai: 60 minsNemesis Inferno: 75 minsStealth:75Saw: 80Colossus: 60 ( I was surprised to, but on that day this was the fastest moving que, which was great ) Slammer: 20Quantum: 10Vortex: 30Detonator : 30Loggers Leap: 60Tidal Wave: 70Rumba Rapids: 50Zodiac: 20X:/ No Way Out: 50 Can't remember any more
  4. Ah, your very lucky That Park Count is pretty good, ha!And thanks Paul you too It's Chessington I'm sure you will
  5. James6

    This Or That

    Beano :)Simpsons or Futurama
  6. I've got Chessington trip on Sunday Can't wait, anyone know what it's been like on previous weekends? :)What about you lot?
  7. James6

    This Or That

    LegolandAlton Towers or Thorpe
  8. Agreed, the ride is fantastic in the dark, and A-kid, I completely agree about the white lights!
  9. Air at Alton Towers also has a few dotted around it's layout, there disconnected of course as it's not like it goes too fast is it. Air's 2nd unused trim BrakeYou can just about see it behind the support.Credit to Alton Towers Almanac
  10. James6


    I must say there weren't any seats missing yesterday.
  11. They wouldn't have started instantly as soon as the power came back on as they would have to be reset.
  12. Usually trim brake's are used to reduce the train's speed to reduce wear and tear, so can be for maintenance reasons aswell.
  13. Ah, yes good point , but then again , if they gave out fastrack's, it would make it a reason for most of them to come back, which Thorpe would, I thought , prefer.
  14. I agree, but even so , when it's over an hour past the time the park closes and the ride is frequently breaking down they should hand out fastrack's.
  15. Thanks very much , and it's a relief that the music is only for this month and all should be back to normal in september .And my friend was fine after being sick a couple of times,
  16. Thanks It was disappointing as I have been looking forward to it for a while and didn't exactly start this week off well.Some of the things I heard other people saying in the ques:Thorpe Park is rubbi****'s too busy, they let too many people inAlton Towers is so much betterWe won't ever come here againQuite a few others but can't remember :)So it's actually getting through to the general visitor's, If I didn't visit sort of regularly I would've been put off for life.
  17. Ok, after yesterday Thorpe Park has only dropped further down in my estimation, and If I have a choice in where future trips are to, It will be months before I even think about visiting Thorpe Park again. I haven't particularly enjoyed my past 3/4 trips.Upon arriving at the park, signs were out stating the park was full.... Great start, but I could deal with it as I've heard the park have been handling it quite well.Got in a went straight to Rush. Qued about an hour and something extremely annoying happened. Every few rides the op would do a long cycle ( 2/3 extra high swings) which really was just not fair for the 3/4 of people who would get a short ride with 3 high swings. But I could deal with it and got a great ride on Rush.To be fair to Thorpe, the ques were lower than I was expecting for it to be "at capacity". I was expecting 2 hour ques for everything but they must have reduced the maximum people they let in as ques when I entered at 1.30-2 were aboutStealth: 75 minsNemesis Inferno: 75Colossus: 60 or 80 can't rememberSaw: 70Rush: 60Vortex: 30Detonator: 30Loggers Leap : 60+Tidal Wave: 70+ ( Forgot to mention today was supposed to be the hottest day of the year so far from what I heard, great planning James...)So not absolutely huge ques, but today what I noticed that the majority of people weren't in the ques, but walking around, making the already small walkways very very crowded.Then headed round to see what the Saw que was like but decided we would do it last thing as it would have the longest que, there was a massive gathering around the exit for Saw with TV camera's etc and it was Katie Price ( Jordan) Yeah I know what you mean , I didn't know who she was till I saw her either. :(Throughout the day her and her mislead followers trundled round the park and the only other ride I saw her on was the Canada Creek Railway. Decided Colossus was the best option as surprisingly it had the shortest que. This is where the Say no to BO thing kicked in with signs scattered around at the entrance, on the console, and reminders cast over the queline. I was amazed with Colossus, I usually think of it as one of the slowest moving que's on park but yesterday the team was brilliant, with Nemesis Inferno type dispatching. I qued from further back than I ever had and it took one of the least amount's of time it ever had. 50 mins, and it was a Huge que, almost filled the whole thing.Next we qued for Stealth, experiencing the same , Say no to BO, warnings. Had a good ride ( Who read that dirty? Come on , own up ).Was now about 6 joined the Saw que with a 95 minute que thinking we'd get 2 rides as I was with someone who hadn't ever been on before but really wanted to.They have had to create a temporary que to hold the extra people's. I am pretty sure they were running it on 6 car op at this time , earlier cars were frequently flying over the top, now they wern't, the que was painfully slow which is irritating as I usually praise Saw as one of the fastest moving que's. The frequent smoking is so frustrating, I was there with a friend, behind us were for large men all smoking, now they have signs up in the Saw que to report people and "something will be done about it" . The "something that will be done about it" , is that they say one short message over the speakers, better than nothing but doesn't do anything. The guys behind me full-well knew they couldn't smoke but didn't care as all that happens is a message over the speakers, I personally believe that if someone's smoking they should be asked to put it out in person by a member of staff, if they refuse or do it again they should be removed from the que. Simple as.Because of the smoke my friend had developed a headache and felt sick, just one hour into the que and not even into the barbed wire part of the que.After another 45 minutes, we were just about to get out of the last of the Cris-cross bits where there are only straight bits of queing left, it broke down for about 25 minutes. It was then fixed and everything was fine and dandy, right? Wrong, it broke down again about 10 minute's later when I was almost in the building, at this point they were trying to get people to go over to Colossus which they were saying had no que and they were keeping it open for an extra 5 minutes for us. Well that's great, if your Usain Bolt, I was at the point in the Saw que of no return, too far in to get out, not far enough in to want to carry on queing. But I did anyway, I was the next one on and all the cars in the station came to a sudden stop, the lights came on and, you guessed it another break down. At this time my friend had left the que about 2 hours ago and had been sick twice in the toilets, I asked a ride assistant if I could have a fastrack for another day as I have a friend vomitting and desperate to get home, I am usually all praise for Merlin Staff but this woman was ridiculous. She then started ranting at me explaining it's "brand new state of the art technology" ( I may be missing something, but what exactly is state-of-the-art about it, from what I can see it's a pretty standard traditional roller coaster with a lift and a couple of brake sections )and when I joined the que I knew it would be 2 hours. I then politely corrected her saying that the advertised waiting time was 95 mintutes and that I've currently being queing double that. I also then probably shouldn't have said , no other parks have these sort of issues with there rides, I was now just too tired to argue and I know it's got nothing to do with her but what frustrates me is why they couldn't give out fastrack's for another day and plus her rudeness, they've done it before. The ride was now back up and running and it was pitch black, had one of the best rides I've had. :PWalking back to the entrance was a treat though, deserted but with all the Lost City rides illuminated by the Fright Night lights.Also throughout the day, quite a few break downs occurred. Samurai and obviously Saw, had major problems, I think Samurai was closed for over an hour. Colossus was also down at one point.You may be saying that's not that bad but I'm just really at the end of it with Thorpe.Ride CountRushSawColossusStealthIrritating thingsOne thing I hate about the park is the atmosphere, Now 56 or whatever is blaring through the speakers, we're at a theme park not a concert. It ruins any atmosphere but I guess it's what the chavs want.Next is that, Throughout the day, I saw more cars on Saw go round with 6 or 7 people in than I did going round with 8. Rides at Thorpe are desperate for SRQ'sRush had at least 2 , sometimes 4 , empty seats every ride.The smokingThe breakdownsThat is all for now If you've lasted this long, give yourself a pat on the back, now onto Piccies This is where I qued from for ColossusThe mob following Katie Price, the guy in white is in front of her , stupid guy... , she is tiny and orange...Colossus in all it's glory I don't think in any other park you would see anything so cheap and tacky to hold up a fence. No effort has been made whatsoever. I know it's not Thorpe fault it got broken but they could at least make a bit of an attempt at making it look presentable...SawColossus again...Lol :)What you've all been waiting for...Saw's one :PThere all in the style of the rides signs.Good idea, doesn't actually work that well.My phone sucks in the dark so from now on there gonna be terrible pics.This was the 4th time it stopped on the MCBR, I think it was about 8:45 here.You can see the extra que they've added here, sorry for the bad picturesThe Saw sign with lights behind Samurai cooling down after a hard day.Looking back towards the park.I really think I need to start cutting down my TR
  18. Ended up riding at about 9:15, entered the que at 6:15...Another 2 breakdown's were the cause, but it meant I got to ride Saw: The Ride in pitch black, with the park ahead deadly silent, with Fright Night lights on and no other ride running. :)Was brilliant and the best ride I've had on it.
  19. Just broken down again with a 50 minute wait still
  20. Been queing 95 minutes so far and its just had a major breakdown . Great way to end a terrible day at thorpe. Will correct this post later aswell as posting a trip report :-)
  21. Ha , whats so special about this lift ?
  22. Remember guys this weeks challenge will be ending Friday Evening.2 days left to get your entries in
  23. Ha , will definatley be trying to organise that sometime soon then
  24. I bet it does I assume it sort of gives the feeling of "escaping" as advertised
  25. The only parts of the resort I've experienced is the water park and obviously the theme park. I've looked into staying at the hotels before but there's not really any additional benefits such as ERT as I already have a Merlin Annual Pass. It turned out much cheaper to stay at a B&B a few minutes away. :PI would still love to one day though
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