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Everything posted by rollerross11

  1. Oh also 2 tall drills to allow the footers to be erected and submerged into the ground. I think I took a picture on Storm Surge ill have a look. Oh and I'm not sure if mentioned LC =Land Compensation or similar. I believe
  2. That happened to us we were stuck there for a good 3 mins and I was telling everyone to just wait until the next boat came otherwise getting up would be more dangerous etc. It was rather funny
  3. That happened to us we were stuck there for a good 3 mins and I was telling everyone to just wait until the next boat came otherwise getting up would be more dangerous etc. It was rather funny
  4. Whats left I need to produce a 3d model for my portfolio so I think heres an opportunity
  5. rollerross11

    Lady GaGa

    Well I got mine from work mehh! as I saw them on sunday night putting out the point of sales display and so I used my amazing 10% sainsburys discount (really not that amazing I saved 99p) and got the standard edition for £8 then bought all the extended tracks on itunes yay !! I love the album literally was singing Heavy Metal Lover in my Maths exam haha! OMGAGA! XD
  6. If this was facebook a big like would come from me, It's so true
  7. Walked into John Terry at work and crahsed a roller into him by accident Oops :S and met Taylor Swifts Parents at the O2 before attacking her in the crowd!
  8. I seem to have forgotten about confirming that I am going but I am haven't been to a meet in ages due to work I can't wait
  9. what I dont get is if their "Friends" up front were good "Mates" then maybe the should go back and goin them I mean that makes more sense but no we live in a world full of idiots!
  10. Possibly I might be able to have you over. Asks parents tomorrow!! I live in Esher/Walton On thames so its a 20mins drive! Ill see As I can ATTEND this one for once.
  11. The ones that just have no clue about anything, "eurrgh is this a roller coaster?" standing in the queue for Rush, or "Oh right I hear its well unsafe like some guy died on Colossus and it stopped upside down!" Ohh and I totally love queue jumpers, Chav: "I'm just getting my friend."Me: "well get them to come to you!"Chav: "Nahh mate I just went to the toilet."Me: "Then why didnt you go before you went in the queue"Chav: "well its because I'm allowed to go to the toilet when ever I wont like you know what I mean?!"Me: "Ermm No, It can lead to you getting chucked out now is it really worth it." (Looks)Eventally friends come and wait for him to join up.Me: (whispers) "Now wasn't that easy. (sniggers)"Oh I'm embarresed to be apart of the british public sometimes.
  12. 1. Have bed themed roller coaster car with a track to take me to college, free transport and woundn't have to get out of bed. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS :blush:2. To have a never ending roll of money and never have to do a job.3. To have endless knowledge or to read minds! can't decide
  13. You’re right I have been to loads of parks, yes some are better e.g. Europa Park and Universal. However Thorpe is way above Six Flags and many other parks all they have mainly are "Car Park coasters", my parents complain about the lack of theming in Six Flags compared to Thorpe. Also with the ruin down theme if it’s a one they can do best and also is more market appealing to Teenagers than I don’t know fantasy castles and Space (which has been overdone) then Thorpe are clearly going to use the more market appelaing, there a business you know there appealing to the mass not niche (some of us).
  14. Ok yeah, I meant the ride experience is mentioned as not being the same without theming and therefore making the main parts of the theming cruitical to the rides apperance and on ride experience, sorry I was tired couldnt phrase it correctly. Hopefully that makes more sense?
  15. They mention theming is the key element to the ride in the plans; they hype up the theming so much its almost like the theming is more important than the ride.
  16. why are all the trips sundays, I bloody work 9-5 then.
  17. I went last year in July however twice in 3 weeks its amazing how busierit got over a 2 week time period, I went once busy but livable got all rides done in Universal and went again at night to IOA. However the second week was 3 hour queues and we just went on water rides to keep cool. So Septemeber would be best as May to August is busy and hot!
  18. Rotating seats arnt as amazng as you think and will probabaly effect the layout dramatically it would be less complex due to the forces pulled off when rotating, trust me I have been on X2 and its a rush of fun but very forceful and therefore height and speed and elements will be thought through more than no rotation.
  19. I'm very excited, I think it could be awesome if they used similar theming to Terminator Salvation which is now called Apocolaypse, and maybe flame effects like X2.
  20. Yay which sainsburys,I work at Sainsbury's so yay
  21. rollerross11


    I havent had a dream in 4 months its depressing and by this I mean I must have forgotten, as you always dream apparently.But the last one I had was about a final destination moment and I saw me drop everything on the train, next day all happened and my friend fell out the door from laughing.
  22. It's all our opinions and we don't need people to bitch about them, So what if you find SAW better than MM but what matters is that it gets ticket sales well that's all Thorpe Park care about :S , I know this is fan club forum but I don't understand how people can be fans if u hate what the park do! LOL anyway do you think most people who have been on SAW have been on MM!!
  23. last year I made this topic last year I did a home horror attraction called CarnEvil.heres the weird video,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI3gnjG7BOY
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