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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Well that's a little *unanswerable* since one is a discussion board and one is just a compiled list of pages for reference.
  2. Good, I want that entire "Fun" section blocked from my view.
  3. Why would it be awkward? Are we too weird/geeky to be seen by you and your friends?
  4. Awh, enough with these silly quizzes already. eugh, they make the forums look untidy. Weren't the team moderating new topics before theyre posted?
  5. Most of the time you are still required to dress smartly, although having said that, I was asked to dress casually.If it states Smart, then wear something like a Suit. Formal ofc.
  6. Well the question you asked was written in the sense that you were thinking of applying this year.
  7. How do you intend on getting to work then? Flying? Stupid Question. They're still open, infact a new position has been added for a Landscape Host, if any of you are interested in Gardening.
  8. What you were sent was a Generic Rejection Email. You are right in asking them for a reason. They will usually call you, HR Manager usually and pull up your file.
  9. Fair point then. My Paultons Knowledge is obviously not up to scratch.Would be a shame to see it go, as it is one of my cousins favour rides, they both love it! xDWouldnt want to disappoint the Young'uns now
  10. I love how all of Paultons new rides are disliked by the council and asked to be removed. But this is by far the funniest thing ive seen, cant even defend themselves. But, on the contrary, I will still show my support, as it is a decent Ride.
  11. StevenVig


    It's an iPod Touch, just Stretched and Enlarged. Its the same price as an iPhone for the Model with WiFi + 3G. What does that tell us now?
  12. StevenVig


    I'm a little annoyed with Legoland.My Invitation Pack was sent to me in December, I sent back the reply the same day I received the pack. Over a month later from that day, I get the call saying that all 3 Departments I chose are now FULL! What a Joke! Its not like I sent it back last minute, I gave them plenty of time and notice!The only 2 Departments that were left were Food & Beverage and Environmental Services. I did of course choose F&B. The Good News is, I wont be cooking! I cant cook anyway.The bad news is, well, its yet ANOTHER commercial department. I see a pattern emerging.I'm extremely peeved off with Lego, really am! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  13. StevenVig


    Ha, I've known about this video since it was uploaded. Only now was an ideal moment to post it. Hush your gums! Your still slim!
  14. Yeah the blame is split between School, Myself and South West Trains. SWT Being the most dominant of the three though
  15. StevenVig


    Double Post, ahh, noo. Sorry!http://www.youtube.com/user/james5644#p/u/28/MFnICK0uc5QNO! said Sebastian.
  16. 45 minutes tbh. And I did end up getting the job in the end! :angry:But yes, dont reconstruct what happened to me. Even though it was South West Trains Fault.
  17. StevenVig


    Haha! Awesome.Wonder why he's just standing there!?
  18. You may be right Dan93, the procedure may have been tweaked this year. However, this is how the recruitment process was for me in 2009. So I am just going on that really.
  19. Technically, thats PicSolve Merchandise
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