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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Jesus, that must have eaten up alot of time to write!
  2. StevenVig


    what if, this is a load of nonsense?
  3. They will call back, it sounds like someone has a job
  4. You cant call HR, they're phone lines dont accept incoming calls. They will call you tomorrow or the day after.
  5. StevenVig


    No I dont, it was for Returning StaffBut when you are one of the first people to send back your Reply to the Invitation Pack, leaving a good 2.5 months notice. Surely that shouldn't pose a problem?No, It seems I have "left it a little late" I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE TO SEND IT BACK! Its not like I haven't given them enough notice about where I wanna work, and then for them to make absolutely NO contact, leaving it for ME to call THEM.Its a ****ing joke.
  6. I'm Still a maybe, I know there's one other member on here who's definitely attending.I will perhaps see anyone who's attending there. :(Anyone that's going, meet up outside the Dungeons at 6pm, Good? Okay? Brilliant, that's sorted
  7. StevenVig


    If a company has asked you to work for them during their 2010 season, don't you think its only right that they don't play you around, and that they actually confirm that you have a job. Rather then tell you that it may not be possible any more?
  8. What a hilarious sight that is though!
  9. StevenVig


    Snow has been randomly blowing around like a few leaves. It's not snowing, its like as if theyre just tiny bits of paper flying in the air. v. odd
  10. StevenVig


    Upgrading will not affect your personal files. Only System Files.
  11. You went to Blizzard Beach!? When I visited Orlando, our flight was delayed by 8 Hours, so we missed an entire day of our Holiday. Thus, our trip to Blizzard Beach had to be cancelled. It was either Blizzard Beach or a Disney Park. I wasn't missing out on any of the Major Parks. xD
  12. StevenVig


    My Primary Operating System is Mac OS X, I was only on there to play a PC Game. Before anyone criticises Macs, I do admit that Macs are not the most ideal system when it comes to Gaming, as alot of Games lack compatibility with them. I used to use WIndows Vista Home Premium on my Bootcamp Partition, and after rolling back to XP, I could not be any happier. Vista and 7 are both just a pain in the as*I personally find XP a much neater OS to work on.
  13. StevenVig


    My Facebook has literally just changed. It looks messy.
  14. StevenVig


    All I've achieved is building up a friendship. However, destroying my family in the process.
  15. It is absolutely critical that you do not stop Smiling and Laughing. Trust me, it works!
  16. Why you posted this in the Jobs topic is beyond me.I think the Saw: Alive Topic would be best suited for your question.
  17. Yeah I know, but you have to start somewhere! xDAlso if I got the ones off that specific auction, I'd have to install 2 new Drivers as one speaker is missing two.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-Bose-802-PA-Speakers_W0QQitemZ190369238569QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL?hash=item2c52e40e29#ht_500wt_1182My Birthdays coming people!
  19. Yep thats why it's not charging most probably. It doesnt like your Model/It's Dodgey.
  20. Is it an official Apple Charger? Where did you Purchase it from?If it's not an Apple Charger, then that's most likely your problem, as your model may not be supported, or it could just generally be dodgey.If it is official, then it may be faulty? I dont think it would be your battery, but that could be a symptom.
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